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  • Work on your products
  • Update your Venn diagram
  • Conclusion Questions

Homework - All of 2.3.1 due tomorrow (product, Venn diagram, CQ)

Career journals - 2 biomedical prof. From 2.3.1 - due Wed. Note - TA’s prep lab

Warm-up: Discuss with your neighbor:

EQ1 - What are several ways the life of someone with diabetes is impacted by the disorder?

What’s A1C testing?

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Career Journals - pick 2

Dietitian or Nutritionist



Primary Care Physician


Psychologist or Psychiatrist

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Agenda 11/19

  • Exchange products before you turn in
  • Share Venn diagrams and concl. q
  • Begin activity 2.3.2 - write EQ from next slide
    • As a class: Students take out the Activity 2.1.1 Medical History Resource Sheet and review Anna’s initial symptoms before her diagnosis.
    • read the three scenarios from Anna’s life with diabetes.
  • Goal is to get through #2

Homework -

Career journals(pick from the list of 6 in 2.3.1) checked tomorrow

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Essential Questions

2. How do the terms hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia relate to diabetes?

3. What might happen to cells that are exposed to high concentrations of sugar?

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Agenda 11/20

Goal of experiment: Match the serum samples with each of Anna’s scenarios understanding that Blood glucose concentration affects osmosis, the movement of water in and out of body cells.

Brief procedure review:

  • How to work with dialysis tubing
  • Only take 100 ml of your assigned serum
  • MUST HAVE PRE AND POST MASSES BY END OF TODAY - ideally 20 minute run
  • While you are waiting during the 20 minutes, make data tables and go back and do steps 3-7 (we read articles together) then as a group figure out step 8 (see next slide)

Homework -

This year - each group runs one assigned serum

Check career journals

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#8 - What do you predict

  • Blood glucose concentration affects osmosis, the movement of water in and out of body cells.
  • Predict whether blood serum is hypoglycemic/hypotonic, hyperglycemic/hypertonic, or isotonic

Scenario 1?

Scenario 2?

Scenario 3?

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Alternate Agenda 2017

Goal of experiment: Match the serum samples with each of Anna’s scenarios understanding that Blood glucose concentration affects osmosis, the movement of water in and out of body cells.

Brief procedure review:

  • How to work with dialysis tubing
  • Be sure all 3 baggies (“cells”) go in for the same amount of time so can directly compare results (MUST HAVE PRE AND POST MASSES BY END OF TODAY) - ideally 20 minute run
  • While you are waiting during the 20 minutes, make data tables and go back and do steps 3-7 (we read articles together) then as a group figure out step 8 (see next slide)

Homework -

These are directions for each group running all 3 samples - need a full or block period for this

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1. Diabetes affects the overall health of the individual as well as aspects of daily life.

2. 3. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can cause significant complications in many human body systems.

4. Scientists need to make sure that what they present is accurate and is communicated in a way that keeps interest and focus.

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Agenda 11/21

  • We look at #21 and go over #34 formula
  • Once you’ve done calculations and are through #36, we go over #36
  • #38 requires you to fill in 2.1.1 Medical History
  • #40 - research insulin pumps
  • CQ

Homework - Finish 2.3.2 - all CQ done

Show video - Start halfway of diabetic crisis in cat

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Essential Questions

4. How do Type I and Type II diabetes differ?

5. What are the current treatments for Type I and Type II diabetes?

6. What is the importance of checking blood sugar levels for a diabetic?

7. How can an insulin pump help a diabetic?

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Agenda 11/22

  • Start 2.3.3 Complications of Diabetes - research in pairs - I will assign you a complication
  • Before end of period - Pairs present their complication using pictures on the doc cam or computer - everyone adds to small body organizer
  • Homework: None!

Have a great Thanksgiving Break!!!

QUIZ THURSDAY after break

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Removed this to give a day back

  • I draw a life-size body outline
  • By end of class, you should have your organs put on body