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Impacto da virtualização dos recursos computacionais em redes de comunicação 5G e Indústria 4.0

Palestrante: Diego L. C. Dutra

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  • Contexto e Motivação
  • Demandas
  • Enablers
  • 5G
  • Indústria 4.0: Industrial Internet, Factories of the Future e IIoT
  • Linhas de Investigação
  • Final Remarks & Discussion
  • Questions

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An Evolving Cloud Computing Ecosystem













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Motivação: Virtualização de Servidores, Serviços e Rede

Sherman Shen, S. and Zhuang, W.

BBCR lab, Univ. of Waterloo




End to End Slicing e CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)

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Motivação: Virtualização de Servidores, Serviços e Rede




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Enablers: Virtualized Computational Env.

  • Ambientes computacionais Virtualizados

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Motivação: Orquestração

Por que não utilizarmos Orquestradores de Nuvens como Openstack Heat?

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Enablers: Datacenters & µDatacenters



Geo. Localization




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Enablers: SDN

  • Open Network Foundation Definition:
    • Directly Programmable
    • Agile
    • Centrally Managed
    • Programmatically Configured
    • OPen Standards-Based and Vendor-Neutral

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Enablers: SDN over Multiple Domains

  • Open Network Foundation Definition:
    • Directly Programmable
    • Agile
    • Centrally Managed
    • Programmatically Configured
    • Open Standards-Based and Vendor-Neutral

: Only at the southbound interface

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Multi-domain Network Slicing

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Motivação: ETSI NVF-MANO

Cloud Providers

Application Providers

Management System

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5G Verticals

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Requisitos por Vertical

15 of 49

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Putting All together:

  • Ambiente computacional distribuído entre múltiplos provedores de Cloud
    • Múltiplos serviços e SLAs
  • Serviços com diferentes requerimentos de latência
    • Orquestração em ambiente de Clouds Hierárquico
  • Topologia lógica da rede cruza limites dos datacenters
    • Garantindo isolamento e QoS

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ETSI MEC Orchestration

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OSM Rel. 4

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FOG Orchestration: SORTS

21 of 49

IIoT, Industry 4.0, Factories of the Future, and Industrial Internet

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Definindo a borda da Rede

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Network slicing na Indústria

24 of 49

5G Applications Environment

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Linhas de Investigação

On Going Research on these topics on 5G

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Multiple Fully-Fledged CDN slices over Multiple Cloud Domains

© MOSA!C LAB 2017

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ONOS: Ensuring end-to-end connectivity with QoS

D. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb and HK. Samdanis, “Ensuring end-to-end QoS based on multi-paths routing using SDN technology, IEEE Gloobecom 2017 (accepted).

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Ensuring end-to-end connectivity with QoS : Some Results



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Research challenge: Service migration in multi-edge

  • System Level approach: service is migrated when mobile user attaches to a different edge

Edge Cloud #1

Edge Cloud #2


  • Drawback: user can experience QoE degradation due to higher latency
  • User is forced to access the service instance deployed in the previous serving edge node for the Total Migration Time

User Movement

Service Migration


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Cross Datacenter Container Migration – Demo

© MOSA!C LAB 2017

Test bed setup

Server 2

Server 1


Video display

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Cross Datacenter Container Migration: Results

33 of 49

Security Demo


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Security Demo


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Security Demo: Attack


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Security Demo: Attack


37 of 49

Introdução: Desafios

~12.000 pessoas

> 150 laboratórios

Construção sobre área aterrada (>60%)

~1Km2 área total

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Introdução: Desafios e Objetivos

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RadNet: Comunicação por Interesse





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RadNet: Comunicação por Interesse










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RADNet-S: Cenário e Resultados

Tráfego “sem” o RadNet-S

Tráfego RadNet-S 100 Ep/s (80 Kbps)

Tráfego RadNet-S 1000 Ep/s (800 Kbps)

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Sistema de Monitoramento: 1º pavimento CT/UFRJ

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Sistema de Monitoramento: Subsolo do Bloco I, CT/UFRJ

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Linhas de Investigação: Literatura

  • R. A. Addad, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, D.L.C. Dutra, and H. Flinck, "Optimization model for Cross-Domain Network Slices in 5G Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  • R. A. Addad, T. Taleb, H. Flinck, M. Bagaa and D.L.C. Dutra, “Network Slice Mobility in Next Generation Mobile Systems: Challenges and Potential Solutions”, in IEEE Network Magazine.
  • R. A. Addad, T. Taleb, M. Bagaa, D.L.C. Dutra, and H. Flinck, “Towards Modeling Cross-Domain Network Slices for 5G,” in IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.
  • R. A. Addad, D.L.C. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, and H. Flinck, “MIRA!: A SDN-based Framework for Cross-Domain Fast Migration of Ultra-Low Latency 5G Services,” in IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.
  • R. A. Addad, D.L.C. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, and H. Flinck "Towards A Fast Service Migration in 5G", in IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, (IEEE CSCN 2018), 29-31 October 2018, Paris, France.

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Linhas de Investigação: Literatura

  • R. A. Addad, D.L.C. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, H. Flinck, and M. Namane “Benchmarking the ONOS Intent interfaces to ease 5G service management,” in IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.
  • Y. Khettab, M. Bagaa, D. Dutra, T. Taleb, and N. Toumi, “Virtual Security as a Service for 5G Verticals,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2018, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
  • LIMA, et al. . RadNet-S: Um Mecanismo para Transmissão Segura e Secreta de Registros Syslog. In: WORKSHOP DE GERÊNCIA E OPERAÇÃO DE REDES E SERVIÇOS, 2018, Campos do Jordão.
  • Santos, L. S. ; Messner, V. C,; DUTRA, D. L. C. ; AMORIM, C. L. "Redes Oportunísticas de Comunicação Segura para Monitoramento de Riscos de Sinistros".WRAC+2018
  • Kablan, M., Alsadais, A., Keller, E., Le, F.: Stateless Network Functions: Breaking the Tight Coupling of State and Processing. NSDI 2017.
  • T. Taleb, I. Afolabi, and M. Bagaa, “Orchestrating 5G Network Slices to Support Industrial Internet and to Shape Next-Generation Smart Factories,” in IEEE Network Magazine.

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Final Remarks & Discussion

  • Centralized vs Distributed Approaches
  • Physical Network Control w/o Ownership
  • Multi Domain Orchestration
  • Multi Domain Computation Migration
  • Hierarchical Orchestration

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Oportunidades de Cooperação

  • Projetos de Pesquisa
    • Prof. Leonardo Bidese de Pinho
  • Mestrado e Doutorado
  • Estágios pós-Mestrado/Doutorado
    • www.mosaic-lab.org/
    • IIoT e 5G

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Obrigado por sua atenção

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RadNet: Protocolo de Comunicação

  • Não exigência de endereçamento unívoco
  • Modelo de comunicação seguindo o modelo Pub/Sub.
  • Protocolo: