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Islamic Empire


Mission Summary: Ascendancy

Essential Question

Visual Summary

How did the Empire of Islam use conquest to expand?

Getting people to go along with his new religion Islam could not have been easy. How did Muhammad manage to convince other nations to join with him? Our records show that it was a combination of conquest and other non-violent factors. We’d like to know which more greatly contributed to their ascendency. Today, we’ll focus on the conquest side.

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Ascendancy 2: �The Islamic Empire

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Muhammad was kicked out of Mecca for saying there was one God. He returned home to Medina.

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With a new army he conquered Mecca. Any tribe that resisted Islam was conquered.

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Later the Muslims conquered Persia, Northern Africa and Spain.

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Persia stuff

Persia was told to convert or be conquered. They were conquered.

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Spain and North Africa resisted Islamic rule but were eventually conquered as well.

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The Muslims planned to conquer all of Christian Europe but were stopped by Charles Martel.

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Hmm… maybe the pope can help us.

Even later, other Muslims tried to conquer Constantinople (and eventually did.)

Wait a minute…

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Fry meme

  • So THAT’S why it started