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The Quiz App Challenge

The Notional Machine and Debugging

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The “Notional Machine” (aka what the computer does)

A conceptual model, framework, or schema for computing

  • The computer does things one at time in sequence and it does them order
  • In app programming, we have events and event handlers
  • Computers hold states and programs modify the state.
  • Programs can choose to go down different paths depending on state: aka conditionals

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  • Sequence

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2. Events and Event Handlers

  • Events are generated when something happens
  • Event handlers which receive events and then run their sequential code
  • Event handlers are set up when program launches and then persist in the background


  • What happens if an event occurs and there is no handler for it?
  • What happens if there is an event handler but nothing to generate an event for it?

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Activity: Sequence and Events

  • Sketch an App or wireframe a quiz app with (Draw the elements)

    • Three questions
    • Three answers for each question
    • Choosing any answer moves to another screen with three answers
    • Repeat for this for two more screens

  • Build the app

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Easiest and also very general/powerful way to debug is to insert print statements at various points in the program

This lets you know that the computer’s execution has reached this point

Activity: insert output statements in your program to print a message when a button is pressed or a screen is changed (console.log)

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3. State

Computers hold state and programs modify the state.

What is state?

It’s the configuration of things in the computer

Examples of state:

  • Position and size of an image (“properties”)
  • Name of the image filename in a UI Image
  • Object Value of the text in a text field
  • Which screen is showing (All these things are elements)
  • Variables

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  • Especially designed for holding information
  • Can be numbers or text (or more complicated things - e.g. lists)

For our quiz app, we’ll use a variable to hold the number of correct answers

Activity: Extend your quiz app to keep track of number of correct answers.

  • Add a line of code to the button that has the right answer which adds one to the score variable (“increments”) before moving to the next screen.
  • Show debug statements print out state - e.g. the value of our variable

Stuck? Click here!

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4. Conditionals

Programs can go down different paths depending on state: aka conditionals

Example: interpreting your score with conditionals


Make your final screen shows your result with conditionals, displaying a message like:

Perfect score!

Very close!

Please study more!

Stuck? Click here!

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A model or conceptual framework (the notional machine) that you can use to understand the computer


Events (and event handlers)


Conditionals (making decisions based on state)

A useful tool: print statements; console.log

Once you feel comfortable, you can share this concept with your students. When debugging, keep this framework in mind.