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Knowledge Organiser 9 : Algorithms

  • Flowcharts, Pseudocode and OCR Reference Language


A method of representing the sequences of steps in an algorithm in the form of a diagram. Sometimes called a Flow diagram

Structure Diagram

A diagram showing a top-down breakdown of a complex problem


A text based alternative of representing the sequences of steps in an algorithm. Pseudo-code can be thought of as a simplified form of programming code.

OCR Reference Language

You must be able to read this but you can always use Python in your exams—but be precise

  • Computational Thinking


The process of removing unnecessary details and including only the relevant details.It is a method of computational thinking that focusses on what is important in problem solving


The process of breaking a complex problem down into smaller more manageable parts. Dealing with many different stages of a problem at once is much more difficult than breaking a problem down into a number of smaller problems and solving each, one at time.

Advantages of Program Decomposition

  • Makes problems easier to solve. Different people can work on different parts of a problem at the same time…
  • …reducing development time.
  • Program components developed in one program can easily be used in other programs

Algorithmic Thinking

A way of getting to a solution by identifying the individual steps needed. By creating a set of rules, an algorithm that is followed precisely, leads to an answer. Algorithmic thinking allows solutions to be automated.

  • Input Processes and Output


  • Anything which needs to be supplied to the program so it can meet its goals.
  • Often input by the user.
  • Consider an appropriate variable name and data type for the input.


  • Consider what calculations need to be performed while the program is running.
  • Does data need to change formats or data types


  • Consider what your program need to output.
  • Consider what form this output need to take.
  • Consider an appropriate variable name and data type for any output
  • Structure Diagrams
  • Structure diagrams illustrate problem decomposition.
  • They can be used for developers to understand a problem to code and to share with users during systems analysis.
  • They are produced using a method known as step-wise refinement.
  • Break problem down using decomposition into ever smaller components.
  • Some areas of the program will needed breaking down more than others.
  • The lowest level nodes should achieve a single task.
  • These can then be coded as a single module or sub-program.
  • Types of Errors

Syntax Error

Syntax errors are errors which break the grammatical rules of the programming language. They stop it from being run/translated

Logic Errors

Logic errors are errors which produce unexpected output. On their own they won’t stop the program running

  • Trace Tables
  • A vital skill for understanding program flow and testing the accuracy of an algorithm for logic is called “Tracing Execution”.
  • Examine a printed extract of program code and running thorough the program.
  • Take each line at a time and write out in a trace table the current state of each variable. Noting down any output the program produces.
  • Each variable present in the program should have its own column in the trace table.
  • A new row should be added under any column if the state of a variable changes.
  • Trace tables are an excellent way to track down logic errors in a problem.