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Book Title: The One and Only Ivan

Author’s Name: Katherine Applegate

Be a Book Critic!

Write a short book review and give a heads up to other teens!

Genre :

  • Adventure
  • Contemporary Realism
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Mystery/Thriller
  • Science Fiction

Include the Image of the

Front of the Book!

How many emojis would you give this book? ( 5 emojis means it was AMAZING!)

Reviewer’s Name: Alyssa Guzman


(In your own words, provide a brief summary of the book, but do not include the ending of the story!)

he the one and only Ivan is a bestselling novel about hope and friendship. It was inspired by a real silverback gorilla named Ivan who was held captive for 27 years. Narrated by Ivan, a beautiful story of friendship happens between Ivan, an elephant named Stella, and a stray dog named Bob.

The Message of the Story:

(What lesson about life, people, and the world can we learn from the story?)

The message of the story is courage and to always belief.

Your Opinion of the Book:

(Please provide an honest opinion of the book and why or why not you would recommend the book to others.) I think this a really good book I would recommend this to everyone and it was really interisting it was so good that I read it in a day.

2021 Designed and Created by Anna Lee, Teacher Librarian - Orchard Academies- Bell, CA