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Mathematics Curriculum Design

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We will be recording this meeting.

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Virtual Conference Tips

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Day 1

March 24, 2021

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Our Agenda

Day 1: Session 1 (1:15 - 2:50 p.m.)

  • Types of Coaching
  • Practicing the Coaching Process

Day 2: Session 2 (10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

  • Rubric Development

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Team Builder

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Collaboration Norms

  • Be present
  • Speak your truth and be transparent
  • Listen actively to others, be mindful of equity of voice
  • Build on the ideas of others
  • Be respectful of the multiple contexts represented by participants
  • Be flexible as we meet in virtual settings.
  • Avoid centering whiteness in this work.
  • Honor confidentiality and be trustworthy: What is said here stays here
  • Be solutions-oriented and be a learner
  • Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good
  • Enjoy each other

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USPREP Quality Objective 1.4

Indicator 1.4: Practice-based Coursework

Coursework includes opportunities for teacher candidates:

  • To teach to the College & Career Readiness/K-12 State Standards
  • Integrate the teaching and assessment of the TPP teacher evaluation competencies
  • Integrate K-12 curriculum
  • Provide consistent (e.g. throughout the whole program) opportunities for candidates to practice teaching in safe settings (e.g. rehearsal like pedagogies)
  • Apply teaching skills in the P-12 classroom.

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How do we prepare teacher candidates to practice the practice of teaching in our classrooms?

Essential Question

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Learning Cycle

How do TCs practice the teaching strategy or routine in our classroom?


How do we introduce a teaching strategy or math routine?


How do MTEs and the TCs analyze the enactment?


How do TCs enact the practice in the field with students?


University of Washington


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Our Learning Cycle

How do TCs practice the teaching strategy or routine in our classroom?


How do we introduce a teaching strategy or math routine?


How do MTEs and the TCs analyze the enactment?


How do TCs enact the practice in the field with students?


University of Washington


Instructional Coaching

(March 2021)

Enactment Rubric ready for June 2021 Convening

Rehearsal Video ready for June 2021 Convening

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Types of Instructional Coaching

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What are the keys to coaching?

Using the padlet, what are the keys to coaching teacher candidates and teachers?

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Deficits vs. Strengths in Coaching

How can we build up teacher candidates and teachers rather than tearing them down during a coaching session?

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Critical Components

Math Routine

High Leverage Practice

High Leverage Content

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Instructional Sequence - Posing Purposeful Questions (WODB?)

TCs watched a WODB

TCs decomposed an in-class WODB

  • Focus on EMTP Posing Purposeful Questions

TCs explored the WODB image and added their own thinking as well as anticipated questions.

Rehearsal - WODB

TCs enact a WODB in their field placement.

TCs share their WODB with peers for analysis.

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Building Background

    • Think about where TC Teachers might need coaching?
    • What questions might you hear from a TC or Teacher to a student?

Resource: https://wodb.ca/shapes.html (Noam Szoke)

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Practicing the Practice of Coaching

Breakout Groups

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Practicing the Practice of Coaching

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Video #1 Debrief

Please share one coaching question and how it’s connected to the Effective Math Teaching Practices.

  • When did you coach?
  • Why?

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Task: Practicing the Practice of Coaching

In your small groups, watch the two other clips of teacher candidates rehearsing the math routine Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Discuss and record the following:

  • When would you step in and coach? Why?
  • What questions would you ask that are connected to the EMTP?
    • Mathematical Discourse
    • Posing Purposeful Questions
    • Eliciting and Using Evidence Student Thinking

Video Link #2

Video Link #3

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Coaching Debrief

Video #2

  • Please type one of your coaching questions in the chat box.

Video #3

  • Please type one of your coaching questions in the chat box.

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What implicit biases might be evident within the rehearsal and instructional coaching?

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Rehearsal Upload

Please upload your finished/polished Rehearsal:

Group 1 (Brenda, Allen, Kristinya, Torrey) Facilitating Math discourse

Group 2 (Hanna, Greg, Ellen, Sean) Selecting Tasks

Group 3 (Kathy, Amy C., Janelle L., Justin)

Group 4 (Minju, Jana, Ani A., Ray) Connecting Representations

Group 5 (Anne Marie, Emily, Fara, Elizabeth, Ladye, Amy R.)

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Day 2

March 25, 2021

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We will be recording this meeting.

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Virtual Conference Tips

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Day 2

March 25, 2021 | 10:00-3:00 CST

Content Session 2………………..………………………..………….10:00 a.m.

Lunch……………………………………………………..…….………………....12:30 p.m.

Team Time Framing………………………………..………………....1:30 p.m.

Team Time……………………………..…...…………...…..……..………....1:40 p.m.

Retreat Closing……………………………………………………...…….2:50 p.m.

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Day 2: Session 2

10:00 - 12:30 pm


Enactment Rubric Development

Rehearsal Plan for the Spring 2021

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Effective Math Teaching Practices

Take a minute to add your name under the one Effective Math Teaching Practice your Rehearsal is constructed upon.

Example - yesterday’s math routine was built upon Posing Purposeful Questions

We will use this information to create breakout groups later.

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Team Builder

  • If you could only keep 3 apps on your phone, which three would you choose?

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Practicing the Practice of Coaching

You did a great job of honoring student thinking (right or wrong).

In what ways can you connect students ideas to each other?

You asked some good probing questions such as - How did you know that’s a 3D solid?

How can you use what students already know (or told you) to form a question?

You accurately recorded student responses on the sticky!

How could you record or represent what was said about faces on the picture? About angles?

TC Strength

Coaching Question

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Task: Practicing the Practice of Coaching

  • 1-2 participants are needed to play the role of coach (main coach and supporting coach)
  • While we watch Video #2 together, coaches will identify spots in the rehearsal video where you would like us to pause.
  • Purpose of pauses may be to:
    • Identify TC strengths related to an EMTPs to highlight for the group.
      • Mathematical Discourse
      • Posing Purposeful Questions (Focus)
      • Eliciting and Using Evidence Student Thinking
    • Propose a guiding question that you could have asked the TC to facilitate their learning of the EMTP
    • Seek assistance from supporting coach or us (e.g., I know I need to stop here but I do not know what to ask.)
  • My role as a facilitator will be to pause the video and may be ask you follow up questions (e.g., what would the purpose of your question be? What EMTP are you promoting with your question?)

Video Link #2

Video Link #3

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Rubric Development

●Rubrics are for Enactments in PK-12 Classrooms

Should contain elements that:

○ Set your expectations for the enactment of the classroom routine. For example, sharing norms and procedures with children (before the routine) on how to engage with each other in manners that promote access and equity,

○ Set your expectations for what you are looking for specific to the Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices. For example, expectations for how the teacher candidate will model the EMTP and engage with children. See Dylan Kane’s thinking.

○ Set your expectations of how you want to see children engaging with the high leverage content aligned with grade level curriculum standards, and the types of feedback that you expect teacher candidates to provide children to promote access and equity,

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Rubric Development

Math Routine Breakout Groups (20 minutes)

  • Discuss your EMTP focus and how that is connected to your Enactment Rubric.
  • Looking at your current rubric, where might unintentional bias appear and how might you address that?

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Rubric Development

Rubrics are for Enactments in PK-12 Classrooms should contain elements that:

  • Connect to TPP/EPP Standards used by your partner school district and state,
  • May include additional elements from your university, college, department, or program. For example, connections to your college or department strategic plan or conceptual framework. (Team time)
  • May include additional elements relating to the video and audio quality of the submission, and video annotations.
  • (30 - 40 minutes)

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How does your rehearsal connect to each of these indicators?

  • To teach to the College & Career Readiness/K-12 State Standards

  • Integrate the teaching and assessment of the TPP teacher evaluation competencies

  • Integrate K-12 curriculum

  • Provide consistent (e.g. throughout the whole program) opportunities for candidates to practice teaching in safe settings (e.g. rehearsal like pedagogies)

  • Apply teaching skills in the P-12 classroom.

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  • To teach to the College & Career Readiness/K-12 State Standards
    • High Leverage Content
  • Integrate the teaching and assessment of the TPP teacher evaluation competencies
    • Enactment Rubric (EPP/TPP & Effective Math Teaching Practices)
  • Integrate K-12 curriculum
    • High Leverage Content
  • Provide consistent (e.g. throughout the whole program) opportunities for candidates to practice teaching in safe settings (e.g. rehearsal like pedagogies)
    • Rehearsal - Effective Math Teaching Practices
  • Apply teaching skills in the P-12 classroom.
    • Effective Math Teaching Practices - Math Routine

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Our Learning Cycle

How do TCs practice the teaching strategy or routine in our classroom?


How do we introduce a teaching strategy or math routine?


How do MTEs and the TCs analyze the enactment?


How do TCs enact the practice in the field with students?


University of Washington


Instructional Coaching

(March 2021)

Enactment Rubric ready for June 2021 Convening

Rehearsal Video ready for June 2021 Convening or Teacher Candidate/Teacher Enactment Video

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Final Rehearsal Upload

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Outcomes & Deliverables

June 2021

  • Enactment of Rehearsal in Spring 2021
    • Video of Rehearsal to Share at June Convening


    • Video of Teacher Candidate/Teacher Enactment
  • Completed Enactment Rubric
    • Aligned to EPP/TPP State Standards

**Items above will be uploaded to Google Drive before the June Convening.

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Virtual Office Hours (Optional)

Friday, April 30 at 3:00 p.m. CT.

Friday, May 21 at 3:00 p.m. CT

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9:30 am

10:30 am

11:30 am

12:30 pm

1:30 pm

Remember to join the Retreat Main Room after lunch at 1:30 CST.






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Time to Engage!




& Post

