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  • Shaw of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, is overthrown by an opposition movement. The Shah appoints Dr. Shahpour Bakhtiar as Prime Minister and then flees with his family to exile in Morocco.

  • Ayatollah khomeini announces that he was forming a new government. Millions of marchers support him.

  • Shi’ite fundamentalist Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns from fifteen years of exile by flying into Tehran airport. He is given a hero’s welcome.

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November 4th 1979

  • Iranian militants attack the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and take over 90 hostages. Many are soon released but 54 remain. Militants demand former shah be turned over for trail and that the U.S. apologize for crimes against the Iranian people.

  • U.S. President James Carter declares oil embargo on Iran.

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December 2nd

  • A mob attacked the United States Embassy in Tripoli, Libya. The twenty one people inside are able to escape unharmed.

  • Ayatollah Khomeini is declared absolute ruler of Iran for life.

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Six Americans escape

  • Six Americans leave Iran using falsified Canadian diplomatic passports. These six got away when the embassy in Tehran was taken over.

  • The U.S. bans imports from Iran.

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  • The U.S. attempts a surprise rescue mission to free hostages.
  • U.S. Army Special Forces call upon Delta airborne and the help of U.S. Army Rangers

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Mission Failed

  • Operation Eagle Claw is aborted.
  • 2 helicopters collide into each other killing eight U.S. marines and wounding five.

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Hostages released

  • Ronald Reagan wins the United States Presidential election over Jimmy Carter.
  • Having been in captivity for 444 days, the hostages are finally released.
  • The release was to coincide with President Reagan’s inauguration.