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Rules Talk

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Mission Statement

As members of the 62nd Kairos, we will strive to create a memorable experience for the retreatants that they will always remember. We will strive to strengthen our relationships, as well as the retreatants relationship, with God. We will make a commitment to our small groups and to the retreat as a whole. We will try to make the retreatants feel as comfortable as possible and do our best to “be all that we can be,” and encourage the retreatants to do the same. We will try to live out the Pallottine values of creating an atmosphere where all people can be inspired to know, love and serve God. We will be mindful of our mandate from St. Vincent to “proclaim and revive faith and to deepen the love of God among all people.”

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Self Evaluation

Take few minutes to complete the self -evaluation in your journal.

Be honest with yourself.

You will not be asked to share this with anyone.

This is for your own revelation and understanding.

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Insert new Life Graph example

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Small Group Rules

Participate in the group as fully as you are able

Be aware of your own thoughts, feelings, attitudes & behaviors

Accept responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the


Always speak for yourself, never for someone else

Work together toward completing group tasks

Suspend your negative attitude & comments towards yourself

& others

When speaking of someone in the group, always speak directly to the person

Listen to what other have to say

Accept the thoughts, feelings

Attitudes, opinions & ideas of others as honestly being their own

Stay on the topic & avoid rambling

Give some acknowledgement to the speaker that his/her message has been heard

Be open and honest

Have fun & get to know your group mates

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Day 1

“Seek God and you will find God.

Seek God in all things and you will find God in all things.

Seek God always and you will find God always.”

~ St. Vincent Pallotti

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Who Am I?

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Day 2

Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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Know Yourself

Speaker : Naya Riviere

Scripture : “ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. “ Jeremiah 29:13

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Hold On - Adele

Hold on

You are still strong

Love will soon come

Just hold, hold on

Oh, what have I done yet again?

Have I not learned anything?

I don't want to live in chaos

It's like a ride that I want to get off

It's hard to hold onto who I am

When I'm stumbling in the dark for a hand

I am so tired of battling with myself

With no chance to win

Hold on

Let time be patient

You are still strong

Let pain be gracious

Love will soon come

Just hold, hold on

I swear to God, I am such a mess

The harder that I try, I regress

I'm my own worst enemy

Right now I truly hate being me

Every day feels like the road I'm on

Might just open up and swallow me whole

How do I feel so mighty small

When I'm struggling to feel at all?

Just hold on

Let time be patient (you)

You are still strong

Let pain be gracious

(Love will soon come)

So just hold on, ooh-ooh

Let time be patient

(You are still strong)

Let pain be gracious

Love will soon come, baby

If you just hold on

Just hold (you, just hold on, you, just hold on)

Hold on (you, just hold on, just hold on)

Sometimes loneliness is the only rest we get

(Just hold on, just hold on)

And the emptiness actually lets us forget

(Just hold on, just hold on)

Sometimes forgiveness is easiest in secret

(Just hold on, just hold on, just hold on, just hold on)

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on (hold on)

Just let time be patient (you)

'Cause you're still strong

You're still strong (are still strong)

Just be gracious

Love will soon come

If you just hold on, mm

(You, just hold on, you, just just hold on, you, just hold on)

Just be patient, just be patient (you, just hold on)

You, just hold on, you, just hold on (you are still strong)

You, just hold on

Just hold on, just hold on

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Know Yourself

My faults

1. What don’t I like about myself?

2. What am I doing about it?

My strengths

1. What do I like about myself? Why?

My Character

1. Who do I want to be? What sort of person would I like to become?

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Speaker : Sheldon Robison

Scripture “As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is tried, He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him” Psalms 18:30

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Ideal talk discussion questions

1. If my house was on fire, what three things besides myself, other people and pets, would I take from the house?

2. What do I daydream about?

3. If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, how would I spend the rest of this day?

4. What do I spend my time and money doing?

Follow up questions:

“What do these answers say about the type of person I am?”

“According to these answers, what sort of values motivate my actions?”

“Am I happy with these ideals/values?

“Are there more valuable principles/ideals on which I can build my life?”

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God’s Friendship

Speaker: Keith Morris

Scripture: John 15:12-17 says

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another.”

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God’s Friendship Song Page

  • What struck you about the talk?
  • What are the things that are “integrated into our life daily”? Phones, computer, FB, exercise, sport we play, friends …
  • What really matters to you? What would be very challenging to live without?
  • What are the qualities of a good friend? Think about your own friends.
  • How can these apply to God?
  • Do you believe God loves you? Do you feel that God loves you
  • What’s the difference? Does God’s love matter to you? How?
  • What do you think about the concept of God as a friend? How can God be a like friend?
  • How is a friendship with God different from your other friendships?

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Speaker: Sheldon Robison

Scripture: “In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”(Psalm 18:6)

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Discussion Questions for Holiness

  • What struck you about the talk?

What was meaningful for you?

  • Can you share a time when someone made a personal

sacrifice for you?

How did that make you feel?

  • What does it mean to be pious or holy?

  • Who is the most pious person you know?

What makes them that way?

  • To be holy means to be different.

How must we be different to be holy?

In what ways will a holy person be different?

  • In what ways are you holy?

In what ways could you be more holy?

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Results of God’s Friendship-Mrs. Vawter

His Love is everywhere,

He is loving you through all the people around you.

Perfectly Loved

You have a heart broken and scared …

Perfectly LOVED

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Speaker: Mr. Tenney


Matthew 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Luke 15:4

“What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it? “

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  • What stood out to you in the talk? What was meaningful for you?
  • How have you tried to look for God in your life?
  • What struggles or doubts have you had with faith?
  • Have you ever had a moment in your life when that made you feel (whether in the moment or looking back on it later) that God was looking for you or reaching out to you? What was it?
  • Has there ever been a moment in your life when you felt God’s presence in a very real or tangible way? What was it?
  • Who are the people in your life who help you understand God better?

Questions for Study Talk

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Speaker: Larry Brent “TOO FREEDOMMM”

Scripture: Philippians 2:4

Heavenly Father, thank You for our leaders. Right now, we pray for leadership guidance. Let every leader not seek to pursue their own interests, but to look at the interests of others. I pray that You help our leaders to identify the needs of Your people through divine wisdom and understanding. Lord, help them to not be ineffective leaders, but to act for the betterment of Your Kingdom. Amen.

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Discussion Questions for Leadership Talk

1. What stuck you about the talk? What was meaningful for you?

2. What makes a good leader? Why?

3. Which people or who did you write down as leaders? Why?

4.. Which people or who did you write down as examples of leaders who are your own

age? Why?

5. Relate an incident or experience when you believe you acted as a leader. What did it

feel like to lead?

6. What makes someone a bad leader?

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What are the qualities you think are most important in a leader?

Who are the leaders that you see around you?

Share a time when you were a leader.

Give one example of how you can be a leader in your home, school, work, or athletic life?

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Obstacles to God's Friendship

Speaker: Kennedy Harper

Scripture: Isaiah 43:2 “ when you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

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1. What struck you about the talk? What was meaningful for you?

2. What was it like to talk to God as a friend? Have you ever done this before?

3. On a scale of 1-10, where are you in your relationship with God

4. How do you best describe your image of God?

Has it changed recently?

5. At what times do you feel most aware of God?

6. Where do you go to think/pray?

7. How do you pray?

Questions for Discipleship Talk

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I am very excited that you are on the Kairos Retreat. All of the retreats during your years at Pallotti are a chance to get away from the demands of everyday life, have some fun, and enjoy the company of classmates. They include time for prayer, communion, and reflection. The retreat program is an important element of the overall experience of Pallotti High School.

But the Kairos Retreat is something special. It is a chance to really take a look at your own faith and the role that Jesus plays in your life. This may be an opportunity to take a deeper look into beliefs that you have held since you were a little child. Or, this may be your first opportunity to realize and understand the true meaning and presence of Jesus Christ.

This retreat can be very intense and sometimes overwhelming. It is my strong hope that wherever you are in your spiritual life, you will be open to the possibilities of a closer relationship with God; a relationship that can be a source of both strength and comfort as you face the many challenges of high school, college, and life as an adult. You are a very special individual and God has his plan for you. I pray that you are open to that plan and that this retreat can be the beginning of a relationship with God that will guide you forever.

God Bless you, Mr. Palumbo

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Dear Juniors on Retreat,

I am wishing you a deeply spiritual Kairos retreat. Open up your hearts to God and feel the love that is radiating all around you from teachers, from retreat leaders, and from fellow juniors. I hope you all enjoy the time that you have with each other and that you are making great memories together. Let this experience open you up spiritually and fill you with the love of God and everyone present.


Mr. Lancaster

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I have been praying for you. Praying that you will know how very loved you are and praying that you will choose to be Love in this world and live as a disciple of Jesus.

God is Love and He loves you.

Go be Love in the world.

With Love and Prayers,

Mrs. Vawter

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To all the Juniors,

Kairos is a time for prayer and reflection. This can be difficult to do with so many distractions like cell phones. My prayer for you is to take advantage of the freedom of the outside world and listen to God speak to you through the retreat leaders and priests.

Your faith journey takes on many stages. You may not know how faith and God fit into your life now, but if you choose to let him in, you will discover a peace like none other. We here at Pallotti want to help you grow in faith and become closer to God and devoted to living a faithful life. Retreats are one way, masses another and what you learn in your religion classes yet another. You will grow in faith, but it takes effort and willingness and time. Be patient, call on Him to help you. Remember: You are a loved child of God.

I’ll be saying a rosary while you are on retreat and praying for you to grow in faith and closer to God.


Mrs. Douville

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Looking back on your life is there

a time when God was probably carrying you?

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Sports Broadcast

Disney Movie

Game show

Nature Show


Talk Show

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While the skits are often funny and may not seem important, be careful not to undervalue their learning opportunity. The skits are an opportunity for the group to process what they have heard in the talks and what they are learning through this experience. To begin planning the skits it is helpful to get your journals and look over your notes for each talk.

What was the message of the talk?

What did the speaker say or your group discuss that resonated with them?

Within the themes of Who Am I and Who is Jesus Christ what is the message coming from this retreat?

While it is ok to lift stories from the talks, be sensitive and loving in your portrayal of real life situations.

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Letter to Self

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Final Group Interview

During the Final Group interview each candidate has the opportunity to share with the small group the answer to the two questions that they answered in their letter to self.

1. What Have I learned from his experience?

2. How will I live differently because of it?

After they have had (uninterrupted) time to reflect on their experience each small group member is asked to affirm the candidate. Share with them the gifts you see in them, your experience of them and perhaps what you hope for them.

After each candidate has shared, and has been affirmed, the group should gather around them, lay a hand on them and then one member should say a blessing prayer over them.

After all the candidates have been “up”, have a final closing prayer, Our Father works well.

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Love in Action

Romans 12:21

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

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Song Lyrics


Open my eyes, Lord. Help me to see your face

Open my eyes, Lord. Help me to see

Open my ears, Lord. Help me to hear your voice

Open my ears, Lord. Help me to hear

Open my heart, Lord . Help me to love like you.

Open my heart, Lord. Help me to love.

And the first shall be last and our eyes are open

And we’ll hear like never before.

And we’ll speak in new ways and we’ll see God’s face

in places we’ve never known.

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Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary

Pure and holy, tried and true

With thanksgiving I'll be a living

Sanctuary for You

It is you, Lord, Who came to save

The heart and soul of every man.

It is you, Lord, Who knows my weakness,

Who gives me strength, with Thine own hand.


Lead Me on Lord from temptation,

Purify me from within.

Fill my heart with Your holy spirit,

Take away all my sin.

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Lay It Down

Everything I am, Everything I long to be

I lay it down at Your feet

Everything I am, Everything I long to be

I lay it down at Your feet

I lay it down, I lay it down I lay it down at Your feet

Oh pearl of greatest price

No act of sacrifice

Can match the gift of life I find within Your gaze

Oh, what a sweet exchange

I die to rise again

Lifted up from the grave into Your hands of grace