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Sabacc Research

Please share the link with others who are interested in recreating this!

This was created with the intention of compiling all information into one place

Creator’s Email: hunterwoolverton13@gmail.com

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Corellian Spike is a variation of sabacc that uses a 62 card deck and two six-sided dice called "spike dice." The object of the game is to achieve a card total closest to 0. When the dice roll doubles, each player's hand is discarded and replaced by unseen cards from the deck, which can improve or ruin their hand.

This version has fewer cards than traditional Sabacc

See this article for further information.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Negative & Positive Squares 1- 6

Negative & Positive Triangles 1- 6

Negative & Positive Circles 1- 6


Both zero cards. Han called them “Sylops” in the movie, which means idiots or 0

Could these represent the missing values 7 - 10? Keep in mind we are still missing some cards

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Hasbro’s Sabacc

This set is said to be Corellian Spike as seen in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” but it does not look the same. However, it follows the deck composition that is listed in the Corellian Spike wiki.

Does this mean that the version in the Solo movie is neither Corellian Spike nor classic? It is possible the special cards in the Solo version represent the higher values (7-10) not seen on the regular cards?

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Classic Sabacc

You win the sabacc pot by collecting a hand with an absolute value closest to -23 or 23, but no higher. A sabacc deck comprised 76 cards (60 distributed in four suits plus 16 special cards), all of which had a specific value. However, the value and suit of a card could change at random in play, unless it was placed on the special interference field.

A deck of Sabacc consisted of 76 cards. 60 were distributed in four suits (Flasks, Sabers, Staves, and Coins), with 15 cards per suit: pip cards numbered 1 through 11, plus a Commander numbered 12, a Mistress numbered 13, a Master numbered 14, and an Ace numbered 15. The other 16 were two sets of 8 special cards: Balance (numbered -11), The Idiot (0), Endurance (-8), Moderation (-14), The Evil One (-15), The Queen of Air and Darkness (-2), Demise (-13), and The Star (-17[11]or -10).[10]

Classic Sabacc is best seen in Rebels

Simplified Deck composition in next slide

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Simplified Deck Explanation Of Classic Sabacc


76 cards

15 cards in four different suits for a total of 60 cards.

Of each 15 there are 11 pip cards plus the following:

Commander (12), Mistress (13), Master (14), Ace (15)

The remaining 16 cards are 2 sets of 8: Balance (-11), The Idiot (0), Endurance (-8), Moderation (-14), The Evil One (-15), The Queen of Air and Darkness (-2), Demise (-13), and The Star (-17 or -10).

Images of all 76 cards in link below

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Star Wars Rebels

Images of all 76 cards in link below

Just plain old classic Sabacc


“Idiot's Array”

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Making The Cards?

The cards definitely appear to be made of a stiff leather, maybe some type of plastic. I can't find anywhere to make leather cards.

This is a great site to make fully customizable cards, even the box.


Linen would have the closest look to the leather

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Making The Cards?

For the shape, we could put the image of the replica card on the rectangle cards with a outline showing where the real boundaries should be, and just cut it out with an X-acto knife when you receive the deck.

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