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Materials needed & Important Reminders

  • Email address
  • You do not need to give your Social Security number. Just click the little box that says “I decline to state my social security number at this time”
  • Address, phone number, emergency contact information
  • You are applying to the SEMESTER AND YEAR OF DESIRED CLASS
  • On the Education tab, the answer is: “ENROLLING IN HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE AT THE SAME TIME”


  • The CCCApply application times out after a few minutes. Students will have to restart their application if it times out.
  • Write all username and password information down in case you forget
  • Make sure students write down their confirmation number at the end of the application process!

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Create Your CCCApply Account

Please go to the link below to begin your application

West LA College Application

Please note this is a two-part application. The first part is for the California system CCC Apply. Once you have created your account you will click on “Continue” and then “Start A New Application”

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Click on the blue button that says “CLICK HERE FOR COLLEGE APPLICATION

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Click “Create a New Account

NOTE: If you have an existing account, there is no need to create a new account. Locate your username and password and click “Sign In” or click “Sign In” and select “Recover Account”

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Click “Begin Creating My Account

Use your PERSONAL or HS email address.

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Check your email for your verification code

Check your email for the code

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Contact Information



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Contact Information

If you click yes, you can move on

If you click no, it will ask you for your address

Type your 5-digit zip code here

Type your street address here

If you have an apartment or unit number, type it here

Type your city here

Select your State here (most likely CA)

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Step 6: Personal Information

Write your First Name - NOT a nickname

Write your Middle Name - NOT a nickname

Write your Last Name - NOT a nickname

Use the dropdown only if you have a suffix (e.g., “Jr”, “III”)

You can add a preferred name/nickname here

Enter your Date of Birth.

You must enter it TWICE.

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Step 6: Credentials

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Step 7: My Applications

Complete the College Application

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Step 13: Complete Enrollment Information section, then click “Continue

Select the term. “SEMESTER/YEAR OF CLASS”

Select Best Option for You

Select “All Majors”

Select a major you are considering

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Step 7: My Applications

Most students: select “No”. Only answer “Yes” if your legal name has ever been changed.

Students with a Social Security Number: click “Yes” and enter your social security number TWICE. Type in only the numbers (no dashes).

Students who do not have a Social Security Number: click “No” and check the box at the bottom to indicate that you are an undocumented student or that you decline to provide a social.

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Step 7: My Applications

Most students will check this box to use the same address you provided in your OpenCCC Account.

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Step 8: Complete Education section, then click “Continue

Select “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Select “Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Select “I attended high school

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Step 8 (continued)

Start to type the name of your high school, then select the correct option from the list.

This box should automatically populate

This box should automatically populate

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Step 8 (continued): complete questions then click “Continue

If you have completed 11th grade, select “Yes” and respond to the additional questions.

Select “No degree”

Most students: select “None” unless you have enrolled in a class at another CC or institution.

Additional Questions:

  • Unweighted GPA: provide your best estimate
  • Highest English and Math course taken: select from the dropdown menu or click “None of the above/Don’t Know”

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Complete Citizenship/Military section, then click “Continue

Select Citizenship & Immigration Status from the dropdown menu.

  • If you are an undocumented student, select “Other” and click the box that says “No documents
  • If you are a Permanent Resident, you will need the A number on your green card.

Select Military Status from the dropdown menu.

  • If your parent/guardian is or was in the military, select the appropriate box
  • All other students, select “None apply to me”

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Complete Residency section, then click “Continue

If you moved to California after June 13, 2019, click “No”.

Then, enter the approximate date that you moved.

Most students will leave all of these boxes unchecked.

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Special Residency Categories: complete questions then click “Continue

  • If you have been in foster care, select “Yes”
  • If you have not been in foster care, select “No”

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Complete Needs and Interests section, then click “Continue

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Step 18 (continued): complete questions, then click “Continue

Select “No, I am not interested”

Leave this entire section blank

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Step 19: Complete Demographic Information section, then click “Continue

These 3 questions are optional. Select “Decline to state” if you prefer not to answer.

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Step 19 (continued)

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Step 19 (continued): complete questions, then click “Continue

You can select all groups that apply to you.

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Step 7: My Applications

Select the primary language you speak, read, and write

Select “I have never served in the military”

Select Military Dependent Status from the dropdown menu.

  • If your parent/guardian is or was in the military, select the appropriate box
  • All other students, select “I am not a military dependent

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It is suggested to check ALL of these boxes.

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Type your cell phone number in the format shown above

Type the name of an emergency contact (parent, relative, friend)

Type their cell phone number in the format shown above

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Step 20 (continued)

Answer “NO” for Question 6.

Leave Question 6A blank.

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Step 20 (continued)

Select “Yes” if you have an IEP.

Otherwise, select “No”

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Most students will select “No” for each of these questions.

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Step 7: My Applications

Most students will select “No” for each of these questions.

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Most students will select “No” for each of these questions.

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Review your Responses

It is suggested that you save your responses as a PDF and email it to yourself.

Select “I consent”

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Step 21 (continued)

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Step 21: Write down your Confirmation #

Send your confirmation # to your high school dual enrollment counselor contact.