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Welcome to 5th grade

Mrs. Wise

Room 115

Teacher emails

Mrs. Wise ~ English, Reading, Writing


Mrs. Shearer ~ Math, Science, Social Living


Here are a few notes to start off the year!

*Your child will have 2 teachers this year.

Mrs. Wise (me!) - ELA English, Writing, Reading, Spelling

Mrs. Shearer Math, Science, Social Living (Science 1st & 2nd 9 weeeks - Social Living 3rd & 4th 9 weeks)

Obviously things will look a little different this year. Please be patient as we continue to work out procedures. Things change quickly and we will do our best to keep you informed. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you might have.

*My email address is listed above. This is a great way to contact me. I will try to return your email as soon as possible, but we do have busy days so please understand if it takes me a day or two. For emergencies or things that need addressed immediately, please call the office at 724-752-1591.

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Students are required to complete the short google form each day by 9:00AM to be marked present (at school or home.)

The form can be found in the Student Portal on my class website under “Daily Attendance.”

*The handbook is now online. After reading the handbook, sign and return the parent signature form sent home with your child. This form lets us know you have read and understand the rules in the handbook. Please sign and return as soon as possible.

*Please return all emergency forms as soon as possible.

* Please review cell phone policy in the handbook and class syllabus that was sent home. Phones should NEVER be out during the school day.


All students have been issued a chromebook that will go back and forth to school daily. Please treat it with the utmost care and respect. Students will be required to make sure his/her chromebook is charged and ready to go for each school day. (This means charging the chromebook at home for the next day.) I do not have any extra chargers and we have few outlets in the room. It is important they follow these guidelines to be prepared for class each day. It is best to keep the chrome on a hard surface to keep proper ventilation.


*Your child is expected to complete ALL classwork assignments given. Even when frustrated, your child‛s sincere effort in completing homework will be taken into consideration. I do not grade accuracy on homework (after all it is practice.) However I do give points for completion. Naturally, completed homework will give your child an advantage, as they will be more prepared for assessments as the purpose of class work and homework is to practice the material.

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Things to note:

* I have provided students with pencils to start the school year, however, we have a limited supply to use throughout the year. When purchasing pencils for your child, we recommend no. 2 pencils rather than mechanical pencils.

*Please make sure your child has his/her name on their belongings (coats, pencil containers, crayons boxes, binders, book bags, etc.) The lost and found

is overflowing every month with items that we have no idea of the owner. Also with the new safety concerns, It is important that we don’t share materials as much as possible. So having names on everything will be very important.

*Please do not send expensive items to school with your child (ipods, etc.). It is best to leave these items at home. If your child does bring these items to school by accident, please have them bring them straight to me for safe keeping for the day. Also, please try to avoid letting your child bring toys to school.

*Lunch money. School meals (breakfast & lunch) will be FREE to ALL students until December 31st!!! (or until our grant $ runs out) If your child would like to purchase snacks, please send the check or money in an envelope with the child’s first AND last name, plus the homeroom teacher’s name. (otherwise we have no idea who it belongs to!)

*Tissues (We go through a lot of Kleenex during the year.) If you could send in a box or two, every now and then, it would be greatly appreciated. Also any schools and classroom cleaning supplies such as wipes, pencils, etc. are always appreciated.

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Personal Use items: (not to be shared):

🎧Headphones If you can bring in an extra pair of headphones or earbuds for your child to use that would be great. I only have a few pairs in my room and they are not allowed to be shared.

💦Water bottle Students will be allowed a water bottle at their desk. (please have their name on it.) We will have touchless water stations. Water fountains will not be used.

🤧Personal kleenex (I have some in the classroom as well. Students can keep the pocket size packs in their desk to minimize transition in the classroom.

🧴Hand Sanitizer for desk I have it for the classroom, but your child can also have some in their desk if you wish.