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OTES 2.0

Overview Session

(Please put questions in the chat box)

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Committee Members

Morgan Begue Jill Collet

Angela Farwick James Easterling

David Frederick Dedra Keoshian

Ray Frisbee Gayle Kimbrough

Kent Hamilton Brian Matthews

Ashley Ramos Brent May

Kathryn Serri Michael Milford

Maria Speakman Jeanne McNeal

Nicole Vaughn Brett Niarchos

Kristin Wellman Trish Williams

James Wooley

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Plain Local Approach to Implementation

OTES 2.0

  • Growth Model
  • Collaborative Coaching Design
  • From collectors of data to users of data
  • The Urban Myth
  • We are in this together

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OTES 2.0 - Coaching Model

  • Shift in dialogue
  • Teacher action vs Student action
  • Self Assessment
  • Professional Growth Plan
    • Becomes important tool in guiding teacher growth in specific targeted area
  • Teacher / Evaluator communication and conversation essential in supporting instructional goals

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Rationale for Changes

  • Updates OTES Rubric
  • Student Growth Measures eliminated
    • HQSD data embedded into the performance rubric
  • Align structure and timing of observations to focus on

improvement & growth

  • Continue Less Frequent Evaluation with opportunity for focused professional growth

Educator Standards Board & the Law Senate Bill 216

Ohio Revised Codes 3319.111 and 112 brought changes to the OTES, thereby resulting in OTES 2.0.

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What Stays the SAME

Who gets evaluated?

  • Any person employed under a teaching license and...
  • Who spends at least 50% of the time employed providing student instruction
    • A teacher is hired to teach one period of chemistry a day. They are teaching 100% of their time with the district. Should be evaluated.

Districts may choose not to evaluate a teacher who

  • has been approved for retirement by Dec.1;
  • has been on leave at least 50% of the year;
  • instructs less than 50% of their time employed;

*Local decision based on individual situations

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OTES 1.0 vs 2.0

Current OTES 1.0 Rubric

  • Aligned to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession
  • Uses 4 teacher performance levels
  • 10 Standards
  • SGM not included in rubric
  • 50% of holistic evaluation calculated based on SGM

Revised Draft OTES 2.0 Rubric

  • Same

  • Same *
  • 6 Domains
  • Use of HQSD embedded in rubric
  • NO calculation

* See Updated Performance Level Document

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Less Frequent Evaluation Cycle - Continues


  • 3 years
  • Self-directed PGP focusing on identified areas from observations & evaluation
  • 1 observation & 1 conference to discuss progress on PGP
  • Progress on the PGP


  • 2 years
  • Jointly developed PGP focusing on identified areas from observations & evaluation
  • 1 observation & 1 conference to discuss progress on PGP
  • Progress on the PGP

3319.111 Under OTES 2.0

  • Teachers rated accomplished and skilled must now demonstrate progress on the PGP to remain on the less frequent cycle.
  • Evaluator determines if progress has been made on the goals.
  • PGP must be aligned to any “district and/or building improvement plan(s).”

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Full Evaluation

Required components of full evaluation include

  • 1 Formal holistic (full rubric) observation (30+ mins) followed by a conference
  • 1 Formal focused observation (30+ mins) focused on specific area(s) identified for support, evidence can be taken on areas outside of the focused area
  • 2 -Walkthroughs (<15mins) – focused on specific area(s) identified for support, evidence can be taken on areas outside of the focused area
  • Continued discussion about Professional Growth Plan
  • 1 Final Summative conference

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‘Off Year’ Evaluation

Required components of an evaluation for Carry Forward include:

  • 1 formal/informal observation (Local Decision)
  • 1 Final Summative conference
  • Continued discussion about Professional Growth Plan

The local board of education may evaluate less frequently each teacher who received a rating of Accomplished or Skilled on the teacher's most recent evaluation, so long as the teacher submits a Professional Growth Plan to the evaluator that focuses on specific areas identified in the observations and evaluation and the evaluator determines that the teacher is making progress on that plan. In any year the teacher is not fully evaluated, the evaluation must include one formal or informal observation as locally determined and one conference, which includes a discussion of progress on the plan.

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Final Holistic Rating

Teacher’s Final Holistic Rating:

  • In determining final holistic ratings, evaluators need to consider the PREPONDERANCE of evidence. The definition of 'Preponderance' is a superiority in weight, power, importance or strength. It is not simply about the amount of evidence
  • Use of district-determined HQSD that adheres to State guidelines

Eliminates the 50% Student Growth Measure formula. Student Growth Measures are embed in the evaluation rubric in the form of HQSD- High Quality Student Data

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Revised Teacher Performance Rating Definitions

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High Quality Student Data

  • The framework shall include at least two measures of high-quality student data (HQSD) to provide evidence of student learning (Growth or Achievement)

  • HQSD must
    • be attributable to the teacher
    • include VA when applicable and one other measure of HQSD

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High Quality Student Data

All teachers use 2 measures of HQSD which provide evidence of student learning attributable to the teacher being evaluated.

When applicable HQSD shall include the VA, and the teacher or evaluator shall use at least one other measure of HQSD to demonstrate student learning.

“I teach 2 VA subjects, can I count each subject’s VA? “

-No, VA in general is 1 piece of HQSD

Plain Local HQSD could include:

iReady, Common Assessments, Value Add, Item Analysis,

ODE Visual Performing Arts Rubrics, other forms of data approved by committee

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High Quality Student Data


Common Assessments






It is recognized that there are many types of data that can be used to support student learning, and the data include much more than just test scores.

Discipline Data

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Professional Growth Plan (PGP)

  • Teachers with an earned rating of Accomplished will complete a self-directed PGP

  • Teachers with an earned rating of Skilled will work with their evaluator to jointly complete the PGP

  • Teachers with an earned rating of Developing will complete a PGP that is guided by their evaluator

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Professional Growth Plan (PGP)

ORC 3319.111

Despite the level of support that may be provided, there should be open, two-way communication between the teacher and the evaluator while the PGP is being completed and throughout the year as the goals of the PGP are regularly discussed and progress is monitored. As the teacher and evaluator work together during the evaluation process, scheduled conferences should take place several times during the year to provide opportunities for professional conversation or direction about performance, goals, and progress, as well as supports needed. During the year, the evaluator and teacher should discuss opportunities for professional development that evolve as a result of the evaluation process.

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  • How does contract status affect evaluation?
    • Will operate the same as in past years
      • Limited Contracts = Do NOT carry forward (3 Ob per year)
      • Continuing Contracts = DO carry forward (1 or 2 per year)

  • How will Value Add data be used next year?
    • VA = NOT permitted to count in OTES evaluation for the 21-22 school year
    • VA = Should be used to inform PGP/instruction

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...groups of students...

...individual students...

...contributes to the school, building or district through the development and support of colleagues.

Accomplished teacher is a leader who empowers and influences others.

Skilled teacher demonstrates purposefulness, flexibility and consistency

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Take a Look at Rubric 2.0

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Plain Local Implementation Timeline

  • January- OTES 2.0 KickOff - General Overview
  • February- Professional Growth Plans (PGP)
  • March- High Quality Student Data
  • April- Breaking Down the OTES Rubric
  • Spring- Self Evaluation and Writing Your (PGP)

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OTES 2.0 Instructional Support


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Presented By:

Taylor Bryant