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Indoor Air Pollutants

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  • Nation’s leading cause of preventable death
  • 1205 deaths per day =418,000/yr

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Carcinogens in a Cig!

  • Acetaldehyde: 980 mcg
  • Arsenic: Unknown
  • Formaldehyde: Unknown
  • Lead: Unknown
  • Nicotine: 14 mcg
  • Vinyl Chloride: 27 nanograms
  • Benzene: 5.9-75 mcg
  • Carbon Monoxide

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  • NATURAL!!!! NOT anthropogenic (human caused)
  • Colorless, odorless gas that enters homes b/c of radioactive decay of Uranium 238 in earth’s rocks
  • Seeps through foundation of houses

Uranium Rock

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Radon and Health

  • A carcinogen
  • 2nd most common cause of lung cancer (21,000 deaths/yr, behind smoking)
  • Test Kits Available for $10

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Zone 1 = High, Zone 3 = Low

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Remediation of Radon

  • Sealing cracks in foundation walls and floors
  • Suction systems underneath house
  • Increased ventilation in house

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  • Do You have this?

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  • A fungus that eats organic matter (wood, cardboard, drywall)
  • Reproduces by releasing spores into air.
  • Loves moist, humid conditions.

Mold Spores

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Mold and Health

  • Triggers immune systems responses such as allergies.
  • Mold spores may germinate in lungs causing lung lesions.
  • Vomiting

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    • Natural mineral → doesn’t burn, conduct heat or electricity
    • Used in electrical insulation, roofing and car brakes
  • Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Control Act of 1986: required all use of asbestos to be phased out by 1997

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Asbestos Removal

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Asbestos and Health

  • Can separate in long thin fibers ➔ enters lungs causing
    • Cancer (mesothelioma) if inhaled in high concentrations
    • Asbestosis: acid tries to eat away fiber; causes scarring of lungs.

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Formaldehyde: H2CO

  • Used as a preservative, in film processing, making glues for plywood and carpeting (construction materials).
  • Products decay indoors, formaldehyde is released.

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Formaldehyde and Health

  • Common in houses
  • Watery eyes, irritates mucous membranes, headaches, diff. breathing.

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Sick Building Syndrome

  • Caused by too many indoor air pollutants
  • Dizziness, headaches, rash, fever, fatigue
  • New buildings get it more → conserving energy and newer construction materials.
  • Causes absenteeism and loss of productivity.

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  • Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
  • Created agency which ensures employers provide employees with an env. free from hazards, such as exposure to toxic chemicals, excessive noise levels, mechanical dangers, heat or cold stress, or unsanitary conditions.

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Children and Air Pollution

  • Effects are compounded among children → lungs are still developing
  • Have higher metabolic rates which require more O2
  • To get more O2, kids breathe larger volumes of air

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