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Day & Night Art Project

“Day” by Mrs. Larson

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Think of something you like to do during the day.

“I like to go for walks and see all the pretty things in nature.”

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Gather your art supplies to draw the thing you like to do during the day.

You need a piece of paper (yellow if you have it) and pastels or crayons.

My yellow paper and oil pastels

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Begin drawing your pictures.

Think BIG. Try to use all the space on your page.

With pastels, if you turn it on its side and rub, you get a cool looking texture.

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Now add detail to your picture.

Try using shapes and patterns instead of drawing all the details.

I used pattern dots to make flowers.

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Here comes the fun part if you are using pastels.

Try rubbing the pastel and see what happens.

My picture isn’t perfect, but it is fun to try new things and play with colors and shapes.

Be brave and try something new today.

Can you see all the different textures and colors? Can you see what happened when some of the colors mixed?