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COVID-19 Updates

Fall 2021

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Our Goals

Social Emotional Wellness

Health & Safety for all

Academics & Learning

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Health and Wellness Committee

Roxanna A. Irani, MD, PhD Ambulatory Executive Medical Director for Women’s Health

Assistant Professor

Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

University of California San Francisco

Karen Wang, PHD

Director of the Collaborative on Health and the Environment

Founder and Editor-in-chief of Because Health

Jessica Favreau, MD, FACP

Crescendo MD

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine

Sage Bearman, CNM, WHNP

Whole Family MD

Hannah H. Walford, MD

Allergist, Immunologist

Stanford Health Care

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COVID-19 in Schools

  • Schools are a safe place to learn, connect and play
    • It is proven that the risk of transmission is low in schools when safety measures are in place
    • Last school year, Sea Crest had only 2 student cases on campus
    • Both cases were contracted off campus
    • There were 0 transmissions of COVID at school

  • By spring of 2021 94% of Sea Crest students were learning on campus

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COVID-19 Protocols | Key Principles

Wear a mask

Stay home when sick


Handwashing and Hygiene

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COVID-19 Protocols | Masks

All students must wear a face covering while at school, except during designated times (e.g. eating).

The School will have face coverings available to students whose face coverings become lost or damaged while at school.

Parents must help their children comply with CDC guidance on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings. Parents should discuss proper use of face coverings with their children, and have children practice wearing face coverings prior to the start of school.

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COVID-19 Protocols | Campus Safety

  • Students will generally remain in their department cohorts (Primary, Secondary, Upper)

  • Snack/lunch takes place outdoors with distancing enforced
    • Parents of young children, please be sure your child can open their own lunch containers - we want to avoid staff having to touch personal belongings whenever possible

  • Personal belongings are kept outside the classroom, no eating or drinking in classrooms

  • Windows open and air purifiers in all classrooms to promote ventilation

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COVID-19 Protocols | Air Quality

  • Should the air quality index exceed 100, classroom windows and exterior doors will remain closed and air purifiers will be continually running

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Post-break Testing

Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Pres Week, Spring Break

Screening Testing

Regular testing of asymptomatic people

Diagnostic Testing

Symptomatic or close contact exposure

Students &

Vaccinated Staff

weekly **

All Students &




4 days / week

Students & Staff

as needed

Antigen Confirmatory

positive or negative

PCR lab individual test

PCR lab pooled test

Rapid individual test

Binax=antigen, CUE=molecular (PCR-like)

PCR lab individual test

COVID-19 Testing Plan Sept. 2021



*Testing not available yet

Antigen Confirmatory

positive only






Pooled Confirmatory


**Frequency when community case numbers are 10/100K and up

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COVID-19 Protocols | Testing

The School will provide on-campus COVID-19 testing for students as follows:

  • Post-break: After extended breaks (Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, President’s Week and Spring Break), COVID-19 testing will be provided for students prior to return to campus, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Pooled testing: The School will coordinate weekly pooled COVID-19 testing of students such that half of students are tested weekly (i.e. each grade is tested every other week). All test samples from an individual classroom will be combined in one test vial. The School will contact families should a classroom test positive and will provide subsequent individual testing to identify the positive case(s).

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COVID-19 Protocols | Testing Continued

The School will provide on-campus COVID-19 testing for students as follows:

  • Testing upon symptom or exposure: If a student has a symptom associated with COVID-19 or has had a known COVID-19 exposure, the School will provide testing on campus.

There is no cost to the student’s family for COVID-19 testing, though consent form is required and insurance information may be requested.

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COVID-19 Protocols | Quarantine






  • Quarantine 10 days from symptom onset
  • Fever-free for 24+ hours w/out meds
  • Symptoms improved

Both Masked

  • Modified quarantine
  • Test 2x/wk for 10 days (PCR or antigen)
  • Continue wearing mask
  • During modified quarantine, no extracurriculars

Close contact exposure at School

(6’ for 15 minutes):


  • Quarantine 14 days from exposure -- cannot test out.

Either Not Masked

  • Quarantine for 10 days, OR 7 days w/ negative COVID-19 test at day 5+ (PCR or antigen)
  • Monitor symptoms for 14 days

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COVID-19 Protocols | Quarantine




COVID-19 Test


  • Quarantine 10 days from symptom onset
  • Fever-free for 24+ hours w/out meds
  • Symptoms improved

Monitor Symptoms

  • No quarantine
  • No COVID-19 test


  • Fever-free for 24+ hours w/out meds
  • Symptoms improved

Close contact exposure at School

(6’ for 15 minutes):

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COVID-19 Protocols | Drop-off Stay Home

  • Do not bring your child to school if they are experiencing any symptoms consistent with COVID-19:
    • Fever, defined as 100.4°F or higher
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Chills
    • Fatigue
    • Repeated shaking with chills
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea

  • Complete daily 3 question health screening in Beehively before you leave the house:

  • Students must wear a mask when they exit their car

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COVID-19 Protocols | Attendance

  • Please notify the school of student absence as early as possible by submitting this Attendance Form. You can reach out to attendance@seacrestschool.org or leave a voicemail at 650-712-9892 x200 with any information about students arriving late or departing campus early.

  • Non-quarantine absences (i.e. students out sick with symptoms not consistent with COVID-19 or family vacation) will be treated like they would during a normal school year where a student misses class and may receive assignments for missed work from their teacher.

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COVID-19 Protocols | Travel

  • Current guidelines do not include travel restrictions

  • Recommended you check case numbers before you go

  • If a student travels out of the state or country and is asymptomatic, please notify the School via covid-19@seacrestschool.org and we will administer a rapid test before they return to their classroom

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COVID-19 Protocols | Vaccination

Family Vaccination Status

The School will request proof of vaccination for all students 12 and older. If vaccination proof is not received, the student will be treated as unvaccinated for relevant COVID-19 protocols.

Parent volunteers must submit evidence of vaccination or a negative COVID test to covid-19@seacrestschool.org prior to volunteering. (more details to come)

Vaccination status information received will be held strictly confidential by the COVID-19 team.

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COVID-19 Protocols | What can you do?

  • Talk to your children
    • Share the excitement about returning to school
    • Remind them that COVID is still prevalent and to follow guidelines
    • For younger children, practice putting on their mask
    • Express the importance of good hygiene

  • Keep your child home with even the smallest symptom

  • Model following local guidelines as an example to your children and to keep our community safe

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First Day of School -Wed, Sept 1st

  • No before care this day
  • Please arrive during your division time slot
  • Students will arrive and wash hands and go directly to their classrooms
  • Parents are invited to walk through the fair to collect materials and get information on school programs
  • Masks must be worn at all times

  • Primary JK-1 8:00-8:15
  • Secondary 2-4 8:15-8:30
  • Upper 5-8 8:30-8:45

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Further Questions?

COVID-19 Reporting (symptoms, exposure, vaccine)


COVID-19 Protocols

Jacquie Cuvelier


Overall Questions

Lauren Miller


Curriculum Questions

Michelle Giacotto


Student Learning/Support Questions

Leslie Richardson


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Links and Resources

Authoritative guidance:

Sea Crest protocols: