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How to Log into your Charms Account

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Go to www.charmsoffice.com and click the login button.

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Click the Parent/Student tab and enter the school code SISBammelBand

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Enter your student ID in the Student Area Password space

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This screen should show up prompting you to fill it in to change your password. Please use your student’s school email address for this portion. They should receive an email with a link to change their password.

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At this point feel free to set your password to whatever you would like. If you ever forget your password the band directors are able to reset it as needed.

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Once you enter Charms you will have different options to explore. The finance button will be the main function of charms for now, however we are working to expand our usage of charms to its many other features.

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The finance button will allow you to see any receipts for payments you have made, as well as any band fees or reed money owed. If you have any questions or concerns about your account please contact one of the band directors.

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A link has been added to your charms account to help you find the Revtrak website easier for any online payments of band fees.