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Acting 1

Daily Agenda

If you miss a day, check here!

If you don’t know what something is, ASK!

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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Learning Target: Perform as a member of a group to entertain and enlighten the audience

Entry Task: Fill out the box at the top of page 26. Collect them into a pile with the rest of your group, leaving page 26 open, and turn them in to Ms. Nuttman

Today’s Activities:

  • Group scene performances!

Tuesday, January 23

Wednesday, January 24th

  • The Glass Menagerie
  • This One Thing I Do
  • Parallel Lives
  • The Odd Couple (date scene)
  • Little Women
  • The Odd Couple (poker scene)
  • Steel Magnolias

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Wednesday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Perform as a member of a group to entertain and enlighten the audience

Entry Task: Fill out the box at the top of page 26. Collect them into a pile with the rest of your group, leaving page 26 open, and turn them in to Ms. Nuttman

Today’s Activities:

  • Group scene performances!

Tuesday, January 23

Wednesday, January 24th

  • The Glass Menagerie
  • This One Thing I Do
  • Parallel Lives
  • The Odd Couple (date scene)
  • Little Women
  • The Odd Couple (poker scene)
  • Steel Magnolias

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Learning Target: Perform as a member of a group to entertain and enlighten the audience

Entry Task: Fill out the box at the top of page 26. Collect them into a pile with the rest of your group, leaving page 26 open, and turn them in to Ms. Nuttman

Today’s Activities:

  • Group scene performances!

Tuesday, January 23

Wednesday, January 24th

  • The Glass Menagerie
  • This One Thing I Do
  • Parallel Lives
  • The Odd Couple (date scene)
  • Little Women
  • The Odd Couple (poker scene)
  • Steel Magnolias

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Monday, January 22, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to complete final rehearsals for your performances this week!

Entry Task: Do you think your final scene is an accurate reflection of your learning in this class? Why or why not?

Today’s Activities:

  • Final Rehearsal time–Make sure your rehearsal journals are complete!

Today’s Homework: Be ready for final performances tomorrow!

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Friday, January 19, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work with another group to receive a peer edit of your performance.

Entry Task: What can Ms. Nuttman do to help support you in rehearsal today?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–Complete your peer evaluation today!
  • You shouldn’t have your scripts in your hands anymore! You should be OFF BOOK.

Today’s Homework: Show review and late work due TODAY!

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work with another group to receive a peer edit of your performance.

Entry Task: How does adding props change your rehearsal? Does it make things easier or harder? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–Complete your peer evaluation today!
  • You shouldn’t have your scripts in your hands anymore! You should be OFF BOOK.

Today’s Homework: Show review and late work due on FRIDAY!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work as a member of a team, to record and evaluate your final group performance

Entry Task: What do you need to focus on INDIVIDUALLY during your rehearsal to be ready to perform next week? What about as a GROUP?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–Complete your self evaluation today!
  • You shouldn’t have your scripts in your hands anymore! You should be OFF BOOK.

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information and Rehearsal Reports pages are done! GET MEMORIZED!

Show Review due on FRIDAY!

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work as a member of a team, to record and evaluate your final group performance

Entry Task: What is good about watching a recorded performance? What is sometimes frustrating about it?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–Consider completing your self evaluation today (or you must do it tomorrow)
  • You shouldn’t have your scripts in your hands anymore! You should be OFF BOOK.

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information and Rehearsal Reports pages are done! GET MEMORIZED!

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Monday, January 15, 2024

No Class: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Spend some time today contemplating how you can make the world a better place through equality, justice, and activism.

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Friday, January 12, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work as a member of a team, making and evaluating a variety of character choices to ensure your final performance will be perfection.

Entry Task: What is something that you’re feeling good about in your performance? What is something that you’d like to be stronger?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–finish your rehearsal reports in your acting journal
  • Start trying to run it *without* your script in hand!

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information page is done! GET MEMORIZED!

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work as a member of a team, making and evaluating a variety of character choices to ensure your final performance will be perfection.

Entry Task: What can you do to make rehearsal seem less repetitive?

Today’s Activities:

  • Rehearsal time–begin completing your rehearsal reports in your acting journal
  • Start trying to run it *without* your script in hand!

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information page is done! GET MEMORIZED!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to work as a member of a team, making and evaluating a variety of character choices to ensure your final performance will be perfection.

Entry Task: What can you do to make rehearsal seem less repetitive?

Today’s Activities:

  • Script: Highlighted, annotated with blocking
  • NOW add emotional notes–how is your character feeling in each moment?
  • Rehearsal time–begin completing your rehearsal reports in your acting journal

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information page is done! GET MEMORIZED!

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Learning Target: Complete blocking and blocking notation in your script for your group scene.

Entry Task: What does the word “Shorthand” mean to you?

Today’s Activities:

  • Intro to blocking notation/shorthand
  • Work time to complete structured blocking
    • Write down ALL your blocking notation IN PENCIL on your script by the end of class today.

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information page is done! GET MEMORIZED!

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Monday, January 8, 2024

Learning Target: Create intentional movement for your character that connects to emotional choices by utilizing stage space, proximity, levels, and set design.

Entry Task: Reflect on the learning target: Translate it into your own words and try to describe what it means.

Today’s Activities:

  • Blocking Rehearsal
    • Set up your set to the best of your ability
    • Up and moving around! (definitely not just sitting)

Today’s Homework: Make sure your Background Information page is done!

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Friday, January 5, 2024

Learning Target: Design a set and begin blocking your group scene

Entry Task: Where does your group scene take place? What are some of the tangible (real) things you need for your set? What are some of the things that can be imagined?

Today’s Activities:

  • Set design intro and expectations
  • Once your set design is submitted and approved, use your time wisely to work on memorization
  • Blocking rehearsals begin on Monday!

Today’s Homework: Make sure you turn in your play review ASAP!

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Learning Target: Complete background information about your group scene character in your acting journal.

Entry Task: Take out your script for your final group scene, and skim over your lines to get a quick refresher on what we were working on before break!

Today’s Activities:

  • Begin working on the “Background Information” page for your group scene. Give as much detail as you can about your character!
  • Quiet/Independent script memorization
    • Consider making a quizlet to help!

Today’s Homework: Memorize your lines!

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Thursday, December 21, 2023-Wednesday, January 3, 2024


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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Learning Target: Begin working on memorizing your lines

Entry Task: Do you feel like you were successful at memorizing your lines for your monologue? What strategies worked, and what strategies could you try this time around?

Today’s Activities:

  • Quiet work time to begin memorizing your script
    • Work independently or within your group to quietly run lines and memorize to prepare for rehearsals that will begin after break.

Today’s Homework: Start learning your lines!

Have a safe and restful vacation!

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Tuesday, December 19,n 2023

Learning Target: Present information about your play to the class.

Entry Task: Why is it important to know about the play you’re going to be performing a scene from? How does having additional context beyond a single scene help you become a better performer?

Today’s Activities:

  • Finish presentation work
  • Present to the class!
  • Begin annotating scripts and memorizing!

Today’s Homework: Start learning your lines!

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Monday, December 18, 2023

Learning Target: Explore a script to learn as much as possible about it.

Entry Task: What is something you remember about your assigned script from last week? Are you excited to perform a scene from this show? Why or why not?

Today’s Activities:

  • Work with your group to complete a slideshow about your play.
    • Learn as much as you can about the story, the characters, the conflict, the setting, the author, and more!

Today’s Homework: Be ready to present your slideshow on Tuesday next week!

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The Odd Couple (poker)

Roy: G’marii A

Murray: Khymanie B.

Oscar: Carlos G.

Speed: Tino F.

Vinnie: Calvin N.

Little Women

Meg March: Melany C.

Beth March: Nevaeh A.

Jo March: Jessy C.C.

Amy March: Norah B.

This One Thing I Do

Susan B. Anthony: Faith M.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Maddy S.

Mr. Brenton: Karwan R.

The Odd Couple (date)

Cecily Pigeon: Nev A.

Gwendolyn Pigeon: Rihanna W-M.

Felix Ungar: Ethan P.

Steel Magnolias

Annelle: Fatima C T.

Truvy: Bella G.

Clairee: Celia E.

Parallel Lives

Being 1: Alex P.

Being 2: Hali M.

The Glass Menagerie

Tom: Trevor R.

Laura: Myami L.

Amanda: Nevaeh U.

Monologue: Darianna C.

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Friday, December 15, 2023

Learning Target: Explore a script to learn as much as possible about it.

Entry Task: Check in with Ms. Nuttman, and find your new assigned seat.

Today’s Activities:

  • Work with your group to complete a slideshow about your play.
    • Learn as much as you can about the story, the characters, the conflict, the setting, the author, and more!

Today’s Homework: Be ready to present your slideshow on Tuesday next week!

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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Learning Target: Perfect and perform your musical theatre choreography!

Entry Task: Prepare to make any touch ups or changes last minute so you can perform your choreography today.

Today’s Activities:

  • Last minute adjustments
  • Choreography performances!

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Learning Target: Continue working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: Does your choreography have a strong beginning and/or a strong ending? How will the audience know that your choreography is done?

Today’s Activities:

  • Continue working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Learning Target: Continue working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: What is something you’d like to improve about your own personal performance? What is something you’d like your group to work on?

Today’s Activities:

  • Continue working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Monday, December 11, 2023

Learning Target: Continue working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: What is something you’d like to improve about your own personal performance? What is something you’d like your group to work on?

Today’s Activities:

  • Continue working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Friday, December 8, 2023

Learning Target: Continue working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: What is an emotion that is associated with your musical song? How can your movement help to convey that emotion?

Today’s Activities:

  • Continue working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Learning Target: Begin working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: Are you playing a specific character in your musical performance? Who? How can you move to indicate what your character is like?

Today’s Activities:

  • Continue working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Learning Target: Begin working with your group to choreograph your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: What do you know about the story of your musical? Who are the characters? When and where is it set?

Today’s Activities:

  • Begin working on choreography! Remember to think about things like levels, unity, and proximity in how you use your space.

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Learning Target: Begin working with your group to choose a song for your musical theatre performance!

Entry Task: What performance that we watched yesterday did you enjoy the most? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Choose a song for your performance!
  • Start researching choreography–what are some dance moves that might indicate the time period, character desires, and story of the song you’ve chosen?

Song Choice: “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid

Song Choice: “Meet The Plastics” from Mean Girls

Song Choice: “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” from Mamma Mia

Song Choice:”Love is an Open Door” from Frozen

Captain: Neveah U.

Calvin N.

G'marii A.

Myami L.

Trevor R.

Captain: Neveah A.

Darianna C.

Fatima C. T.

Jessy C. C.

Melany C.

Norah B

Captain: Ethan

Bella G.

Carlos G.

Celia E.

Faith M.

Hali M.

Karwan R.

Captain: Khymanie

Alex P

Maddy S.

Nev A.

Rihanna W-M.

Tino F.

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Monday, December 4, 2023

Learning Target: Explore expectations and options for Musical Theatre Performance

Entry Task: What are some musicals that you’re familiar with?

Today’s Activities:

  • Watch a few musical performances
  • Pay attention to…
    • Using the whole stage
    • Moving together vs moving in different ways
    • Featured moments vs. group moments
    • Levels (up high and down low)
    • Depth (close to the audience and far away)
    • Energy and expression

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Friday, December 1, 2023

Learning Target: perform, watch, and evaluate monologue performances

Entry Task: Name highlighted below? Fill out the top box on page 16 COMPLETELY and turn it in to Ms. N

Today’s Activities:

  • Ten Minute Play Festival auditions are today!
  • Monologue performance time!

Wednesday, Nov 29

Thursday, Nov 30

Friday, Dec 1

  • Tino F.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Carlos G.
  • Maddy S.
  • Rihanna W-M.
  • Norah B.
  • Hali M.
  • Myami L.
  • Melany C.
  • Darianna C.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh A.
  • Alex P.
  • Karwan R.
  • Ethan P.
  • Nev A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Fatima C. T.
  • Bella G.
  • Jessy C. C.
  • G'marii A.

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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Learning Target: perform, watch, and evaluate monologue performances

Entry Task: Name highlighted below? Fill out the top box on page 16 COMPLETELY and turn it in to Ms. N

Today’s Activities:

  • Ten Minute Play Festival auditions are today!
  • Monologue performance time!

Wednesday, Nov 29

Thursday, Nov 30

Friday, Dec 1

  • Tino F.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Carlos G.
  • Maddy S.
  • Rihanna W-M.
  • Norah B.
  • Hali M.
  • Myami L.
  • Melany C.
  • Darianna C.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh A.
  • Alex P.
  • Karwan R.
  • Ethan P.
  • Nev A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Fatima C. T.
  • Bella G.
  • Jessy C. C.
  • G'marii A.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Learning Target: perform, watch, and evaluate monologue performances

Entry Task: Fill out the top box on page 16 COMPLETELY and turn it in to Ms. N

Today’s Activities:

  • Ten Minute Play Festival auditions are tomorrow!
  • Monologue performance time!

Wednesday, Nov 29

Thursday, Nov 30

Friday, Dec 1

  • Tino F.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Carlos G.
  • Maddy S.
  • Rihanna W-M.
  • Norah B.
  • Hali M.
  • Myami L.
  • Melany C.
  • Darianna C.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh A.
  • Alex P.
  • Karwan R.
  • Ethan P.
  • Nev A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Fatima C. T.
  • Bella G.
  • Jessy C. C.
  • G'marii A.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Learning Target: Work with peers to perform a monologue to the best of your ability, get feedback, and adjust the performance as necessary.

Entry Task: What is your biggest concern about your monologue performance? What can YOU do to fix it?

Today’s Activities:

  • Ten Minute Play Festival Auditions on Thursday!
  • Peer Evaluation in your Acting Journal
  • Today is the last class day of rehearsal time!
  • ALL Acting Journals due tomorrow!

Today’s Homework: Rehearse your monologue!

Wednesday, Nov 29

  • Tino F.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Carlos G.
  • Maddy S.
  • Norah B.
  • Hali M.

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Learning Target: Complete your self evaluation in your Acting Journal

Entry Task: Are you feeling ready to perform your monologue this week? Why or why not? What can Ms. N do to help you?

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete your rehearsal reports in your Acting Journal.
  • Work time on Self Evaluation/Rehearsal reports

Wednesday, Nov 29

Thursday, Nov 30

Friday, Dec 1

  • Tino F.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Carlos G.
  • Maddy S.
  • Norah B.
  • Hali M.
  • Myami L.
  • Melany C.
  • Darianna C.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh A.
  • Nev A.
  • Karwan R.
  • Ethan P.
  • Alex P.
  • Calvin N.
  • Rihanna W-M.
  • Fatima C. T.
  • Bella G.
  • Jessy C. C.
  • G'marii A.

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Thursday, November 23-Friday, November 24, 2023

No School: Thanksgiving Break!

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Learning Target: make active character choices connected to given circumstances and emotions

Entry Task: What day will YOU be ready to perform your monologue?

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete your rehearsal reports in your Acting Journal.
  • Remember to practice your slate!

Today’s Homework: Work on perfecting your monologue!

Have a safe and happy THANKSGIVING BREAK!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Learning Target: make active character choices connected to given circumstances and emotions

Entry Task: Share your slate with your table partner.

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete your rehearsal reports in your Acting Journal.
  • Remember to practice your slate!

Today’s Homework: Work on perfecting your monologue!

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Monday, November 20, 2023

Learning Target: make active character choices connected to given circumstances and emotions

Entry Task: What is something you have in common with the character you’re portraying? What makes you different from them?

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete your rehearsal reports in your Acting Journal.
  • Remember to practice your slate!

Today’s Homework: Work on perfecting your monologue!

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Friday, November 17, 2023

Learning Target: make active character choices connected to given circumstances and emotions

Entry Task: If you were starting a brand new school, what would the mascot be?

Today’s Activities:

  • Begin recording your rehearsal reports–what are you doing? What’s working, and what’s not working?
  • Didn’t finish your memorization test? Come get it done today!
  • Remember to practice your slate!

Today’s Homework: Memorize your monologue!

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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Learning Target: demonstrate your ability to memorize your monologue by a deadline

Entry Task: What memorization strategies have you tried? Do you feel like it worked?

Today’s Activities:

  • Memorization Test
    • Come see Ms. N at her desk by the end of class today. No attempt? You get a 0.
  • Complete your blocking map
  • Complete your background information page

Today’s Homework: Memorize your monologue!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Learning Target: contemplate how an actor’s movement can relate to their character’s emotional journey

Entry Task: What is the word we use when we talk about an actor’s movements on stage?

Today’s Activities:

  • Design a “set” and ground plan for your monologue
  • Complete a character journey map for your monologue
  • Use extra time in class for memorization

Today’s Homework:

Memorize your monologue! Test on November 16th! That’s tomorrow!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Learning Target: prepare background information on your character for your monologue performance

Entry Task: What do you know about the play your monologue is from? When was it written? What happens in the beginning, the middle, and the end?

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete “Background Information” on page 12 of your Acting Journal
    • At least read the wikipedia page for your play and author–try to find more…like read the whole play!

Today’s Homework: Memorize your monologue! Test on November 16th!

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Monday, November 13, 2023

No Class: Conference Schedule

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Friday, November 10, 2023

No School: Veteran’s Day (Observed)

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Learning Target: Finish the search for a monologue!

Entry Task: Review the notes Ms. Nuttman has left for you!

Today’s Activities:

  • Monologue Approval Form (in Google Classroom)
  • Quiet work time to find your monologue
  • Found it already? Start memorizing!

Today’s Homework: Get caught up on late/missing work

  • Schedule a time with Ms. N for make up tests/performances!

49 of 101

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Learning Target: Continue the search for a monologue!

Entry Task: What kind of monologue are you searching for? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Monologue Approval Form (in Google Classroom)
  • Quiet work time to find your monologue
  • Found it already? Start memorizing!

Today’s Homework: Get caught up on late/missing work

  • Schedule a time with Ms. N for make up tests/performances!

50 of 101

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Learning Target: Continue the search for a monologue!

Entry Task: What kind of monologue are you searching for? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Monologue Approval Form (in Google Classroom)
  • Quiet work time to find your monologue
  • Found it already? Start memorizing!

Today’s Homework: Get caught up on late/missing work

  • Schedule a time with Ms. N for make up tests/performances!

51 of 101

Monday, November 6, 2023

Learning Target: Continue the search for a monologue!

Entry Task: What kind of monologue are you searching for? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Monologue Approval Form (in Google Classroom)
  • Quiet work time to find your monologue
  • Found it already? Start memorizing!

Today’s Homework: Get caught up on late/missing work

  • Schedule a time with Ms. N for make up tests/performances!

52 of 101

Friday, November 3, 2023

Learning Target: Begin the search for a monologue for a solo performance.

Entry Task: What is a monologue? How is it different than a dialogue?

Today’s Activities:

  • Veteran’s Day Assembly Volunteers?
  • Intro to Monologue Approval Form (in Google Classroom)
    • You can come ask Ms. N if it’s approved before you type it up :)
  • Quiet work time to find your monologue

Today’s Homework: Get caught up on late/missing work

  • Schedule a time with Ms. N for make up tests/performances!

53 of 101

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Learning Target: Present and take notes on important figures and shows in theatrical history

Entry Task: Take out your notes from yesterday–who is one person (or show) you’d like to learn more about?

Today’s Activities:

  • Show Review assignment in Google Classroom
  • Presentations!
    • Ms. N will take volunteers first, then you will be voluntold.
  • Notes sheet

Today’s Homework: Have you already come to see Our Town (or a different show)? Write your review before you forget those details!

54 of 101

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Learning Target: Present and take notes on important figures in theatrical history

Entry Task: Take 10 minutes or so to finalize your posters!

Today’s Activities:

  • Click “turn in” on your posters in Google Classroom
  • Presentations!
    • Ms. N will take volunteers first, then you will be voluntold.
  • Notes sheet

Today’s Homework: Have you already come to see Our Town (or a different show)? Write your review before you forget those details!

Pay What You Will showing of Our Town at 3:30 today!

55 of 101

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Learning Target: Finish creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What is something on one of your posters that you’re proud of? What is something on a poster that you’d like to improve?

Today’s Activities:

  • FINISH poster creation!
  • Be ready to present posters to the class on Wednesday! THAT’S TOMORROW!

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

56 of 101

Monday, October 30, 2023

Learning Target: Continue creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What is something you’re curious about regarding one of your poster topics?

Today’s Activities:

  • Begin poster creation!
  • Be ready to present posters to the class on Wednesday!

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

57 of 101

Friday, October 27, 2023

Learning Target: Continue creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What is something you’re curious about regarding one of your poster topics?

Today’s Activities:

  • Begin poster creation!
  • Be ready to present posters to the class next week

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

58 of 101

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Learning Target: Continue creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What is something you’re curious about regarding one of your poster topics?

Today’s Activities:

  • Make sure you’ve signed up for two different poster topics
    • Make sure they’re focused on live theatre, not just performance (think Broadway/West End)
  • Begin poster creation!

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

59 of 101

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Learning Target: Continue creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What are your posters about? Why did you choose those topics or people?

Today’s Activities:

  • Make sure you’ve signed up for two different poster topics
    • Make sure they’re focused on live theatre, not just performance (think Broadway/West End)
  • Begin poster creation!

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

60 of 101

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Learning Target: Begin creating posters celebrating diversity and representation in theatre.

Entry Task: What are some affinity groups that you belong to, or interest you?

Today’s Activities:

  • Make sure you’ve signed up for two different poster categories and topics
    • Make sure they’re focused on live theatre, not just performance (think Broadway/West End)
  • Begin preliminary research
  • Poster creation!

Today’s Homework: Make sure any late/missing work is turned in!

61 of 101

Monday, October 23, 2023

Learning Target: Perform and observe Secret Sam performances!

Entry Task: Share with your table partner–what did you do for Homecoming?

Today’s Activities:

  • Turn in your Acting Journal!
  • Slate at the top/Thank you at the end
  • Performances!

Monday, October 23

  • Tino F.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Nora B.
  • Melany C.
  • Nev. A.
  • Myami L.
  • Darianna C.
  • Jessy C C.
  • Manny S M.

62 of 101

Friday, October 20, 2023

Learning Target: Perform and observe Secret Sam performances!

Entry Task: Fill out the box on the top of page 11 of your Acting Journal (Name, performance date, title/character)

Today’s Activities:

  • Turn in your Acting Journal!
  • Slate at the top/Thank you at the end
  • Performances!

Friday, 10/20

  • Neveah A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Tino F.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Nora B.
  • Melany C.

63 of 101

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Learning Target: Perform and observe Secret Sam performances!

Entry Task: Fill out the box on the top of page 11 of your Acting Journal (Name, performance date, title/character)

Today’s Activities:

  • Turn in your Acting Journal!
  • Slate at the top/Thank you at the end
  • Performances!

Thursday, 10/19

  • Ark O.
  • Hali M.
  • Manny S M.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Fatima C T.
  • Neveah A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Tino F.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh U.

64 of 101

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Learning Target: Perform and observe Secret Sam performances!

Entry Task: Fill out the box on the top of page 11 of your Acting Journal (Name, performance date, title/character)

Today’s Activities:

  • Turn in your Acting Journal!
  • Slate at the top/Thank you at the end
  • Performances!

Wednesday, 10/18

  • Ark O.
  • Ethan P.
  • Bella G.
  • Arely M R.
  • Carlos G.
  • Alex P.
  • Karwan R.
  • Hali M.
  • Manny S M.

65 of 101

Secret Sam

Performance Order

Wednesday, 10/18

Thursday 10/19

Friday 10/20

  • Ark O.
  • Ethan P.
  • Bella G.
  • Carlos G.
  • Alex P.
  • Karwan R.
  • Hali M.
  • Manny S M.
  • Khymanie B.
  • Fatima C T.
  • Neveah A.
  • Calvin N.
  • Celia E.
  • Faith M.
  • Tino F.
  • Trevor R.
  • Nevaeh U.
  • Nora B.
  • Melany C.
  • Rihanna W-M.
  • Nev. A.
  • Maddy S.
  • Myami L.
  • Darianna C.
  • Jessy C C.

66 of 101

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Learning Target: Complete the rehearsal process for Secret Sam

Entry Task: On a scale of 1-10, how ready do you feel to perform your Secret Sam? What can you do today to improve that number?

Today’s Activities: Last Day of Rehearsal!

  • Acting Journals are due tomorrow!
    • Background Info (pg 7)
    • Rehearsal Reports (pg 8)
    • Self Evaluation (pg 9)
    • Peer Evaluation (pg 10)

Today’s Homework: Be ready to perform your Secret Sam tomorrow!

67 of 101

Monday, October 16, 2023

Learning Target: Perform your Secret Sam for two different classmates to get peer feedback.

Entry Task: What are some positive ways to give feedback? What are some negative ways to give feedback? What are some positive ways to give negative feedback?

Today’s Activities:

  • Critique discussion
  • Complete BOTH peer evaluations
    • Two SEPARATE performances for two SEPARATE people!

Today’s Homework:

  • Be ready to turn in your acting journal and perform your Secret Sam on Wednesday!

68 of 101

Friday, October 13, 2023

Learning Target: Complete a self evaluation of your Secret Sam performance.

Entry Task: What is something you’re excited about for your Secret Sam performance? What is something you’d like to make stronger?

Today’s Activities:

  • Did you complete your rehearsal reports yesterday? If not, you need to get those done!
  • Also, complete your self evaluation page.
    • This requires making and watching a video of yourself.

Today’s Homework:

  • Get caught up on Secret Sam!

69 of 101

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Learning Target: rehearse for Secret Sam performances that will be completed next week!

Entry Task: Summarize the beginning, middle, and end of your Secret Sam narrative to your table partner.

Today’s Activities:

  • Sub tomorrow!
  • Rehearsal time in the ART!
  • Complete your rehearsal reports in your Acting Journal

Today’s Homework:

  • Turn in any late/missing work!

70 of 101

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

No Class: PSAT/SAT Schedule

71 of 101

Tuesday, October 9, 2023

Learning Target: Complete the “background information” page for Secret Sam in your Acting Journal

Entry Task: What is a scenario that you think would be funny to see your chosen character in? Could that be the start of your pantomime scene?

Today’s Activities:

  • Secret Sam Background Information
  • Secret Sam Plot Development worksheet
  • Make sure your Chromebook is charged for the PSAT tomorrow!

Today’s Homework:

  • Turn in your Secret Sam Journals!

72 of 101

Monday, October 9, 2023

Learning Target: Complete the “background information” page for Secret Sam in your Acting Journal

Entry Task: Welcome to your acting journal! Look at page 7 and talk with your table partner about some vocabulary terms you might not be familiar with. What do you think they mean?

Today’s Activities:

  • Secret Sam Background Information
  • Think about your narrative for your Secret Sam scene

Today’s Homework:

  • Turn in your Secret Sam Journals!

73 of 101

Friday, October 6, 2023

Learning Target: perform a pantomimed story with a beginning, middle, and end as a member of a group.

Entry Task: Talk with your table partner about what strategies you can use to create a strong pantomime performance.

Today’s Activities:

  • Take 20 minutes to rehearse your large food pantomime (you may be missing group members or need to incorporate new ones!)
  • Pantomime performances!

Today’s Homework: Complete your Secret Sam journal entries!

74 of 101

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Learning Target: Rehearse with a group to prepare for a perfect performance tomorrow

Entry Task: Tell your table partner what the beginning, middle, and end of your Large Food Pantomime is (spoilers are okay)

Today’s Activities:

  • Classroom rehearsal time


  • Class work time on your Secret Sam Journals (they’re due tomorrow!)

Today’s Homework: Secret Sam journals are due on Friday!

    • If you haven’t done any journal entries yet, you need to get started ASAP

75 of 101

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Learning Target: create a pantomimed story with a beginning, middle, and end as a member of a group.

Entry Task: What is your favorite food to make? Why? What are all the ingredients and tools you need to make it?

Today’s Activities:

  • Large Food Pantomime introduction and rehearsal

Today’s Homework:

  • Secret Sam journals are due on Friday!
    • If you haven’t done any journal entries yet, you need to get started ASAP

76 of 101

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Learning Target: create interesting stage pictures using their bodies, levels, proximity, and negative space.

Entry Task: What are some elements of a good painting, or a good photograph? What makes it interesting to look at? How are the elements of still images connected to theatre, film, or dance performance?

Today’s Activities:

  • Stage picture workshop
    • Frozen statues
    • Tableau images (levels, depth, space, line)
    • Connections (distance, negative space, repetition, eye contact)
    • Cheat out

Today’s Homework: Secret Sam journals due at the end of the week!

77 of 101

Monday, October 2, 2023

Learning Target:

  • Learn the basics of pantomime
  • Plan and prepare for an upcoming pantomime performance

Entry Task: What do you know about the art of pantomime?

Today’s Activities:

  • Introduction to Secret Sam assignment
  • Introduction to pantomime

Today’s Homework: Complete your first Secret Sam Journal Entry!

78 of 101

Friday, September 29, 2023

Learning Target: Demonstrate their knowledge by taking a vocabulary and definition test.

Entry Task: Take a couple of moments to study/last minute cram!

Today’s Activities:

  • Log in to Google Classroom on your chromebook and take the test provided through the link to the Google Form
    • Absent today? Schedule a time to take this with Ms. N before school, during lunch, or after school.

Today’s Homework:

  • Have a great weekend!

79 of 101

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to study for the Unit 1 exam tomorrow!

Entry Task: What are some of the most helpful ways for you to study? Share with your table partner.

Today’s Activities:

  • Individual and Independent study time for 25 minutes
  • Partner study time for the rest of class

Today’s Homework: I know this is going to be shocking…but study for your test. It’s TOMORROW!

80 of 101

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Learning Target: Introduce a fictional character to the class while making intentional physical and vocal choices.

Entry Task: Do you think you would be friends with your imagination character? Why or why not?

Today’s Activities:

  • Warm up/practice time
  • Class character introductions

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

81 of 101

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Learning Target: begin exploring how imagination can be used to create a character.

Entry Task: What are the best and worst parts about living in Auburn?

Today’s Activities:

  • Finish your Imagination Character worksheet in Google Classroom
  • Write an introduction of this character–include information from your worksheet
  • Rehearse your introduction–prepare for performance tomorrow!

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

82 of 101

Monday, September 25, 2023

Learning Target: begin exploring how imagination can be used to create a character.

Entry Task: What is something you remember from our movement workshop on Friday?

Today’s Activities:

  • Introduction and work time on Imagination Character Creation
    • Must be a NEW character–not from a movie, book, or TV show
    • Complete as much as you can today–there are no wrong answers!

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

83 of 101

Friday, September 22, 2023

Learning Target:

  • Explore body movement with a focus on leads, levels and tempos
  • Create characters inspired by physical choices

Entry Task: What are some jobs that require people to move their bodies in specific ways? How can we train our bodies to do what we want, and why is it important for actors to take care of their bodies?

Today’s Activities:

  • Movement Workshop (Stretching, Actor Neutral, Levels, Tempos, Leads, Character Creation)

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

84 of 101

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Learning Target: use good vocal performance techniques in a children’s book reading

Entry Task: Talk to your table partner about your script for today’s assignment–why did you choose it? What is your favorite part?

Today’s Activities:

  • Movement workshop tomorrow! Dress for comfort!
  • A few moments for warm up/refreshing
  • Performance time!
    • This is your first assessment grade! (80% of your grade)

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

85 of 101

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Learning Target: Use class time wisely to rehearse and prepare for your children’s book reading

Entry Task: What is scary about performing? What makes it less scary?

Today’s Activities:

  • Choose a children’s book or poem for your performance
  • What does rehearsal look/sound like?
  • Rehearsal time!
  • Performance time?

Today’s Homework: Didn’t perform today? Be ready for your performance tomorrow!

86 of 101

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Learning Target: Explore vocal choices and techniques used in theatrical performance.

Entry Task: Think of a SCHOOL APPROPRIATE tongue twister you know. Try and share it with your neighbor.

Today’s Activities:

  • Magic poem
  • Find your diaphragm
  • Facial warm up
  • Vowels/consonants
  • Projection
  • Inflection

Today’s Homework: Find a children’s book or poem (think Dr. Suess or Shel Silverstein) to perform!

87 of 101

Monday, September 18, 2023

Learning Target: work together as a member of a team to create the longest paper chain possible

Entry Task: What are the tools you have with you at all times that will help you be a good performer? Hint: You can NEVER leave these tools at home!

Today’s Activities:

  • 3 Tools of an Actor
  • Paper chain introduction/construction time
  • Paper chain discussion

Today’s Homework: Make sure you’ve completed your Welcome Survey in Google Classroom!

88 of 101

Friday, September 15, 2023

Learning Target: learn about the rules and expectations of Ms. Nuttman’s theatre class

Entry Task: Chat with your table partner about some rules or expectations that might be present in most classrooms? What makes this classroom different?

Today’s Activities:

  • Intro to syllabus
  • Weclome survey (in Google Classroom)
  • Theatre Etiquette
  • Catch up on any missing notes!

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

89 of 101

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Learning Target:

  • Identify different jobs that are available in the theatre
  • Create a flow chart of responsibilities regarding theatrical productions
  • Demonstrate appropriate theatre behavior during a performance

Entry Task: Talk with a table partner and try to think of as many jobs as you can that exist in professional theatre–write them down on scratch paper.

Today’s Activities:

  • Complete hierarchy job flow in Study Guide

Today’s Homework: Study for your test on SEPTEMBER 29!

90 of 101

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Learning Target: find features of the theatre and surrounding areas through a Goose Chase

Entry Task: How can you tell the difference between upstage and downstage? How can you tell the difference from house right and stage right?

Today’s Activities:

  • Goose Chase time!
    • Teams by first name: A-C, E-L and M-Z
    • Extra time? Study for your test on September 29th!

Today’s Homework: Preview the syllabus in Google Classroom!

91 of 101

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Learning Target: Learn about all of the locations and features of our classroom and theatre space.

Entry Task: Do you prefer comedies or dramas? Why?

Today’s Activities:

  • Find a Play review and share with the class
  • Theatre space/classroom tour
  • Stage locations

Today’s Homework: Download the Goose Chase app on your phone (if you have one)

92 of 101

Monday, September 11, 2023

Learning Target:

  • Sign up for TeenTix
  • Find a show that is playing in our region during our class

Entry Task: Have you ever seen a play before? What did you see? Where did you see it?

Today’s Activities:

  • Introduction to TeenTix
    • Sign up!
  • Find a play Google Form

Today’s Homework: Make sure you’ve submitted your Google Form answers for credit!

93 of 101

Friday, September 8, 2023

Learning Target: create a sense of teamwork and ensemble through play.

Entry Task: Share with your table partner–what are the four elements of theatre we learned from yesterday?

Today’s Activities:

  • Study Guide handout
  • Hygge cards
  • Do you love your neighbor
  • Group juggling
  • Woosh

Today’s Homework: Ask someone you live with a question about something you discussed in class today.

94 of 101

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Entry Task: On a scratch piece of paper, write down a list of everything that you think needs to be present in order for a performance to be called “theatre”. Write down only what you know (no asking for help…yet).

Today’s Activities:

  • What is a symbol?
  • What is theatre?
    • Create a new symbol for theatre

Today’s Homework: Think about what a symbol would look like for your life, or your year, or maybe even your day.

95 of 101

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happy First Day of School!

Learning Targets: Learn about attendance, participate in an evacuation drill, and attend an assembly

Entry Task: No class today!

Today’s Activities:

  • 8:10-11:50: Freshmen attend Raven Crew activities
  • 11:50-12:25: Lunch for all students
  • 12:25-1:50: 8th period (attendance video, and emergency drill)
  • 1:55-2:40: Theme assembly

96 of 101

Notes for Nuttman

The slides below don’t have anything interesting for students. They’re just notes for Ms. Nuttman to plan for future weeks.

97 of 101

Friday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Here

Entry Task: Here

Today’s Activities:

  • Here

Today’s Homework: Here

98 of 101

Thursday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Here

Entry Task: Here

Today’s Activities:

  • Here

Today’s Homework: Here

99 of 101

Wednesday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Here

Entry Task: Here

Today’s Activities:

  • Here

Today’s Homework: Here

100 of 101

Tuesday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Here

Entry Task: Here

Today’s Activities:

  • Here

Today’s Homework: Here

101 of 101

Monday, DATE HERE, 2024

Learning Target: Here

Entry Task: Here

Today’s Activities:

  • Here

Today’s Homework: Here