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1. Ask 2 questions in the past:

Last weekend, did you do any exercise?

2. Say 2 negative past sentences.

Last weekend, I didn’t eat at a restaurant.

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Give three orders-�Ex. Put the ____ away.

Ex. Clean up the ______.

Say the things you DID-�Ex. I cleaned up the _____.

Ex. I washed the ______.

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Give three orders-�Ex. Put the ____ away.

Ex. Clean up the ______.

Say the things you DID-�Ex. I cleaned up the _____.

Ex. I washed the ______.

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Give three orders-�Ex. Put the ____ away.

Ex. Clean up the ______.

Say the things you DID-�Ex. I cleaned up the _____.

Ex. I washed the ______.

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  • Say three things you did last weekend

*Don’t forget to say the time!

Ex: On Sunday morning, I got up late!

  • Say one thing you DIDN’T do!�Ex: Last weekend, I didn’t visit my grandparents.

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Past Tense!

— I did /I didn’t! —

What did you do last weekend?

CTS -Grammar