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My Embarrassing Story

By Aaron

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A few years ago… something really embarrassing happened to me when my family was flying back to America.

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My wife, my baby daughter and I were in the airport in Tokyo and we had just finished the security check.

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My wife and I were very worried to forget something, because we had many bags for the baby and for ourselves.

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As I was putting on my shoes and belt, I told my wife, I would take the baby if she took the baby bag.

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After the security check, there was a long escalator to the next part of the airport.

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As we were just arriving at the top of the escalator, I found out we had forgotten the baby bag!

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There was no escalator to go back down, so I just dropped all my bags and ran down it!

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I know I looked like a crazy person, because everyone was staring at me.

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The security guard looked at me, and pointed to the elevator with a smile.

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Oh Yeah! The Elevator. I felt so stupid.