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Web Software Development

Lecture 7 – 7.12.2023

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  • Web Security Basics
  • Deployment and Docker
  • Other Frameworks and Languages
  • Requesting Credits
  • Next?

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Web Security Basics

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Web Security Basics

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Web Security Basics

  • Web applications are constantly under attack�

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Web Security Basics

  • Web applications are constantly under attack�

E.g. a study from University of Maryland with four servers – an attack on average every 39 seconds.

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Web Security Basics

  • Web applications are constantly under attack�
  • Breaches happen through social engineering and flaws in applications�

E.g. a study from University of Maryland with four servers – an attack on average every 39 seconds.

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Web Security Basics

  • Web applications are constantly under attack�
  • Breaches happen through social engineering and flaws in applications�

E.g. a study from University of Maryland with four servers – an attack on average every 39 seconds.

E.g. Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report – 74% of breaches involve the human element.

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Web Security Basics

  • Web applications are constantly under attack�
  • Breaches happen through social engineering and flaws in applications�
  • Need to secure web applications, infrastructure, and data, but need also awareness of web security

E.g. a study from University of Maryland with four servers – an attack on average every 39 seconds.

E.g. Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report – 74% of breaches involve the human element.

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Web Security Basics

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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org

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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org
  • OWASP maintains a “Top 10” list of flaws – https://owasp.org/Top10/ – curated from data and community survey.

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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org
  • OWASP maintains a “Top 10” list of flaws – https://owasp.org/Top10/ – curated from data and community survey.

Broken Access Control

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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org
  • OWASP maintains a “Top 10” list of flaws – https://owasp.org/Top10/ – curated from data and community survey.

Broken Access Control

Cryptographic Failures

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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org
  • OWASP maintains a “Top 10” list of flaws – https://owasp.org/Top10/ – curated from data and community survey.

Broken Access Control

Cryptographic Failures


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Web Security Basics

  • Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) a great location to start with – https://owasp.org
  • OWASP maintains a “Top 10” list of flaws – https://owasp.org/Top10/ – curated from data and community survey.

Broken Access Control

Cryptographic Failures


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Injection demo: A buggy application.

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Deployment and Docker

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Deployment and Docker

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Deployment and Docker

  • We’ve been running the client-side functionality and the server-side functionality separately from each other using Docker Compose.�

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Deployment and Docker

  • We’ve been running the client-side functionality and the server-side functionality separately from each other using Docker Compose.�
  • Could deploy them on separate servers, but could also bundle them together.�

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Deployment and Docker

  • We’ve been running the client-side functionality and the server-side functionality separately from each other using Docker Compose.�
  • Could deploy them on separate servers, but could also bundle them together.�
  • Here’s where Docker’s multi-stage builds are useful.

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

  • Multi-stage builds allow using multiple FROM-statements in Docker (i.e., using multiple images in the Dockerfile).�

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

  • Multi-stage builds allow using multiple FROM-statements in Docker (i.e., using multiple images in the Dockerfile).�
  • Each stage – or step –would be built using a specific image.�

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

  • Multi-stage builds allow using multiple FROM-statements in Docker (i.e., using multiple images in the Dockerfile).�
  • Each stage – or step –would be built using a specific image.�
  • Final stage would (or, could) copy specific parts from earlier stages to the final image. �

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

  • Multi-stage builds allow using multiple FROM-statements in Docker (i.e., using multiple images in the Dockerfile).�
  • Each stage – or step –would be built using a specific image.�
  • Final stage would (or, could) copy specific parts from earlier stages to the final image. �
  • With this, we can e.g. build the client-side functionality as static content and serve it from the server.

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Example Dockerfile

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

FROM node:21-alpine AS client �WORKDIR /app �COPY ui/ .�RUN npm install�RUN npm run build ��FROM denoland/deno:alpine-1.37.0 �WORKDIR /app �COPY api/ . �RUN deno cache app-run.js �COPY --from=client /app/build /app/staticCMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=static", "app-run.js"]

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

FROM node:21-alpine AS client �WORKDIR /app �COPY ui/ .�RUN npm install�RUN npm run build ��FROM denoland/deno:alpine-1.37.0 �WORKDIR /app �COPY api/ . �RUN deno cache app-run.js �COPY --from=client /app/build /app/static�CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=static", "app-run.js"]

Build client-side functionality.

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

FROM node:21-alpine AS client �WORKDIR /app �COPY ui/ .�RUN npm install�RUN npm run build ��FROM denoland/deno:alpine-1.37.0 �WORKDIR /app �COPY api/ . �RUN deno cache app-run.js �COPY --from=client /app/build /app/static�CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=static", "app-run.js"]

Build client-side functionality.

Build and define server-side functionality.

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Multi-stage builds with Docker

FROM node:21-alpine AS client �WORKDIR /app �COPY ui/ .�RUN npm install�RUN npm run build ��FROM denoland/deno:alpine-1.37.0 �WORKDIR /app �COPY api/ . �RUN deno cache app-run.js �COPY --from=client /app/build /app/static�CMD ["run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=static", "app-run.js"]

Build client-side functionality.

Build and define server-side functionality.

Copy specific contents from the client-side image the server image.

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Multi-stage build demo

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Note! This requires creating the client-side functionality so that it can be served as a static site.

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Note! This requires creating the client-side functionality so that it can be served as a static site.

Like we’ve done in the course :D

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Deployment with Docker?

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Deployment with Docker?

Most online platforms provide the possibility to deploy a Docker image.

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Deployment with Docker?

Most online platforms provide the possibility to deploy a Docker image.

Demo with Render.

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A brief note on continuous integration and continuous deployment.

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Other Frameworks and Languages

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Other Frameworks and Languages

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.�

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot
    • Python and FastAPI

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot
    • Python and FastAPI
    • NodeJS and Express�

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot
    • Python and FastAPI
    • NodeJS and Express
    • …�

There is no single correct choice.

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot
    • Python and FastAPI
    • NodeJS and Express
    • …�
  • Larger web applications consist of multiple parts, each often built with a specific programming language and a specific framework.�

There is no single correct choice.

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Other Frameworks and Languages

  • A plethora of web frameworks and languages to choose from.
    • Java and Spring Boot
    • Python and FastAPI
    • NodeJS and Express
    • …�
  • Larger web applications consist of multiple parts, each often built with a specific programming language and a specific framework.�

There is no single correct choice.

The teams responsible for each specific part picks the technologies that they believe best work for that part.

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Example: Our course platform

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Requesting Credits

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Requesting Credits

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Requesting Credits

  • Chapter “Requesting Credits” shows your overall progress.

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Requesting Credits

  • Chapter “Requesting Credits” shows your overall progress.�
  • Once over 75% and content with the grade, fill in the form in MyCourses for requesting grading. Use the form for the new course version.�

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Requesting Credits

  • Chapter “Requesting Credits” shows your overall progress.�
  • Once over 75% and content with the grade, fill in the form in MyCourses for requesting grading. Use the form for the new course version.�
  • You can request grading until the end of 31st of December – after that, you need to sign up to the course version for the Spring 2024.

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What’s next?

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What’s next?

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What’s next?

  • Want to learn more about building web applications?�– Take the Full Stack Open (organized by the University of Helsinki)�

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What’s next?

  • Want to learn more about building web applications?�– Take the Full Stack Open (organized by the University of Helsinki)�
  • Want to learn more about building scalable web applications?�– Take Designing and Building Scalable Web Applications (CS-E4770)�

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What’s next?

  • Want to learn more about building web applications?�– Take the Full Stack Open (organized by the University of Helsinki)�
  • Want to learn more about building scalable web applications?�– Take Designing and Building Scalable Web Applications (CS-E4770)�

Will be updated �~April 2024.

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What’s next?

  • Want to learn more about building web applications?�– Take the Full Stack Open (organized by the University of Helsinki)�
  • Want to learn more about building scalable web applications?�– Take Designing and Building Scalable Web Applications (CS-E4770)�
  • Want to learn more about building applications that �work on a variety of devices? �– Take Device-Agnostic Design (CS-E4270)

Will be updated �~April 2024.

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What’s next?

  • Want to learn more about building web applications?�– Take the Full Stack Open (organized by the University of Helsinki)�
  • Want to learn more about building scalable web applications?�– Take Designing and Building Scalable Web Applications (CS-E4770)�
  • Want to learn more about building applications that �work on a variety of devices? �– Take Device-Agnostic Design (CS-E4270)

Will be updated �~April 2024.

Will also update the new version of CS-C3170 in the Spring of 2024 based on feedback.

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Think of the course as a whole. Which one aspect of it would you wish to keep?

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Think of the course as a whole. Which one aspect of it would you wish to keep?

Think of the course as a whole. Which aspect of it would you wish to change?

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Final words – DALL·E 3

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Final words – DALL·E 3

Q: Hi! Could you summarize contemporary web development in one image?������������

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Final words – DALL·E 3

Q: Hi! Could you summarize contemporary web development in one image?��A: .. The image captures various elements central to modern web development, such as a laptop with a web design interface, cloud computing, automation tools, responsive designs on mobile devices, snippets of coding languages, cybersecurity, and icons for popular web technologies.

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Final words – DALL·E 3

Q: Hi! Could you summarize contemporary web development in one image?��A: .. The image captures various elements central to modern web development, such as a laptop with a web design interface, cloud computing, automation tools, responsive designs on mobile devices, snippets of coding languages, cybersecurity, and icons for popular web technologies.

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Final words – DALL·E 3

Q: Hi! Could you summarize contemporary web development in one image?��A: .. The image captures various elements central to modern web development, such as a laptop with a web design interface, cloud computing, automation tools, responsive designs on mobile devices, snippets of coding languages, cybersecurity, and icons for popular web technologies.

��Oh well, thanks for joining in and happy holidays!