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Bad Presentation Examples

Sundstrom Period 3

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Healthy food masquerading as junk food

Ppl can eat the healthy fuud that tastes really guud

You can have diabtes and not know about it,

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KAlling all Diabetics:

Verapamil is the drug 4 U! Dawg, it heals u! Like dude you can totally get rid of your sugar problems with a pop of the pill. It makes your blood and oxygen appreciate. Like man, you work like the devil 24/7 and what do you get in exchange? InSuLin ResIstAnCE??!!?! Beats by Heart are just bad. Like homie, you deserve better. Verapamil is actually for the pressure of the blood, but like it actually makes life good. Dab on that diabetes. Like Rudolph about to be jelly about that diabetes reverse. Reverse, reverse! Cha Cha real smooth… ba pa ba pa ba pa ba. Verapamil reduces some techno protein TXNIP which has butchered insulin like an author with your favorite book characters. Its embryonic stem cell-based and implanted under the skin. The cells sense things. Call my work number.


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Insulin Pump Without A Tube!

  • Called an Omnipod
  • Insulet’s would go directly in body!
  • Syncs with a wireless controller!! Would deliver up to THREE days worth of insulin
  • Patch style allows discreet wearing xD

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BTW: Many people ARE looking for an easier way to place insulin in their bloodstream without the use of injections, which can take too much time, or pumps, which oftentimes malfunction. We believe that the best thing for diabetics is something simple amd easy to eat. Our answer: insulin pills. Easy to eat, foolproof.

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  • A piill
  • tO modify
  • The bEta cel ls
  • So that insuliin is created to
  • Pill with nanobots are sent to analyze the receptor and then a the pill is created specifically for that patients receptor

Popin Pills

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gOOgLe CoNtAcT LenSES aiM To AsSiSt DiAbeTiCS bY mEASuRInG GLuCoSe In TeArS! An ExTrEmElY smAlL SenSOr WilL Be EmbEDdEd BetwEeN TwO SofT CoNTacT LENSES! a sMaLL HoLE iN ThE CoNtACtS WilL AlLoW MOIStUrE In thE eYES tO COme IN CoNTaCt WiTh THe sENsOR! THe DaTa COLleCtED bY THE sENsOR wILl bE WiReLeSsLy tRaNSfErReD tO A mOBile DeVIcE tHAt wiLL MOniTOr GLuCoSE LEvElS!

tHiS InNoVaTIoN Is A VeRy GoOd ANd pAiNLEsS SUbStiTUtE fOr FinGeR-sTiCK GLuCoSE tEsTinG!

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Artificial Pancreas


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iSuLIn pUmp bOiSssSss

ARUSH TYPE HERE KK insulin pumo this handweitingisannoying - Insulin is Used to help administer insulin to help administer enough insulin depending on the amount of glucose they ate.

-Do not go go longer than one to two hours without insulin

-Monitor your blood glucose every 3 to 4 hours

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PaNCrEas TrAnSpLaNt

A pancreas translplant a A well working pancreas is put into the patient which gives them automatic insulin production and blood glucose monitoring ability.

  • 91% success rate
  • The old pancrease is not removed
  • The new pancrease is attached to abdomen, blood vessels, bladder, and intestines.
  • The patient is assessed for their health before the operation

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Artificial Bodies

artificial bodies will improve the lives of diabetiks bicuz they will sufer if they continoo to live. Diabetiks have many short term and long turm complikashuns, so getting a new body is the best option for these peepul. science shows that artificial bodies are reliable and work good for everyone and will make them happy bicuz that is all that matters in this world. peepul need to be happy. if they are always in pain they cant be happy and everyone will die. smart people say that this if fact and everyone should use artificial bodies even if they r ugly. All u need 2 due is bye a artificial bodie for 50$ and just jump in it when u r done with ur bodie.

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Insulin pumps

People with diabetes type 1 need insulin pumped in their bodies. They need more insulin in their bodies otherwise the cells won’t get enough energy they need the two cures as of now for type 1 diabetes is checking hemoglobin a1c and pumping insulin into the body

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iF U have diabets & donut have insuling ( :((((( ) (we are sowwy for you) you can now have�Insulinthrough your nose!!!!! �It is a pill that you crush with you’re bare fists and then sniff

Steps to take::

pUt It iN yOuR NoSe!!!!!

And then BrEatHe ThroUgH YUR NosE :)


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ArTifiCial PanCreas ;DDDDDDDDDD

  • Automaticlly monitirs your blood Glucose
  • So it releases
              • Insulin on its own!

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Ear Pill Fixes Your Hearing Loss by: Surya Marimuthu


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DONT FEED UR CAT THE PIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PUT IT IN UR EAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Causes death in extreme


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iT mAY cAUSe dEAtH in eXtREme CAsEs

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Insulin Pump

This pump will address the high blood sugar and immediately give insulin

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Pig Pancreas Transplant


Xenotransplantation: Harveest organs from animals to hoomaaans.


PIG Pancreas In HOOMan


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