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Explore and install appropriate apps and extensions for each grade level.

Chrome User Settings / Recommendations


Blocking Apps and Extensions is appropriate when used in conjunction with the Chrome Web Store Recommended apps and extensions list. See here for a list of recommended Apps to Block.

Note: Blocking installation of Apps only prevents users from installing apps from the Chrome Web Store. Users may still authorize web apps using oAuth.


Block Extensions by Permission

This setting can be used to block extensions that request certain permissions that may be deemed a security risk.

At least, block the below extensions:

  • VPN Provider
  • Set Proxy


Chrome Web Store Homepage can be set to Custom Chrome Web Store

Send students and staff to the custom store first. The custom collection can be renamed to something more appropriate, for example <NAME> District Recommended Apps.


Set Up Recommended Apps and Extensions

Set up at least one recommended app/extension otherwise no the custom web store will not be visible.


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  • Awesome HQ
  • Bacon ipsum
  • Bitly
  • Bitmoji / emoji one
  • Boomerang
  • Checker Plus for Google Cal
  • Clipboard history $2
  • Color pick eyedropper
  • Email Tracking for Gmail and Inbox
  • Event Merge for Google Cal
  • Extensify
  • Fontface ninja
  • Google Cast for education
  • Google Classroom
  • Google Docs quick create
  • Google Keep
  • The Great Suspender
  • Hey Girl
  • Infinity / Momentum / Google Art new tabs
  • Just do It Shia LaBeouf
  • Last pass
  • Loom / Screencastify/ Nimbus
  • One tab
  • Permanent clipboard
  • Pocket
  • Poll everywhere
  • Privacy Badger
  • Schedule email
  • Strict workflow
  • Tab cloud/Tab scissors/tab glue
  • Tab Cola
  • Text expander
  • TLDR
  • Toby tab management
  • ToDoist
  • uBlock Origin
  • Wakelet
  • Webpaint
  • Webclipper: Easyscreenshot

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Student Data Privacy Breakout Sessions

  • Digital Leadership in Studio A (Michelle)
  • Get Out of Jail Free in Basement B (Mosey)
  • Chrome Extensions in Basement A (Melissa L)