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Presented by Dr. Igal German

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  • More examples of popular false Christs:

The Chosen, Jesus Calling, The Shack

  • Avoid non-biblical terms and concepts


Presented by Dr. Igal German

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    • The Chosen
    • Jesus Calling
    • The Shack


False Christ of The Chosen, Jesus Calling & The Shack - Pastor Chris Quintana YouTube channel



More examples of popular

false Christs

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The Chosen

The Chosen and Its Mormon Influencers

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)

The Chosen series was initiated and inspired from a partnership between Dallas Jenkins, an evangelical filmmaker, and three Mormon businessmen, Jeffrey and Neal Harmon and Derral Eves after the three men viewed a film written and directed by Jenkins called The Shepherd. The Mormon influence on The Chosen is considerable: the executive producer is Mormon, the distributor is Mormon, certain episodes were shot on a special Mormon set in Utah, and the crowdfunding and media expertise is provided by Mormons.

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The Chosen

Are the Biblical Jesus and the Mormon Jesus the Same?

The Chosen’s director, co-writer, and chief publicist, Dallas Jenkins, has gone on record stating that the Mormon Jesus is the same as the Bible’s Jesus.

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The Chosen

Are the Biblical Jesus and the Mormon Jesus the Same?

Below is a list of some of the “attributes” of the Mormon Jesus:

  • Jesus is Lucifer’s brother.
  • Jesus is a spirit child conceived through physical means between an exalted man (Heavenly Father) and the virgin Mary.
  • Jesus is not eternal and had a beginning.
  • Jesus was not always God but earned his way to godhood just as we will become gods someday.
  • The work of the Mormon Jesus was insufficient for man’s salvation, and to complete it, one has to believe in Joseph Smith that he came from God to restore the church (i.e., Smith has a role in salvation).
  • Mormon doctrine teaches that without our own righteousness, there is no forgiveness of sins (contrary to Romans 4:5 and many other Bible verses).

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Dallas Jenkins told one interviewer that “95% of the content [of The Chosen] isn’t from the Bible.” This means that The Chosen is almost completely man’s word—not God’s Word.

The Chosen

“95% of the Content Isn’t From the Bible”—Dallas Jenkins

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Sarah Young mimics occult practices. The way in which Young receives her revelation from Jesus smacks of the occult. “I decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever I believe He was saying. I felt awkward the first time I tried this, but I received a message. It was short, biblical, and appropriate. It addressed topics that were current in my life: trust, fear, and closeness to God. I responded by writing in my prayer journal.” This is not a far cry from a practice known as “automatic writing” which Wikipedia describes as “an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words are claimed to arise from a subconscious, spiritual or supernatural source.”

Jesus Calling

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The Jesus of Sarah Young sounds suspiciously like a twenty-first century, Western, middle-aged woman.

Nowhere in Scripture do we find Jesus (or his Father) speaking like this: “When your Joy in Me meets My Joy in you, there are fireworks of heavenly ecstasy.”

Jesus Calling

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The Shack

Universalist, New Age teachings

William P. Young believes in “universal salvation” and that “every single human being is in Christ” and “Christ is in them.”

William Paul Young & His Connection with Panentheist Richard Rohr https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/william-paul-young-the-shack-author-his-connection-with-panentheist-richard-rohr/

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    • Trinity
    • Triune
    • Godhead
    • Trinitarian
    • Unitarian
    • Monotheism
    • Don’t rely on church creeds

Avoid non-biblical terms and concepts