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- Do Now -

Write a response in your notebook to the following question:

If you wanted someone in the future to know about you, how would you tell them?

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Where does history come from?

Who writes history?

How & Where do they find it?

How do they know what to write?

How do they know if it is true?

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Who writes history...

Archaeology: The study of really old stuff dug up from the ground; the remains. Archaeologists dig up stuff, and anything they find is an artifact.


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Archaeologists use modern day science - carbon dating, DNA, and bits of Geology and Biology to determine what they’ve found.


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Who writes history...

Anthropology: The study of people and culture;

any humans and any society created by them, at any time (Cultural Anthropology).


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Anthropologists study cultures from ancient to modern. They look at social structure (how a society is set up).


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It is also the study of human evolution (Physical Anthropology).


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Who writes history...

Well, then there is of course the field of History.

Historians research, analyze, interpret, and present the past by studying a variety of written and visual documents and sources. sources.http://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/historians.htm�http://activehistory.co.uk/updates/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/A-Famous-Historian.jpg

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- A bit about sources

Primary Source: First-hand accounts about people or events from people who had a connection to it.

A diary, letter, legal document or picture would be a primary source.


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- A bit about sources

Secondary Source: Information about the past that is not direct experience. It draws on primary sources.

A book about Egypt written by someone using primary source evidence, or a TV documentary with images of a primary source would be a secondary source.http://www.articlesweb.org/blog/wp-content/gallery/an-approach-to-wisdom-history-books/history-books-3.jpg�

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Other fields of study help historians figure out the past too...

Sociology - Study of society and social interaction.

Geography - Study of the Global Place

Linguistics - Examines the History of Language

Geology - Study of the Earth’s history

Biology - Study of living organisms

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Who writes history...

The historian uses all of these things to figure out what happened in the past. A historian might look at the big picture, little details, or anything in between!

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Who writes history...

What is important is to corroborate (verify) information found with other information. This is how the historian discovers what is true.

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Now… if there were a quiz some day soon, some words that might be on it would be...

  • Archaeology
  • Anthropology (Physical, Cultural)
  • History
  • Primary Source
  • Secondary Source
  • Remains
  • Artifact

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- Do Now -

We did an activity where you were asked to think and observe like an Archaeologist.

Write a brief reflection to hand in:

  • What did you think about it?
  • What did you learn from it?
  • What does this tell you about history?