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Search and Shine

David Wu, Nina Guo, Ronit Shah

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University


In the complex and hazardous environments of disaster stricken areas, traditional Search and Rescue (SAR) rescue methods expose workers to several dangers and inefficiencies. Recognizing these challenges, we have designed our Search and Shine rover, an autonomous vehicle that uses computer vision to detect humans and report real-time information to a secure website, enabling remote coordination with rescue workers.

Our team defined several use-case requirements for the Search and Shine rover. It must accurately point a laser at a human to demonstrate human tracking. It also must have longevity in autonomous drive whilst searching for humans. Real-time updates are also extremely important in SAR missions, so there must be fast response times to the web application. We have designed a system that meets these important requirements using Computer Vision on multiple processors, Control logic to move the rover and camera autonomously, and low latency communication over WiFi.


Our robot comprises of 5 main subsystems:

  • Rover: The rover is controlled by a Raspberry Pi and moves autonomously through UART communication from a custom rover program. This allows it to search for people in a predefined creeping line search pattern, and upon being notified that a person was found, switches to a targeted aiming movement.

  • Camera: The Pan-Tilt-Zoom IMX219 Camera is mounted on top of the rover and displays video data through a ribbon cable on the Raspberry Pi. To increase peripheral vision of the camera, the Raspberry Pi uses I2C to pan the camera 180 degrees horizontally with an Arducam Pan Tilt Zoom controller as the rover is moving. With the Picamera2 library, streaming is enabled and sends live video footage to a MJPEG server that is hosted by the web application and processed by the CV server.

  • Laser: A laser is statically mounted above the camera, and is powered using the Raspberry Pi. It is positionally directed using the controls for the camera, and is only activated when the camera has centralized the target in its FOV.


Goal Metrics


Accurately identify humans in a flat landscape

Top-1 Accuracy: > 80%

Top-5 Accuracy: > 90%

Top-1 Accuracy: 95%

Top-5 Accuracy: 100%

Autonomous rover control

Can move in pre-specified pattern, and correctly rotate to laser-pointing position if person found (± 1 feet of staying on course)

Average Distance Off-Course: 8.2 feet

Low latency

Latency of detection, data routing, and result processing: < 5s

Average Time: 1.44s-1.64s

Point light to person’s GPS location

Offset in person location and calculated location: ± 0.5 feet

Offset in person location and laser-point location: ± 1 feet

Avg Offset in person location and calculated location: ± 0.3 ft

Avg Offset in person location and laser-pointed location: ± 0.38 ft

Power consumption

Maintain <5 minute loss of drive time when searching

Average Loss: 8 minutes

System Architecture

System Architecture Design

Tradeoffs and Results


We would like to thank our advisor Professor Hyong Kim and teaching assistant Aden Fiol for offering guidance and support during the development of this project. We would also like to thank the Techspark staff and Quinn Hagerty for providing us with resources and space to further our project along.

Spring 2024

18-500 ECE Design Experience

(4) Distributed Computer Vision Server: The Distributed CV server runs on the Gates-Hillman Cluster machines and uses synchronization in Golang to accelerate computer vision on video data. A “leader” server node uses Round-Robin load balancing to allocate sampled video frames to 4 “worker” nodes that run YOLOv5 object detection. Results of CV are sent to the Raspberry Pi over WiFi by a “communication” server node.

(5) Monitoring Website: To allow for remote monitoring of the search and shine rover, our website allows for live streaming of the rover’s current perspective and real time GPS tracking of where the rover is through Google Maps API.


We were able to successfully develop an autonomous search system that could comb semi-flat terrains and use computer vision to automatically detect missing people through a remotely deployed rover that is monitored through a web application. Furthermore, our cost-effective system fulfilled its requirements of maintaining low latency communication between subsystems and boasting a long patrol time by using power efficient search methods.

For next steps, we would like to include ultrasonic sensors to help the rover identify its surroundings. From there, the rover would be able to avoid obstacles autonomously and could extend its use case to an all terrain search.

Due to the low cost and scalability of our rover, we can adapt it to work in hazardous conditions by increasing its durability with weather-resistant hardware and using fire detection software to navigate in wildfire zones for missing people, further exemplifying our mission of improving public safety.

Search and Shine rover: Top and Side Views

Test results after 20 sample runs of detecting humans

A significant design choice was the degree of parallelism to implement in the Distributed CV server. We decided to implement 4 worker nodes after performing speedup analysis. Implementing more nodes led to decrease in speedup due to higher synchronization and overhead costs. Implementing fewer nodes led to insufficient parallelism.

State Machine Diagram

Speedup with increases in server nodes

We performed testing of our system through several unit tests and multiple runs of our scenario tests. The table shown summarizes our test results across 20 sample runs for identifying a human. For these runs, we decided to test 4 different scenarios where no human is in the arena, a human is standing, a human is sitting, and a human is sitting with their face obscured.

As seen below, we achieved most of our use case requirements. Our autonomous rover control, however, was greatly affected due to inconsistencies in the rover’s motor control when running the same movement commands. Our power consumption also increased due to high power requirements of the camera, laser, and microcontroller unit; however, we achieved 60 minutes of drive time, which exceeded our requirements. Our system is able to accurately detect humans in different positions and point the laser accurately.