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What is the best way to keep an ice cube from melting?

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The purpose of this project is to find out the best way to stop an ICE cube from melting.


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The site I used to find this project was https://sciencebob.com/science-fair-ideas/ideas/

I did some research after I wrote down my hypothesis and found how long that metal could stop the ICE cube for a pretty long time.(180 minutes!)

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I think the best way to stop the ice from melting is by putting it on a steel plate.The reason I think that it will not melt on a steel plate is because I already know that if I put ice on a plastic folder it won’t help it not melt.

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  • 9 ice cubes
  • 3 steel plates
  • 1 Plastic folders
  • ¼ cup of salt 3 of them
  • 1 tray for the ice cube to stay on when putting salt on it.
  • Ipad for Stopwatch

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  • You need to test the best way to keep an ice cube from melting on which material.
  • Put one ice cube on a steel plate and use a stopwatch to find out how long it takes for the ice cube to melt.
  • Try the same thing on the plastic folder use the stopwatch how long will it take.
  • On the third one put the ¼ cup of salt on a tray and put the ice cube on the salt how long will it take to melt use the stopwatch.
  • Find out which one takes the longest and that one is the one which takes the longest to melt.


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What is the best way to keep an ice cube from melting?

¼ cup of Salt

Steel plate

Plastic folder

Trial #1

19 minutes and 31 seconds

40 minutes and 18 seconds

1 hour, 36 minutes and 48 seconds

Trial #2

16 minutes 26 seconds

51m 7s

1 hour, 23 minutes and 35 seconds

Trial #3

15 minutes and 40 seconds

50 minutes and 3 seconds

1 hours 12 minutes 56 seconds

Data Table

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My conclusion rejected my hypothesis because, the ice melted the slowest on the plastic folder. I thought the ice on the steel plate would melt the slowest, but it did not melt the slowest.

Since I thought that ice on the steel plate would melt the slowest, I was wrong. A fridge is made of PLASTIC so it would melt the slowest on plastic. All the trials for plastic are +1 hour. And they are greater than the other trials for the other ones, (steel plate, and salt). The steel plate did not go higher than 51 minutes. The salt went not till 19 minutes higher. Since plastic was the highest plastic is the one which make ice melt the slowest. So my conclusion is wrong.

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Real World Connections

This project relates to the real world because if you want to save some ice before it melts. If you don't have a freezer, then you can make a box and cover it with plastic folder material. It might not melt as fast. Since fridges are made mostly of plastic it would be like a small little mini fridge.