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2023: A Year In Review

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“Let’s put an intention into the world and see how the universe responds.”

--Chris Nye

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Just one year ago Springboard called together over Zoom leaders in “transformational learning” who “demonstrated a deep and inspiring vision for engaging young adults—mind, body and spirit—in a commitment to the well-being of the planet and the good life for all.” From the hesitant beginning of that initial meeting, the warmth and energy flowed. Leaders shared images, objects, and stories from their young-adulthoods that led them to the work they do today. They shared the joys and challenges of their current initiatives, and as the stories spilled out, the structure of the well-prepared meeting gave way and we hastily agreed to meet again over Zoom and later, in person at Seguinland Institute in Georgetown, Maine.

Six weeks later Convening planning began in earnest. Maurielle McGarvey came on as a part-time intern to support alum engagement and help with planning, and Marsha Dunn made an introduction to facilitator Hamilton Ray, who happened to be reading The Nordic Secret and had just recently connected with Lene Rachel Andersen. The synergies kept piling up—the universe was responding.

Keeping our purpose front and center—to develop a generation of leaders with the inner resources to address the urgent issues of our time—and our mission to advance the movement for whole person learning for young adults, Springboard’s clear strategy helped us move forward in a steadfast and methodical manner.

Specifically, we worked to:

  • Establish a field of prototypes with a focus on pedagogical depth, quality, and financial viability;
  • Demonstrate impact and viability at the individual, institutional and community level; and
  • Develop an ecosystem to support the flourishing of existing programs and the deliberate development of new initiatives.

Progress on each of these goals included:

  • Supporting Seguinland Institute’s expansion by providing technical assistance in business planning, organizational development, and fundraising
  • Hiring Grace Greenwald to serve as Research Director to develop, coalesce, and promote the evidence base for whole person learning at the young adult stage
  • Bringing together students and leaders in transformational learning at an in-person Convening to grow relationships, contextualize the work each of us is doing, and identify focus areas and next steps for growth.

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The in-person Convening was particularly successful in relationship-building and energizing the work. Post-convening, the floodgates opened—Tom Schnaubelt of Stanford University learned of our work and wanted to connect not just Stanford, but colleges and universities nationwide; microcollege alums sought us out for support in developing an international student and alumni network; Tomas Bjorkman and Commonweal invited us to join them as lead signatories on a manifesto in support of deliberately developmental spaces. Each of these connections represents a seed in the eco-system of colleges and universities, students and alums, and funders we must continue to nourish in order to support the flourishing of place-based, meaning-centered, and community-oriented learning.


In July, Seguinland Institute sought support in developing a second campus and has made rapid and significant progress in doing so. Thoreau College, also seeks technical assistance which we plan to begin in 2024. As we grow the eco-system of supports, we must and will continue to focus attention on developing an ever-growing field of solid and credible prototypes.

Indeed, the universe is responding. The task now is to keep our intention clear and focused while continuing to notice the environment, and listening. The Kauffman Foundation gives this advice for effective ecosystem building:

  • Assess complementary sectors to play in
  • Put social-entrepreneurs front and center
  • Find the right partners and enlist collaborators; focus on value for each party from the start
  • Foster action-oriented conversations
  • Tell the community’s authentic story
  • Start, then be patient

The seeds are planted. My intentions for 2024 are to give to these seeds devoted attention, and to be patient.



Kam Bellamy

Executive Director


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Springboard calls together leaders in the field of “transformational learning”--individuals who have “demonstrated a deep and inspiring vision for engaging young adults—mind, body, and spirit—in a commitment to the well-being of the planet and the good life for all.”

December 2022: Initial Leader Gathering

(Objective: Field-Building)

Attendees: Jacob Hundt (Thoreau College), Bryden Sweeney-Taylor (Outer Coast), Marsha Dunn (Seguinland Institute), M. Rako Fabionar (ILALI), Chris Knapp (Maine Local Living School), Philp Francis (Seguinland Institute), Laura Marcus (Tidelines Institute)

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Convening planning starts in earnest, with the planning team comprised of: Jacob Hundt, Frank Eccher, Marsha Dunn, Maurielle McGarvey, and Kam Bellamy. Hamilton Ray of Collective Next is engaged to facilitate.

January 2023: Convening Planning

Thoreau College alum and USC Junior Maurielle McGarvey starts as intern to support Convening planning, alum engagement, and website development.

(Objective: Eco-system development)

Maurielle McGarvey

Hamilton Ray

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April 2023

The website is live!

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May 2023: Program Development Workshops

Fundraising Workshops with Andy Robinson:

Staff, students, and board members from Seguinland Institute, Thoreau College, Tidelines, and Outer Coast all avail themselves of 3 days of Springboard-sponsored training on Fundraising Basics, Major Gifts, and Deepening Board Engagement.

(Objective: Field-Building)

Andy Robinson

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June 2023: The Convening!

Alums and leaders in the field of transformational learning gather at Seguinland Institute, Maine to:

  • Grow relationships
  • Contextualize the work each institution is doing
  • Build a scaffold for the movement
  • Identify & prioritize focus areas and next steps for growth

(Objective: Eco-system development)

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Student voices resound:

We are reimagining our educational journeys as:

  • Place-Based
  • Community-Oriented
  • Meaning-Centered
  • Intellectually & Physically Engaging

Pictured from L - R: Margy Mooney, Feven Negussie, Jonathan Nemetz (standing), Liam McGilligan (seated), Emily Drukman, Maurielle McGarvey

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July 2023: Campus Compact Proposal

Jacob Hundt introduces Kam to Tom Schnaubelt, Assistant Director of Stanford University’s Center for Revitalizing American Institutions. Tom is keen on meaning-centered learning and interested to connect colleges and universities to domestic rural communities. Together, they make a successful proposal to present at Campus Compact’s 2024 Conference.

(Objective: Eco-system development)

Tom Schnaubelt

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August 2023: Seguinland Expansion Preparatory Work

Kam works with Seguinland Institute to develop plans for a 2nd campus, thus broadening impact and providing a model for regional micro-scaling. This plan is presented at the 2nd Annual Springboard/Seguinland Institute Retreat.

(Objective: Field-Building)

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September 2023:

Research Director Hire

Grace Greenwald comes on board as Springboard’s first Research Director, with the mandate to develop and implement a research agenda that will demonstrate the impact and tell the story of the importance of whole-person learning for young adults.

(Objective: Demonstrating Impact and Viability)

Grace Greenwald

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October 2023: IDG Summit

Kam attends Inner Development Goals Summit, connects with Tomas Bjorkman, and joins him as lead signatory on a “manifesto” on deliberately developmental spaces.

Kam also visits YIP in Sweden and connects with founder Reinoud Meijer and student Jonas Sovik.

(Objective: Eco-system development)

Tomas Bjorkman

Reinoud Meijer

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November 2023: Alum Network

Grace & Kam begin work with Thoreau College Alums Tyler Hrubi, Nanami Nishiyama, and Sam Kearley to develop an online alumni network with the purposes to develop alum engagement across microcolleges and to support alums in finding community and next steps post-graduation. Plan to launch in February 2024, at Summit of Nunnian Organizations at Deep Springs.

(Objective: Eco-system development)

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November 2023:

Connection secured with Deep Springs

Grace develops connection with Deep Springs sophomore and Communications Committee Chair Ben Samuels who shares information on how Deep Springs works in support of the Blueprint Project. Ben connects Grace and Kam to Deep Springs President, Andy Zink, and invites Grace and Kam to a Summit of Nunnian organizations at Deep Springs in February 2024.

(Objective: Demonstrating Impact and Viability)

Ben Samuels

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November 2023: Seguinland Campus Pledge

Seguinland Institute receives verbal pledge of contribution of 15 acres of land to develop a 2nd campus, as well as funding to build the Gathering Space. Kam continues to support them in developing next steps.

(Objective: Field-Building)

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November 2023: Thoreau College Business Planning

Kam and Jacob Hundt create plan to work on business planning for Thoreau College in 2024, focusing on development of a 3-year vision, financial planning, and board and staff assessment.

(Objective: Field-Building)

Jacob Hundt

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Where We Are Now

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Spotlight on Baseline Metrics Project

As Springboard invests more in building the field, we want to track growth over time through key metrics, starting with enrollment trends and operating budget, and growing to more sophisticated data.

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Total Students Served from Three Springboard Cohort Institutes:

Outer Coast,

Seguinland Institute, & Thoreau College

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2024: Looking Forward

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Q1 2024




Continue work with Seguinland Institute to Secure 2nd Campus; Develop capital budgets; Serve as thought partner on capital campaign; Connect with institutional funders. *August: 3rd Annual Springboard-Seguinland Institute Retreat

Q2 2024

Q3 2024

Q4 2024

Funders: Connect with institutional funders and learn more about their funding priorities

Develop a Whitepaper.

Lay groundwork for publishing relationships, development of pitches.

Search for and execute a long-term research-practice partnership engagement.

Field work @ Outer Coast.

1.Report on Student Feedback best practices

2. Blueprint on self-governance

3. Data collection for future impact publishing

‘Portraiture’ book proposal writing + shopping.

Writing for publication based on accepted pitches

Work with Thoreau College on business plan development. Specifically, assess and gain clarity on: Where do they want to be in 3 years? Do they have the right team to get there? Is their plan financially viable? In-person visit in Q1, then work will be remote

Young Adults: Work with alums and students to develop engagement platform and quarterly newsletter

Higher Ed: Present @ Campus Compact; host convo w/Newman Civic Fellows, connect w/colleges w/gap resources

Practitioners/Educators: Develop blueprints to share learnings, systems, and best practices

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Priorities for Research + Writing

(Objective: Demonstrating Impact and Viability)

  • Baseline Metrics (measuring growth in the field)
  • White Paper (making a case for the movement)
  • Development of Student Feedback Best Practices (increase pedagogical depth)
  • Profile Publication (communicating impact)
  • Blueprints (increase program quality and promote new school creation)
  • Research-Practice Partnership (gaining credential, demonstrating impact)

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