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Design Systems

Scaling products faster and better with standards.

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Do we have this problem?

Let’s think…

  • Are we always happy with the speed of product development?
  • Do our products share consistent design patterns, colors, typography and other styles?
  • Do we always have enough time to deliver a quality product to meet KPIs?
  • Are we producing our technology with efficiency?
  • How much time and money do we spend cleaning up design or technical debt?
  • Are we ensuring our products meet accessibility requirements?

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New Styles, Patterns, Ideas…

New Styles, Patterns, Ideas…

New Styles, Patterns, Ideas…

Every new hire and every new project increases chaos in the process and slows down velocity

Without a Design System…

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Design Does Not Scale Through Hiring Only

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The business requirements pressure product teams to build more, faster and better, BUT without standards in place, every new hire is going to further slow down the process.

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Designer to Developer Ratio Improved by 2.5x in 5 years!

& Design Keeps Growing!

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Do we have this problem?

Let’s think…

  • Are we always happy with the speed of product development?
  • Do our interfaces share the same design patterns, colors, typography and other styles?
  • Do we always have enough time to deliver a quality product to meet KPIs?
  • How much time and money do we spend on redundant design or code tasks?
  • How much time and money do we spend cleaning up design or technical debt?

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One NO makes the creation of the design system worthwhile.

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We’re not alone.

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To overcome these challenges thousands of companies are investing in Design Systems.

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Thousands of companies are investing in Design Systems.

Lightning Design Systemby SalesForce

Harmonyby Intuit

Audi Brand Appearanceby Audi

Atlassian Design Languageby Atlassian (server)

Apple OS X HIGby Apple

Polaris – by Shopify

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What is a�Design System?

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“A scalable framework of decisions & team behaviors across a product portfolio to converge on a cohesive experience.“

- Nathan Curtis

What is a�Design System?

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What are the benefits?

  • It helps everyone visualize the eventual outcome
  • It trains everyone to view the style guide as the living place for the latest and greatest thinking
  • It gets everyone comfortable with the mechanics of contributing to the system
  • Most importantly: Design systems enable teams to build better products faster by making design reusable—reusability makes scale possible.

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What are the benefits? (cont.)

  • Scaling
  • Manage your debt
  • Design consistently
  • Prototype faster
  • Iterate more quickly
  • Improve usability
  • Build in accessibility

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The Structure of a�Design System

Color Palettes

Typographic Scales

Grid Definitions

Icons & Assets





Design Principles

Implementation Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines

Building Blocks

UI Patterns


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Myths of design systems

Myth 1: It’s too limiting

Myth 2: A loss of creativity

Myth 3: One and done

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Is it worth it?

Let’s look at some conservative numbers.

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What shade of blue are we using?

Can you redline this for me?

Can you redesign this, we can’t build it?

Where’s our logo?

Where are approved stock photos?

Was this pattern used somewhere else?

Are designers spending 30 minutes/day on any of these?

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Design System ROI for the Design Team

$50 per hour. Team of 20 designers.

2.5h/week * 52 weeks * $50 * 20 designers = $130,000/year

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Can you rebuild this, it doesn’t match the design?

What’s the latest documentation?

How do we build this pattern?

Does this meet the code standards?

Where’s our components?

Are developers spending 30 minutes/day on any of these?

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Design System ROI for the Developer Team

$75 per hour. Team of 50 developers.

2.5h/week * 52 weeks * $75 * 50 devs = $487,500/year

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Design System return on investment for the Development Team

“Design systems also save time and money. Just by eliminating code redundancy, more than 20% of a developer’s time can be regained. For a team of 100 developers, this means around $2 million per year.”

- projekt202 Managing Architect Drew Loomer

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Just the time and money saved thanks to a design system makes the whole project worth it.

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And this isn’t even the entire value.

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We’ll deliver better experiences faster. Customers will notice.

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By using well-tested components, we’ll

lower the cost of long-term maintenance.

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And we’ll get the most out of every new hire, due to faster standardized onboarding with

the design system.

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How are we getting started?

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The bottom line:

  • Decreased development and design cost
  • Faster time to market
  • Better product quality
  • Happier customers