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Unit 8

Create Task

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To do: March 3 - Which response is a valid purpose?

Explain why.

The purpose of the program is to entertain the user as well to teach certain objects that are related to the topic.

For my create performance task I chose to create a questionnaire where questions are asked at random to the user and they are promoted to answer it.

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To do: March 3 - Which response is a valid purpose?

Sample J: The purpose of the program is to entertain the user as well to teach certain objects that are related to the topic.

Sample I: For my create performance task I chose to create a questionnaire where questions are asked at random to the user and they are promoted to answer it.

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To do: March 3 - Which response is a valid purpose?

Sample J: The purpose of the program is to entertain the user as well to teach certain objects that are related to the topic.

Sample I: For my create performance task I chose to create a questionnaire where questions are asked at random to the user and they are promoted to answer it.

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For 3b v:

3b v: Explains how the selected list manages complexity in your program code by explaining why your program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if you did not use the list.

What are 2 things you need to remember to include when responding to this written prompt?

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For 3b v:

Explains how the selected list manages complexity in your program code by explaining why your program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if you did not use the list.

Which samples listed on the College Board exam page earned points for row 3?

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For 3b v:

Explains how the selected list manages complexity in your program code by explaining why your program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if you did not use the list.

Which samples listed on the College Board exam page earned points for row 3? A, B, C, I

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Today's warm-up - goFormative

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Go over homework:

  • Complete Create project organizer handout and submit to Hub
  • Submit a screencast video file of your Practice Create Task program running to the Hub.
    • Your video must demonstrate your program running, including: Input to your program, at least one aspect of the functionality of your program, output produced by your program

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Create Task written responses - open in Hub

You will complete:

  • 3A, 3B in Hub

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  • goFormative - Create Task - Written responses 3A,B
  • Written responses 3A,B in Hub

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To do: March 4 - Warm-up #1

Take out your Create Task rubric.

Which rows will evaluate your written response 3C?

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To do: March 4 - Warm-up #1

Take out your Create Task rubric.

Which rows will evaluate your written response 3C?

rows 4,5 and row 6 will refer to image of function definition.

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Warm-up #2

Open up in the Hub - Written response 3C

Both in part iii and iv, you are asked to write about your function definition.

What is the difference between part iii and part iv?

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Warm-up #2

What is the difference between part iii and part iv?

part iii asks you to write about WHAT the procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.

part iv asks you to write about HOW the procedure works - how did you implement the algorithm?

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Warm-up #3

Why are you asked to submit TWO different images of your student-developed procedure?

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Warm-up #3

Why are you asked to submit TWO different images of your student-developed procedure?

The first code segment shows the function definition.

The second code segment shows where the function is called in your program.

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  • goFormative - Create Task - Written responses 3C
  • Create Task - Written response 3C in Hub

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To do: March 7

Which row(s) in the Create Task rubric will you automatically not earn points for if you do not use a parameter for your selected procedure (function definition) in 3C and 3D?

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To do: March 7

Which row(s) in the Create Task rubric will you automatically not earn points for if you do not use a parameter for your selected procedure (function definition) in 3C and 3D?

rows 4 and 6

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Sample: video

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Warm-up #2 - does this response describe purpose - yes or no?

The overall purpose of the program is to display the user some specific information on female legislators based on the category - Female Senate Democrats or State - they choose.

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Warm-up #2 - does this response describe purpose - yes or no?

The overall purpose of the program is to display the user some specific information on female legislators based on the category - Female Senate Democrats or State - they choose.

NO - they described functionality - 0 pts for row 1

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Warm-up #3 - Selected procedure - does it contain a parameter, sequencing, iteration and selection?

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Warm-up #3 - Selected procedure - does it contain parameter, selection, iteration and selection? YES

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Describes 2 calls: i) housevssenate("Arizona") ii) housevssenate("Delaware")

Which condition is tested that results in different segment of code to execute? written responses

Warm-up #4

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Describes 2 calls: i) housevssenate("Arizona") ii) housevssenate("Delaware")

Which condition is tested that results in different segment of code to execute? written responses

Warm-up #4

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Tasks for today

  • goFormative - Create Task - Written responses 3D
  • Create Task - Written response 3D in Hub

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  • goFormative - Create Task - Written responses 3D
  • Create Task - Written response 3D in Hub