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Hybrid Learning - Week 1

August 23rd - August 26th

Beginning the Year Study

Bauder Early Childhood

Michele Weihrauch

Penny Solano

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Day off #1

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The Welcome Song

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Snack Time - Learning Math while eating snack

Snack time can be a great time to work on some early learning concepts. We will give you daily simple snack ideas to make with your child.

What you need: Pretzels, crackers, cereal, fruit or anything that your child eats

  • Line up the snack
  • Count the snack
  • Put snack into groups
  • Sort the snack

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Seesaw Activity # 1

Create Your Own Germ - Today we want you to design your own germ hands.

  • Click on the picture of the finger pointing (next to the pencil on the bottom of the page).
  • Click and drag the germ pictures to decorate the picture of the hands
  • Or use the marker tool to draw your own germs!

Have your child log into the Seesaw app or website to complete

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Art Time - Rainbow Writing

Write your child’s name in the middle of a piece of paper.

Have them trace it with different colors then decorate the page.

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Literacy Time - Online Game

This week we will get used to using the website www.starfall.com

We will be using this website at school and home. It uses basic mouse skills with eye tracking, fine motor and click/drag concepts. There is an app for using on your ipad and tablet if you would like to download it.

Start by having your child play with different letters. Do 3-5 letters.

  • The letters in their name.

  • The first letter of each family member’s name.

  • The first letter of your pet’s name.

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Math Time

Find a toy (hot wheels cars, dinosaurs, Lego’s, dolls, stuffed

animals, any toy that you have multiples of)

Have the kids line them up in a line, count them and put into groups that are the same (long, red, big, t-rex, firetruck, etc)

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Song - Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

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Read Aloud - The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

Click play button to listen to the book

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Day Off #2

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Movement Time - Yoga


From Standing Forward Bend, step back to your hands and feet in an upside-down V shape, with your buttocks up in the air, and pretend to create a triangle shape. Say, “I’m a triangle!”


Drop your knees gently on the floor and come to an all-fours position with your fingers spread out and palms flat on the ground. Ensure that your back and neck are in a straight but neutral position. Your shoulders should be over your wrists, and your hips should be over your knees while the tops of your feet are flat on the ground. Pretend to create a square shape with your body. Say, “I’m a square!”


From Downward-Facing Dog Pose, come forward to balance on your palms and on your bent toes, in a plank position. Keep your arms straight and your back long and flat. Imagine that you are creating a rectangle shape with your body. Say, “I’m a rectangle!”

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Snack Time

Create a sculpture using different snacks. Use your imagination to create a tree, animal, sun, rainbow, or anything that you want.

  • Use different kinds of fruit.
  • Use different kinds of crackers.
  • Use cheese, peanut butter, or yogurt.

Let your creativity run wild.

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Seesaw Activity #2

My favorite things at school.

  • Tap the add button.
  • Tap the pen. Circle the pictures that are things you liked at school this year.
  • Tap the microphone and explain what you did
  • Tap the check to add to your journal.

Have your child log into the Seesaw app or website to complete

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Science Time

Hand washing/Germ experiment:

Fill a bowl with water and them add a fair amount of glitter or pepper place dish soap on your child’s finger a have them place that finger in the bowl and watch as the pepper/glitter or “germs”run away.

(Pepper/Glitter will move to the outside of the bowl away from the finger with the soap) It is so important to wash our hands. Go Away Germs!

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Literacy Time - E-Books

Read the book on wearing a mask to keep everyone safe.

Click on the blue link

Who Wears Masks?

You will need to click the speaker on each page to hear the story

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Math Time - Online Game

Help give each dog the same amount of treats.

Click and drag the treats to the dog’s nose then blow the whistle when ready.

Click the blue link to play.

Fair Shares

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Song - If You’re Happy Song

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Read Aloud - The Kissing Hand Focus on Feelings

Click play button to listen to the book

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That is an example of the Hybrid Learning Format

Thank you for all your hard work getting setup for any remote learning that we do this school year. The format will always be the same, just click from the slides and it will go to that website then back to the slides. No wandering around online. The extra apps and websites are for families that want to do more at home learning, so help yourself.

Next week, we are all together Monday through Thursday so there will only be optional Seesaw activities posted for families. Music starts on Tuesday and Ms. Karmen will be in-person for that special fun filled time.

Morning Class: 8:40-11:25 Afternoon Class: 11:58-3:25