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Brainstarter 3/21

  • Most of the fine tuning (studying, having hearings on and amending) bills is done in small groups called ___.
  • What are the
    • permanent kind?
    • temporary kind?
    • the kind made up of H and S

*how is committee membership determined?

  • Who am I? Letter A-G


Majority Party Leader Speaker of the House

Minority Party Leader Party Whip

VP Pres Pro Tem


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From the video…record as many steps as you can in “How a Bill Becomes a Law”

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Short and Sweet (Bill)

  • Starts as an ________; constituents call their _____________
  • He/she types up bill & introduces it to ___________
  • Bill then gets put in a _________ where Congressmen study and debate
  • Bill either gets sent on or _______ in committee
  • The ________ & the ________ vote on bill
  • Bill goes to ____________ where he can become a _______
  • If President says no it’s a _________ & bill goes back to _____________

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What’s the difference b/w this and an executive order?

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On the back of 6-3 notes create a flowchart displaying steps in how a bill becomes a law. The more detail the better. (Start on p. 148 of textbook) Be sure to answer the following questions along the way:

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How It Starts

-1. starts as an idea

-Who has the idea?

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Split Process

-a new bill must pass both parts of Congress

-the bill must also pass both parts in exactly the same form

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Becoming a Bill

-2. must be sponsored by a member of Congress

-put in a draft form

-introduced into Congress

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-bill is 3. assigned to a committee

-committee has 3 options

-send bill to next stage

-kill the bill

-pigeonhole the bill-- Action that places a bill to the side without a vote

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4. Sent to Sub-Committee

-studies the bill in-depth

-public hearings-- Meetings held by legislative committees in order to allow public comments and information to be given to legislative committees

-same 3 options

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-5. back to full committee

-committee votes to send bill to full House or Senate

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House or Senate

-6. Bill is read to the Full House or Senate for the first time

-Party Leaders try to schedule debate time for bill

-Members research the merits of the bill

-Riders may be attached

-additional measures which are not related to the original bill

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-7. members get to voice their opinions on the bill

-time is often limited in debates in the House (5 minutes)

-Senate has no time limits on their debate-

-filibuster used as a protest method to delay passage of bill

-cloture vote ends a filibuster

-each party is given equal opportunity to speak about the bill

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8. -after debate a vote is scheduled

-3 types of votes




Type of Congressional vote where each legislator is called out and a vote recorded—mostly done electronically today

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Same Bill Must Pass

-both parts of Congress must pass the same bill

-if bill is not the same a conference committee will meet

-Special committee made up of legislators from the House and Senate who try to work out differences in bill that passed both houses in different forms

-bill must be voted on in new form

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9. Sent to President

-4 options

-a) sign it into law

-b) pocket veto-- Process where the President does not sign a bill and Congress is not in session; dies

-c) veto the bill

-d) not sign the bill (Congress is in session)

becomes law in 10 days

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Over-Riding a Veto

-if vetoed Congress can override the veto

-2/3 vote required in each house to override

-very difficult to achieve (107 times out of 1484 vetoes)