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Bayesian Statistics

Made Simple

Allen B. Downey

Olin College


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Follow along at home


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The plan

From Bayes's Theorem to Bayesian inference.

A computational framework.

Work on example problems.

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At 4:40, you should be ready to:

  • Work on similar problems.
  • Learn more on your own.

5 of 154

Think Bayes

This tutorial is based on my book,

Think Bayes

Bayesian Statistics in Python

Published by O'Reilly Media

and available under a

Creative Commons license from


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p(A): the probability that A occurs.

p(A|B): the probability that A occurs, given that B has occurred.

p(A and B) = p(A) p(B|A)

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Bayes's Theorem

By definition of conjoint probability:

p(A and B) = p(A) p(B|A) = (1)

p(B and A) = p(B) p(A|B)

Equate the right hand sides

p(B) p(A|B) = p(A) p(B|A) (2)

Divide by p(B) and ...

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Bayes's Theorem

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Bayes's Theorem

One way to think about it:

Bayes's Theorem is an algorithm to get

from p(B|A) to p(A|B).

Useful if p(B|A), p(A) and p(B) are easier

than p(A|B).

OR ...

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Diachronic interpretation

H: Hypothesis

D: Data

Given p(H), the probability of the hypothesis before you saw the data.

Find p(H|D), the probability of the hypothesis after you saw the data.

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A cookie problem

Suppose there are two bowls of cookies.

Bowl #1 has 10 chocolate and 30 vanilla.

Bowl #2 has 20 of each.

Fred picks a bowl at random, and then picks a cookie at random. The cookie turns out to be vanilla.

What is the probability that Fred picked from Bowl #1?

from Wikipedia

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Cookie problem

H: Hypothesis that cookie came from Bowl 1.

D: Cookie is vanilla.

Given p(H), the probability of the hypothesis before you saw the data.

Find p(H|D), the probability of the hypothesis after you saw the data.

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Diachronic interpretation

p(H|D) = p(H) p(D|H) / p(D)

p(H): prior

p(D|H): conditional likelihood of the data

p(D): total likelihood of the data

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Diachronic interpretation

p(H|D) = p(H) p(D|H) / p(D)

p(H): prior = 1/2

p(D|H): conditional likelihood of the data = 3/4

p(D): total likelihood of the data = 5/8

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Diachronic interpretation

p(H|D) = (1/2)(3/4) / (5/8) = 3/5

p(H): prior = 1/2

p(D|H): conditional likelihood of the data = 3/4

p(D): total likelihood of the data = 5/8

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A little intuition

p(H|D): posterior = 60%

p(H): prior = 50%

Vanilla cookie was more likely under H.

Slightly increases our degree of belief in H.

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Pmf represents a Probability Mass Function

Maps from possible values to probabilities.

Diagram by yuml.me

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Install test

How many of you got install_test.py running?

Don't try to fix it now!


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Partner up

  • If you don't have a working environment, find a neighbor who does.
  • Even if you do, try pair programming!
  • Take a minute to introduce yourself.
  • Questions? Ask your partner first (please).

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What was your first computer?

What was your first programming language?

What is the longest time you have spent finding a stupid bug?

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Start your engines

  • You cloned BayesMadeSimple, right?
  • cd into that directory.
  • Start the Python interpreter.

$ python

>>> from thinkbayes import Pmf

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from thinkbayes import Pmf

# make an empty Pmf

d6 = Pmf()

# outcomes of a six-sided die

for x in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:

d6.Set(x, 1)

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I know what you're thinking.

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The Bayesian framework

1) Build a Pmf that maps from each hypothesis to a prior probability, p(H).

2) Multiply each prior probability by the likelihood of the data, p(D|H).

3) Normalize, which divides through by the total likelihood, p(D).

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pmf = Pmf()

pmf.Set('Bowl 1', 0.5)

pmf.Set('Bowl 2', 0.5)

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p(Vanilla | Bowl 1) = 30/40

p(Vanilla | Bowl 2) = 20/40

pmf.Mult('Bowl 1', 0.75)

pmf.Mult('Bowl 2', 0.5)

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0.625 # return val is p(D)

print pmf.Prob('Bowl 1')


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What if we select another cookie, and it’s chocolate?

The posterior (after the first cookie) becomes the prior (before the second cookie).

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What if we select another cookie, and it’s chocolate?

pmf.Mult('Bowl 1', 0.25)

pmf.Mult('Bowl 2', 0.5)



Bowl 1 0.43�Bowl 2 0.573�

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Bayes's Theorem,

Cookie problem,

Pmf class.

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The dice problem

I have a box of dice that contains a 4-sided die, a 6-sided die, an 8-sided die, a 12-sided die and a 20-sided die.

Suppose I select a die from the box at random, roll it, and get a 6. What is the probability that I rolled each die?

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Hypothesis suites

A suite is a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive set of hypotheses.

Represented by a Suite that maps

hypothesis probability.

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class Suite(Pmf):

"Represents a suite of hypotheses and

their probabilities."

def __init__(self, hypos):

"Initializes the distribution."

for hypo in hypos:

self.Set(hypo, 1)


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def Update(self, data):

"Updates the suite based on data."

for hypo in self.Values():� like = self.Likelihood(data, hypo)� self.Mult(hypo, like)�



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Likelihood is an abstract method.

Child classes inherit Update,

provide Likelihood.

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Outcome: 6

  • What is the likelihood of this outcome on a six-sided die?
  • On a ten-sided die?
  • On a four-sided die?

What is the likelihood of getting n on an m-sided die?

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# hypo is the number of sides on the die

# data is the outcome

class Dice(Suite):

def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):� # write this method!�

Write your solution in dice.py

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# hypo is the number of sides on the die

# data is the outcome

class Dice(Suite):

def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):� if hypo < data:� return 0� else:� return 1.0/hypo�

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# start with equal priors

suite = Dice([4, 6, 8, 12, 20])

# update with the data



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Posterior distribution:

4 0.0

6 0.39

8 0.30

12 0.19

20 0.12

More data? No problem...

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for roll in [8, 7, 7, 5, 4]:



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Posterior distribution:

4 0.0

6 0.0

8 0.92

12 0.080

20 0.0038

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Dice problem,

Likelihood function,

Suite class.

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The trainspotting problem:

  • You believe that a freight carrier operates between 100 and 1000 locomotives with consecutive serial numbers.
  • You spot locomotive #321.
  • How many locomotives does the carrier operate?

Modify train.py to compute your answer.

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  • If there are m trains, what is the chance of spotting train #n?

  • What does the posterior distribution look like?

  • How would you summarize it?

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print suite.Mean()

print suite.MaximumLikelihood()�print suite.CredibleInterval(90)�

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  • What if we spot more trains?

  • Why did we do this example?

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  • Practice using the Bayesian framework, and figuring out Likelihood().

  • Example that uses sparse data.

  • It’s a non-trivial, real problem.

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Good time for questions

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A Euro problem

"When spun on edge 250 times, a Belgian one-euro coin came up heads 140 times and tails 110. 'It looks very suspicious to me,' said Barry Blight, a statistics lecturer at the London School of Economics. 'If the coin were unbiased, the chance of getting a result as extreme as that would be less than 7%.' "

From "The Guardian" quoted by MacKay, Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms.

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A Euro problem

MacKay asks, "But do these data give evidence that the coin is biased rather than fair?"

Assume that the coin has probability x of landing heads.

(Forget that x is a probability; just think of it as a physical characteristic.)

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A Euro problem

Estimation: Based on the data (140 heads, 110 tails), what is x?

Hypothesis testing: What is the probability that the coin is fair?

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We can use the Suite template again.

We just have to figure out the likelihood function.

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# hypo is the prob of heads (1-100)

# data is a string, either 'H' or 'T'

class Euro(Suite):�� def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):� # one more, please!

Modify euro.py to compute your answer.

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# hypo is the prob of heads (1-100)

# data is a string, either 'H' or 'T'

class Euro(Suite):�� def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):� x = hypo / 100.0� if data == 'H':� return x� else:� return 1-x

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What do we believe about x before seeing the data?

Start with something simple; we'll come back and review.

Uniform prior: any value of x between 0% and 100% is equally likely.

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suite = Euro(range(0, 101))

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Suppose we spin the coin once and get heads.


What does the posterior distribution look like?

Hint: what is p(x=0% | D)?

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Suppose we spin the coin again, and get heads again.


What does the posterior distribution look like?

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Suppose we spin the coin again, and get tails.


What does the posterior distribution look like?

Hint: what's p(x=100% | D)?

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After 10 spins, 7 heads and 3 tails:

for outcome in 'HHHHHHHTTT':


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And finally, after 140 heads and 110 tails:

evidence = 'H' * 140 + 'T' * 110

for outcome in evidence:


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  • Now what?
  • How do we summarize the information in the posterior Suite?

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Given the posterior distribution, what is the probability that x is 50%?

print suite.Prob(50)

And the answer is... 0.021

Hmm. Maybe that's not the right question.

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How about the most likely value of x?

print pmf.MaximumLikelihood()

And the answer is 56%.

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Or the expected value?

print suite.Mean()

And the answer is 55.95%.

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Credible interval?

print suite.CredibleInterval(90)

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The 5th percentile is 51.

The 95th percentile is 61.

These values form a 90% credible interval.

So can we say: "There's a 90% chance that x is between 51 and 61?"

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Frequentist response

Thank you smbc-comics.com

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Bayesian response

Yes, x is a random variable,

Yes, (51, 61) is a 90% credible interval,

Yes, x has a 90% chance of being in it.

Pro: Bayesian stats lends itself to decision analysis.

Con: The prior is subjective.

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The prior is subjective

Remember the prior?

We chose it pretty arbitrarily, and reasonable people might disagree.

Is x as likely to be 1% as 50%?

Given what we know about coins, I doubt it.

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How should we capture background knowledge about coins?

Try a triangle prior.

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What do you think the posterior distributions look like?

I was going to put an image here, but then I Googled "posterior". Never mind.

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Swamp the prior

With enough data, reasonable people converge.

But if any p(Hi) = 0, no data will change that.

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Swamp the prior

Priors can be arbitrarily low, but avoid 0.

See wikipedia.org/wiki/


"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken."�

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Summary of estimation

  • Form a suite of hypotheses, Hi.
  • Choose prior distribution, p(Hi).
  • Compute likelihoods, p(D|Hi).
  • Turn off brain.
  • Compute posteriors, p(Hi|D).

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Hypothesis testing

Remember the original question:

"But do these data give evidence that the coin is biased rather than fair?"

What does it mean to say that data give evidence for (or against) a hypothesis?

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Hypothesis testing

D is evidence in favor of H if

p(H|D) > p(H)

which is true if

p(D|H) > p(D|~H)

or equivalently if

p(D|H) / p(D|~H) > 1

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Hypothesis testing

This term

p(D|H) / p(D|~H)

is called the likelihood ratio, or Bayes factor.

It measures the strength of the evidence.

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Hypothesis testing

F: hypothesis that the coin is fair

B: hypothesis that the coin is biased

p(D|F) is easy.

p(D|B) is hard because B is underspecified.

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Tempting: we got 140 heads out of 250 spins, so B is the hypothesis that x = 140/250.


  • Doesn't seem right to use the data twice.
  • By this process, almost any data would be evidence in favor of B.

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We need some rules

  • You have to choose your hypothesis before you see the data.
  • You can choose a suite of hypotheses, but in that case we average over the suite.

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def AverageLikelihood(suite, data):

total = 0

for hypo, prob in suite.Items():

like = suite.Likelihood(data, hypo)

total += prob * like

return total

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Hypothesis testing

F: hypothesis that x = 50%.

B: hypothesis that x is not 50%, but might be any other value with equal probability.

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fair = Euro()

fair.Set(50, 1)

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bias = Euro()

for x in range(0, 101):

if x != 50:

bias.Set(x, 1)


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Bayes factor

data = 140, 110

like_fair = AverageLikelihood(fair, data)

like_bias = AverageLikelihood(bias, data)

ratio = like_bias / like_fair

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Hypothesis testing

Read euro2.py.

Notice the new representation of the data, and corresponding Likelihood function.

Run it and interpret the results.

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Hypothesis testing

And the answer is:

p(D|B) = 2.6 · 10-76

p(D|F) = 5.5 · 10-76

Likelihood ratio is about 0.47.

So this dataset is evidence against B.

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Fair comparison?

  • Modify the code that builds bias; try out a different definition of B and run again.

bias = Euro()

for x in range(0, 49):

bias.Set(x, x)

for x in range(51, 101):

bias.Set(x, 100-x)


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  • The Bayes factor depends on the definition of B.

  • Depending on what “biased” means, the data might be evidence for or against B.

  • The evidence is weak either way (between 0.5 and 2).

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Euro problem,

Bayesian estimation,

Bayesian hypothesis testing.

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Word problem for geeks

ALICE: What did you get on the math SAT?

BOB: 760

ALICE: Oh, well I got a 780.  I guess that means I'm smarter than you.

NARRATOR: Really?  What is the probability that Alice is smarter than Bob?

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Assume, define, quantify

Assume: each person has some probability, x, of answering a random SAT question correctly.

Define: "Alice is smarter than Bob" means xa > xb.

How can we quantify Prob { xa > x} ?

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Be Bayesian

Treat x as a random quantity.

Start with a prior distribution.

Update it.

Compare posterior distributions.

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Distribution of raw scores.

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def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):� x = hypo� score = data� raw = self.exam.Reverse(score)�� yes, no = raw, self.exam.max_score - raw� like = x**yes * (1-x)**no� return like

112 of 154


113 of 154


def PmfProbGreater(pmf1, pmf2):

    """Returns the prob that a value from pmf1

is greater than a value from pmf2."""

114 of 154


def PmfProbGreater(pmf1, pmf2):

    """Returns the prob that a value from pmf1

is greater than a value from pmf2."""

Iterate through all pairs of values.

Check whether the value from pmf1 is greater.

Add up total probability of successful pairs.

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def PmfProbGreater(pmf1, pmf2):


    for x1, p1 in pmf1.Items():

        for x2, p2 in pmf2.Items():



116 of 154


def PmfProbGreater(pmf1, pmf2):


    total = 0.0

    for x1, p1 in pmf1.Items():

        for x2, p2 in pmf2.Items():

            if x1 > x2:

                total += p1 * p2

    return total

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And the answer is...

Alice: 780

Bob: 760

Probability that Alice is "smarter": 61%

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Why this example?

Posterior distribution is often the input to the next step in an analysis.

Real world problems start (and end!) with modeling.

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  • This result is based on the simplification that all SAT questions are equally difficult.
  • An alternative (in the book) is based on item response theory.

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  • For most real world problems, there are several reasonable models.
  • The best choice depends on your goals.
  • Modeling errors often dominate.

121 of 154



  • Don't mistake the map for the territory.
  • Don't sweat approximations smaller than modeling errors.
  • Iterate.

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The Red Line problem

Kendall Square to South Station, catch the 4:40 train.

Arrive Kendall/MIT at 4:15, usually arrive South Station by 4:30.

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Counting passengers

Few passengers waiting: just missed a train. Wait 7 minutes.

Many passengers: it’s been a while. Wait 2 minutes.

Platform packed: something’s wrong. Taxi.

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Three inferences

1. Ahead of time, watch passengers arrive, estimate arrival rate.

2. On the day, count passengers on platform, estimate time since last train.

3. Compute the distribution of remaining time, conditioned on time since last train.

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Three weeks of train arrivals at Kendall/MIT between 4pm and 5pm.

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Observer bias

More people arrive during longer intervals, so the average interval reported by passengers is longer than the average reported by MBTA.

Example: Alternating 5 and 10 minute delays.

MBTA average: 7.5 minutes

Passenger average: 8.33 minutes

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Three weeks of train arrivals at Kendall/MIT between 4pm and 5pm.

z = time between trains

zb = time between trains as seen by random arrival

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Wait time

z = time between trains

zb = time between trains as seen by random arrival

y = wait time for a random arrival

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z: Trains run every 7.5 minutes.

zb: On average, a random passenger arrives during an 8.33-minute interval.

y: How long should the passenger expect to wait?

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The Bayesian part

x = time since the last train

prior x: distribution of x before I see the data.

posterior x: distribution of x after.

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When I arrive, I see 15 passengers in my measurement area.

Based on previous observation, I expect 2 passengers to arrive per minute.

How long has it been since the last train?

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z: time between trains.

x: time since last train.

y: time until the next train.

z = x + y

y = z - x

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Decision analysis

Having observed num passengers,

1. Compute the predictive distribution of time until next train, y.

2. Compute the probability that y exceeds 15 minutes.

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Bayesian analysis consistent with intuition.

Predictive distributions guide decision analysis.

  • Just need a cost function.

142 of 154

Almost done!


And then some reading suggestions.

143 of 154

Think Bayes

This tutorial is based on my book,

Think Bayes

Bayesian Statistics Made Simple

Published by O'Reilly Media

and available under a

Creative Commons license from


144 of 154

Case studies

  • Euro
  • SAT
  • Red line
  • Price is Right
  • Boston Bruins
  • Paintball
  • Variability hypothesis
  • Kidney tumor growth
  • Geiger counter
  • Unseen species

145 of 154

Think Stats

You might also like

Think Stats

Prob/Stat for Programmers

Published by O'Reilly Media

and available under a

Creative Commons license from


146 of 154

More reading

147 of 154

More reading


Bayesian Methods

for Hackers

On Github.

148 of 154

More reading (not free)

Howson and Urbach, Scientific Reasoning: The Bayesian Approach

Sivia, Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial

Gelman et al, Bayesian Data Analysis

149 of 154

Need help?

I am always looking for interesting projects.

  • Summer 2014.
  • Sabbatical 2015-16.

150 of 154

151 of 154


  • The Bayesian approach is a divide and conquer strategy.
  • You write Likelihood().
  • Bayes does the rest.

152 of 154

Where does this fit?

Usual approach:

  • Analytic distributions.
  • Math.
  • Multidimensional integrals.
  • Numerical methods (MCMC).

153 of 154

Where does this fit?


  • Hard to get started.
  • Hard to develop solutions incrementally.
  • Hard to develop understanding.

154 of 154

My theory

  • Start with non-analytic distributions.
  • Use background information to choose meaningful priors.
  • Start with brute-force solutions.
  • If the results are good enough and fast enough, stop.
  • Otherwise, optimize (where analysis is one kind of optimization).
  • Use your reference implementation for regression testing.