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RSA 2: Attacks

Johnny Pesavento

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Follow along at tiny.cc/tjcsc.

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normal message (plaintext)




public exponent


public modulus


private key

public key

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  • n = pq
  • tot(n) = λ(n) = lcm(p - 1, q - 1)
  • Choose e ∋ 1 < e < λ(n) and gcd(e, λ(n)) = 1
  • Choose d ∋ (de) % λ(n) = 1
  • c = me % n
  • m = cd % n

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In theory, m can only be retrieved from c when d is known.

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In reality, this is not true.

There are several ways to exploit improper RSA techniques.

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Weak n attack (factor n)

  • The basic security principle behind RSA is that the public cannot know p and q, which are used to compute d
  • If n is small, it can easily be factored into p and q, exposing d

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Weak n attack (factor n)

  • Secure n values have several hundred digits
  • Numbers in the 200 digit range take several years to factor
  • Quantum computers will be able to do this in seconds
  • https://factordb.com

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RSA factoring challenge

  • In 1991, RSA released several n values and challenged people to factor them
  • A 240 digit number released then was only factored 9 days ago (12/2/19), many still remain unfactored

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RSA factoring challenge

  • In 1991, RSA released several n values and challenged people to factor them
  • A 240 digit number released then was only factored 9 days ago (12/2/19), many still remain unfactored

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Another vulnerability occurs when a small public exponent is used.

The most common example: e = 3.

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Recall c = me mod n. If n is greater than me, then me = c because mod n does nothing. Therefore, m = c .


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  • This attack is called Hastad’s
  • 3rd root can be taken easily
  • 65537th root cannot

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picoCTF example problem:

N: 374159235470172130988938196520880526947952521620932362050308663243595788308583992120881359365258949723819911758198013202644666489247987314025169670926273213367237020188587742716017314320191350666762541039238241984934473188656610615918474673963331992408750047451253205158436452814354564283003696666945950908549197175404580533132142111356931324330631843602412540295482841975783884766801266552337129105407869020730226041538750535628619717708838029286366761470986056335230171148734027536820544543251801093230809186222940806718221638845816521738601843083746103374974120575519418797642878012234163709518203946599836959811

e: 3

ciphertext (c): 2205316413931134031046440767620541984801091216351222789180967130585669043554866325905770867150377611820746759815247778516899403229047066700396787852388511389893043279713280998235746440322483431305358901578692935378439077796777060321410661

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e seems small enough, we can try eth root

e: 3

ciphertext (c): 2205316413931134031046440767620541984801091216351222789180967130585669043554866325905770867150377611820746759815247778516899403229047066700396787852388511389893043279713280998235746440322483431305358901578692935378439077796777060321410661

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Use a script to compute the root

e: 3

ciphertext (c): 2205316413931134031046440767620541984801091216351222789180967130585669043554866325905770867150377611820746759815247778516899403229047066700396787852388511389893043279713280998235746440322483431305358901578692935378439077796777060321410661

c: 13016382529449106065839070830454998857466392684017754632233814825405652260960637




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Prevention strategies

  • use padding: add filler characters to make m long enough to that me > n

  • use a larger public exponent: e = 65537 may cause slightly slower encryption and use more resources but it is safer

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What if me is larger than n? Does that make it completely safe?

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No. An attacker can still recover m if the same message is encrypted and sent e times with e relatively prime different n values.

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Let’s say e = 3.

You are able to recover three different c values encrypted with three relatively prime n values that you also know.

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What we know

  • e (3)
  • First transmission: c1 and n1
  • Second transmission: c2 and n2
  • Third transmission: c3 and n3

We want to recover m using this information.

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c1 = m3 mod n1

c2 = m3 mod n2

c3 = m3 mod n3

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Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT):

c = m3 (mod n1n2n3)

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We know m is less than n1, n2, and n3. Therefore, m3 < n1n2n3 and we can use the cube root strategy!

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Final CRT equation:

m = c mod n1n2n3


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Prevention strategies

  • Change m if you need to send it more than one time

  • Just use a larger e value

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Small d attacks

  • Wiener’s: if q < p < 2q and d < 1/3n0.25, then d can be efficiently estimated using continued fractions
  • Boneh Durfee: similar to Hastad’s, works when d < n1/4

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Factoring attacks

  • Elliptic-curve factoring: best when n is less than 60 digits
  • Mersenne primes factoring (primes with form 2k - 1, efficient but common)
  • Londahl’s: p and q are close (close to square root of n)

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  • Popular python script that automatically determines the best attack given RSA components
  • https://github.com/Ganapati/RsaCtfTool
  • Usage: RsaCtfTool.py -n n -e e --uncipher c

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Our winter competition has begun

  • https://csc-ctf.sites.tjhsst.edu
  • Must sign up with @tjhsst.edu email
  • Prizes for 1st-3rd place
  • Sign up for our party next week now on ION so you don’t miss out
  • Competition participation is required if you want pizza
  • Competition ends at 2:25PM next Wednesday (12/18/19)
  • Practice lecture problems are at https://tiny.cc/tjcsc