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High traffic pledge collection

Turning each Democrat into a vote amplifier!


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Our session goals

  • Vote tripling at high-traffic locations, and why we think it’s effective
  • Know how to effectively engage voters: the vote tripling conversation, best practices and goals
  • Understand how to track and report data
  • Getting set up at a location and other details
  • Understand how to pick high traffic locations


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What is HTPC, and why it is effective

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HTPC is relational organizing at scale

  • People are the best at getting their friends to vote
  • HTPC puts you where Democrats are and helps you reach more supporters per conversation!
  • If one pledger reaches out to three friends, they 3x their impact with a simple text!



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High traffic pledge collection


Hey Albert - it’s Alfredo helping elect Democrats! Election Day is tomorrow, can you remind Nia, Gabriella, and Darrien to vote right now?

Thanks for the reminder! I just texted them right now!! :)

  • Pledge in person

2. Reminder over SMS


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How to approach voters and what to say

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Your goal is to get Democrats to fill out a pledge card with the names of three friends!



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Sample script

“Hello! My name is ___, I’m volunteering with {{ORGANIZATION NAME}}. Can I steal a minute of your time?

wait for response Thanks! We’re out here trying to get more Democrats to vote, and know your friends are more likely to listen to you than a stranger like me.

Who are three people you can count on you to remind to vote?turn clipboard toward them or complete card for them


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Overcoming a no and common hesitations


All my friends vote” or “I already remind my friends to vote

Research shows people overestimate friends’ voting habits. Share an anecdote. (ex: “You know what,I thought so too! But then I reminded my {{friend, family, etc}} and they’d forgotten! We all have that one forgetful person who can benefit from a reminder.

I can’t think of who to remind

“Most voters remind family members, neighbors, or co-workers. Who’s that one person you know that does everything last minute?”

Doesn’t want to share names

“I totally understand! We don’t do anything with this data. You can use initials or nicknames as long as you know who you’re reminding.”


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Rewards for pledging go a long way

Give candy or stickers (some goofy, some straightforward) to voters who pledge to remind 3 of their friends to vote

You can offer all sticker options or just the one you feel is working best — use your discretion. (Tip: put them on your shirt, as a menu!)

Leverage them as the nudge to get voters to fill out a pledge card!




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Let’s give it a try! Take turns giving the pitch (five minutes)



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Script for practice

“Hello! My name is ___, I’m volunteering with {{ORGANIZATION NAME}}. Can I steal a minute of your time?

wait for response Thanks! We’re out here trying to get more Democrats to vote, and know your friends are more likely to listen to you than a stranger like me.

Who are three people you can count on you to remind to vote?turn clipboard toward them or complete card for them


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Welcome back! How’d that feel?



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Best practices for HTPC

  • Approach everyone - you never know who will say yes
  • Nail the greeting - be friendly, approachable, don’t give them an opt out
  • Make a hard ask - be assumptive!
  • Make sure the voter completes the pledge card - use incentives or rewards

Avoid phrases like: “Would you be interested?” or “Could you possibly?”



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What to expect during a 3-hr shift




people will share three friends’ names

We know that

25 - 40%

will take the pledge to remind three friends, and

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What to expect during a 3-hr shift




people will say yes and 6 will share 3 friends’ names

If you talk to


people at a high traffic location

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The HTPC card and tracking your results

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Collecting pledge cards


Sample pledge card

Complete pledge card

Make sure that they provide as much information as they feel comfortable with giving.

Make sure this info is legible! Without it, we can’t send them a personalized, timely reminder!


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Leverage your materials

  • Match their energy!
    • Try to hand them the card or offer to complete it for them if they seem to be in a rush�
  • The easier you make it, the more likely they are to fill it out



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NOTE: If data isn’t reported correctly, the campaign can’t send reminder texts and can’t help Democrats win!



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Tracking data to maximize impact

Besides pledge cards, you should:

  • Fill out the data sheet in real time (after each interaction)
  • Input cumulative data into the data reporting form when your shift is complete

This data is crucial to evaluating the program’s effectiveness.


*You may have a reporting form that looks something like this


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The data sheet explained

Yes (signed pledge card)

  • The number of people you pitched and agreed to fill out a card
  • Includes:
    • people who say yes but do not fill out pledge card, and
    • people who do not give the names of their friends on pledge cards (they will get a generic reminder)


  • The number of people that you gave the pitch to and said no
  • Does not include people who ignored you



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How to choose a high traffic location

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HTPC recommended locations

  • Civic institutions (e.g. libraries, courthouses, and DMVs)
  • Public universities (e.g. state schools and community colleges)
  • Busy street intersections with local shops (e.g. near food trucks, farmer’s markets, bookstores, etc.)

We encourage scouting locations early, and don’t be afraid to move if you location is yielding less than six pledges per hour.

  • Use Google Maps (busy area) features to evaluate relative foot traffic at a location


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Day-of checklist for volunteers

  • Fully charged cell phone
  • Pledge cards
  • Clipboards & pens
  • Printed materials for clipboard (one pagers): script/best practices, data sheet, partisan signage
  • Stickers or candy in containers for each pair of volunteers
  • Additional gear for weather if necessary (hat, sunblock, poncho, umbrella)
  • Good attitude! We’re get folks out to vote for Democrats - this should be fun!


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Key takeaways

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Key takeaways

  • HTPC is very effective at turning out Democratic voters and their networks
  • Make sure to pitch to Democrats, nail the greeting, use a hard ask, and ensure that pledge cards are completed after each interaction
  • Use materials and personal examples to your advantage, be persistent and personable
  • Data is key - always make sure to record their contact information & their friends’ names
  • Every pledge is a win - even if the numbers seem small, they are powerful


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Questions &
