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Moving ET Programs Online



Gary Bertoline, Purdue University

ETLI 2021

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  • A university is to create and transmit knowledge through research and teaching
  • We serve a higher purpose which is to advance humanity and society through our teaching and research
  • Higher education is no longer seen as a public good in this nation.
    • State funding has been reduced
    • Tuition have risen to fill the gap
    • Student debt has increased
    • Many degree programs do not prepare graduates for industry needs
    • Increase in the disparity in income levels and eroding of the middle class
  • The Role of Universities Has Changed

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  • Up to 30 million in the US without college degrees have the skills to earn 70% more.
  • There is a need to rethink who is skilled and how skills are measured and evaluated.
    • Credit hour constraints – financial aid
    • Competency-based Education (CBE)
  • For many jobs hiring needs to be based on skills rather than degrees.

  • Skill-based Hiring

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Why Offer ET Programs Online

  • Uniquely suited to provide the workforce needs of industry
  • Workforce education – it’s not just degree programs
  • Accessibility and affordability
  • Survivability and growth
    • Revenue to support your ET programs


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Virtual Labs

  • By combining mixed reality technologies with physics-based modeling and simulation and authentic machine interfaces, virtual labs (VLs) can both enhance student learning and aid in review and assessment.
  • By leveraging technology and sound instructional design, virtual labs can provide:
    • Enriched lab experience that is manageable and scalable
    • More opportunities to interact with equipment
    • Longer timescale experiments by providing additional iterations
    • Supervised feedback
    • Provide additional learning modalities for students
    • Relief on infrastructure from unforeseen circumstances


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Grow Online Programs Through Industry Partners


Leverage and grow existing Industry Partnerships

Identify topics where education will:

    • Develop fundamental knowledge
    • Solve a corporate need
    • Provide a competitive edge for the corporate employees

Faculty teach existing courses as Non-Credit, with online awarding certificates of achievement for combinations of courses. These series grow as the companies continue to build on new skills.


            • Professional Development (noncredit) workforce upskilling as short courses
          • Stackable certificates that lead to degrees
    • Preparatory courses that lead to certifications
    • Pathway to credit programs

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Strategies to Increase Online Revenue


  • Innovation projects Used to evaluate efficacy of becoming a large initiative


            • Industry Certification courses
            • Model program for private liberal arts colleges (Grace College and Huntington University)
            • Asynchronous Assessments used to determine where an employee fits in a series (Cummins)
            • Pre/Up skilling courses used as baseline evaluations for entry into a certificate program (Cummins )
            • Lifelong Learning Professional Development courses for alumni (partnership with Purdue For Life)
            • Masters Programs that are flexible (General Motors TEP Systems Engineering)

  • Targeted Corporate Sales Professional

In development – hire a dedicated salesperson to generate large corporate sales according to a variable compensation program

  • Alliance programs

Partner with other colleges and universities to provide higher educational opportunities to a workforce, often at reduced tuition rates.  (Federal Academic Alliance for the OPM)

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Corporate Engagement Examples



Corporate collaboration in a workforce development suite of courses in Data Analytics

Purdue Online is collaborating on a multi-year effort with the engine manufacturer Cummins to develop a suite of online education modules for workforce development purposes. The main objective of this program is for all interested employees to develop fundamental knowledge of data science/engineering and applications particularly in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) area.  

Provisioning academic courses to fill a corporate need across functions

Lilly partnered with Purdue Online to leverage existing online courses in Cybersecurity, Data Science and Information Management to supplement three apprenticeship programs, with several more possible.  The objective of the program is for each employee to develop specific skills that can be applied to their jobs and throughout their career. 

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Example Offerings

  • Applied Data Analytics in Technology
  • Aviation Technology
  • Biotechnology Quality & Regulatory Compliance
  • Construction Management Technology
  • Doctor of Technology
  • Information Technology Business Analytics
  • Managing Information Technology Projects
  • MS Programs in ET
  • Graduate Certificate – Smart Manufacturing Enterprise
  • Non-credit programs
    • BS Cybersecurity
    • Industrial Maintenance Apprenticeship Program
    • Certified Ethical Hacker
    • Certified Information Systems Security Professional
    • Construction Site Supervision Certificate