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Prior knowledge activity

WALT: Use visual cues and text to help us understand what the book might be about

Success criteria:

I can use a picture or the title of the book to help me understand what the book might be about

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Prior knowledge activity - Read the questions carefully before you answer them:

1 - What do you think the book is going to be about? Explain why?

2 - What clues have you used to help you think about the answer to your first question?

3 - Write a list of things you already know about an Orca?

4 - What do you think

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Dictionary Hunt: Find the meaning of those words and then make sentences using the words.







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Comprehension activity: Click link below to read the book - Orce - Text

How many orcas live in the New Zealand coastline?

Another name for an Orca is:

What do Orcas eat?

Fill in the blank: Sometimes an orca will use its to hit the shark to stun it and slow it down

Make a list of the other types of dolphins:

What can we do to keep our ocean clean?

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Write a new fact you have learnt about Orcas - Draw a picture that will best describe your fact: Remember to use colours and be creative!

See Miss. I for worksheet.