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The WOOP Method

The WOOP strategy, which is positive thinking plus a dose of reality, contains four steps:

  • Wish: Students name an important but feasible wish or goal they want to fulfill.
  • Outcome: Students imagine, as vividly as possible, what the future will be like once they fulfill this wish (or reach the goal).
  • Obstacle: Students imagine the most critical personal obstacle that stands in the way of fulfilling that wish (or reaching the goal).
  • Plan: Students name an effective behavior to overcome the obstacle and create a specific plan, using an if-then statement: “If X happens, then I will Y.”

The if-then plan is a critical part. Let’s look at it in more detail.


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Plan With If-Then Statements (With WOOP or standalone)

Name an effective behavior to overcome your obstacle and create a specific plan, using an if-then statement:

  • Writing: If I write a sentence, then I will read it aloud to see if it makes sense.
  • Tracking assignments: If the teacher writes an assignment on the board, then I will immediately make sure I understand it and write it down on my assignments list.
  • Test anxiety: If I’m worried about a test that takes place on Friday, then I will meet with my teacher on Monday to talk about how to study.