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A Coordinated Ecosystem for HL-LHC Computing R&D

Coherence & Alignment, October 2019

Hosted by IRIS-HEP

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Outcomes of this mini-workshop

  • Commitment to joint blueprint activities
  • Commitment to joint project coordination across DOE-HEP, DOE-ASCR, NSF-EPP, and NSF-OAC funded activities.
    • Initial exploration and agreement on complementarity of DOE and NSF supported activities.
  • Initial agreement on S2I2 governance


From Nov 2017

CUA Workshop

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Blueprint Activity - Maintaining a Common Vision

  • Small "blueprint" workshops 3-4 times per year with key personnel and experts
  • Facilitate effective collaborations by building and maintaining a common vision
  • Answer specific questions within the scope of the Institute’s activities or within the wider scope of HEP software & computing.
  • 21 Jun - 22 Jun, 2019 - Blueprint: Analysis Systems R&D on Scalable Platforms (NYU)
  • 10 Sep - 11 Sep, 2019 - Blueprint: Accelerated Machine Learning and Inference (Fermilab)


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R&D Partnerships

NSF and DOE partnership, as informed by the blueprint process, will be essential to the success of the HL-LHC R&D efforts


DOE Labs and Universities

S2I2: Software Institute

DOE-HEP Center for Computation Excellence


From Nov 2017

CUA Workshop

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Thank you all!

First, thanks to all the participants - especially those who participated in the discussion on Thursday!

  • Significant progress on understanding topical area coverage
  • Overviews on Wednesday helped inform the discussions and provide context


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Questions to address at this workshop

  • How does the ensemble of US Software R&D efforts fit together to implement the HL-LHC Software/Computing roadmap described in the Community White Paper and meet the challenges of the HL-LHC? Which areas are not covered by US R&D efforts?
  • How do the US Software R&D efforts collaborate with each other and with international efforts? How do these efforts align with and leverage national exascale, national NSF OAC priorities and trends in the broader community?
  • How should the US R&D efforts be structured and organized in order to impact planned updates (all in ~2021/2022) to the HSF Community White Paper, the software/computing part of the US Snowmass process and HL-LHC experiment-specific software/computing TDRs?


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Summary of Thursday Discussions

  • A summary of the Wednesday discussions will be part of the final workshop closeout report.
    • Due to time constraints, we won’t be summarizing these in the closeout slides.
    • Additionally, impact beyond LHC isn’t included in these slides.
    • Several items (e.g. - how LSST utilizes Jupyter to enable analysts) need follow-up, even if it’s not part of HL-LHC planning.
  • Thursday:
    • Iterated through each of the CWP areas to review the progress & projects since last meeting. Came up with ideas for milestones and deliverables to better align.
    • Guided discussion on how to best engage with the ECP and (proposed) CCE project.
    • Started to build timeline of projects going out to 2023.


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CWP Area Overview




Physics Generators

Machine Learning

Software Trigger & Event Reconstruction


Detector Simulation

Software Development, Deployment, Validation, Verification

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Networking, Storage Infrastructure and Facilities

Data-Flow Processing Framework

Workflow and Resource Management

Data and Software Preservation

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Interaction Between IRIS-HEP and Ops

In its first year, IRIS-HEP has established links across its focus areas to both LHC operations programs.

  • A subset of the projects & contributions where the organizations interact are highlighted below.
  • The U.S. LHC Ops programs help guide the R&D activities through the steering board.

IRIS-HEP includes effort to help bring R&D projects through integration (SSL) and production (OSG-LHC).

  • Even then, requires close collaboration with the Operations program to ensure we derive value!


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Coordinating with CCE & ECP

Opportunity: Software stack of ECP aims to have broader impact.

  • USATLAS and USCMS determine interests in ECP products
    • Form group of people and preliminary list of areas of interest in ECP products
    • ECP organizes more extensive briefing of ECP program for USATLAS and USCMS
    • USATLAS & USCMS define list of projects to use ECP products
    • If approved, CCE should play a coordination role and should provide a home for discussions
  • Explore how we can have more formal engagement between LHC & ECP
    • What is the process of asking ECP-funded projects for bigger changes that would require development effort?

(Incidentally) Yearly allocations do not work for HEP, need programmatic allocations at significant enough scale to have an impact

    • Prototyping multi-year requests @NERSC/ERCAP, need to find solution for LCF/ALCC/INCITe
    • Consult with ECP


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Community has significant efforts on these, some through SciDAC

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Interaction Between CCE and Ops

Discussed CCE projects; strong support for PPS as highest priority; concerns: IOS effort level.

Project Interactions(PPS, IOS, EG)

  • Priorities determined by point of contacts (experiments)
  • Interact regularly with experiment and IRIS-HEP technical experts.
    • Collaboration on pilot projects vital for success; must have active participation from Ops.
  • Blueprint workshops and topical meetings to coordinate with Ops Programs, IRIS-HEP tech areas and HSF WGs such as frameworks, and DOMA

Proposal: to ensure coordination, IRIS-HEP & CCE have representatives on each other’s governance mechanisms.



Steering Group


ASCR Facilities
















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Relations/Interactions with LHCb


  • IRIS-HEP Steering Committee Member is Gerhard Raven (NIKHEF)
  • IRIS-HEP funding to CIncinnati & MIT for Innovative Algorithms & Analysis Systems work (IA efforts relate to Collaborative SSE efforts)
  • IRIS-HEP DOMA group has initiated collaboration with LHCb with respect to data compression
  • LHCb and CMS are sharing MIT Tier 2 resources [LHCb M&O award from NSF as of February, 2019].

Gaps and Opportunities:�

  • Limited interactions with CMS/ATLAS; no US-LHCb core computing effort.

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From R&D to LHC Events

Example from history: CMS’s use of threading started with an investigation analogous to CCE’s (proposed) PPS.


Investigation for parallel scheduling technologies.�2012

Selection of TBB as underlying technology�2013

First version of multithreaded framework�2014

Use of multithreading in production�2016

1,000 algorithms converted over to threaded mode�2015

Take-home: Need continuous coordination and feedback with R&D. Takes years of investment by the experiment to take successful R&D outcomes to production.

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Opportunities and Prioritization

  • How do we innovate event processing frameworks to best accommodate accelerator integration. Large amount of existing software makes change difficult.
  • R&D to use HPC’s in HEP’s distributed computing infrastructure needs to be bolstered.
  • There are some worries about HPC facility timelines and the use of Run 3 for testing.
  • We need better metrics to understand how and when DOMA transitions to new facility architectures.
  • Understand how to include QA for complex reconstruction & trigger algorithms.


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Collaboration Opportunities

  • Better understand how to foster research and collaboration in building Analysis Facilities
    • Users, Interface, Researchers
  • We’d like to better align plans with SciDAC-4 & CCE in DOMA.
  • Close coordination with ESNet needed as computing models evolve; continuously improve understanding of usage.
  • Our field needs to build wider community for generator optimization.
  • Our field needs to build collaborations between Computer Scientists and Trigger/Reco experts to re-engineer algorithms
  • Experiments’ schedule for choosing new low level accelerator interface technology is not matched to R&D schedule (“programming model”)


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Attention & Effort Needed

  • Evolution of Facilities towards the HL-LHC era
    • Analysis Facility” - what specializations are needed? How do we build this out?
      • See blueprint meeting
    • Future of U.S. storage facilities: caching integration? Hierarchical storage approach?
      • Getting the facilities and the use cases integrated.
  • Uncovered areas
    • There is an opportunity for the USA to take the lead developing the next version of GEANT optimized for accelerators.


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Milestones & Deliverables to be scheduled

  • Each of the 13 areas worked to put together a few potential milestones (see backup slides). To be scheduled:
    • CCE blueprint workshop (if funded).
    • Analysis facilities technical workshop.
    • Analysis Ecosystem (follow-on to A’dam workshop in May 2017)
    • Phone briefing for US-ATLAS / US-CMS of the relevant ECP areas.
    • Possible WLCG DOMA workshop (connected to planned Rucio in March 2020?)
    • Whitepaper on future U.S. LHC storage facility models.
    • Evolve ESNet / HEP “Blueprint” (analytics) group to work on network needs.
    • Develop improved requirements modeling for HL-LHC use of generators.
    • Whitepaper on “killer-apps” for Machine Learning in the HL-LHC context


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We hope to capture all of these items in a close-out report before the end of the year.




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Backup Slides


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Data Analysis Systems and Software/Data Preservation



  • IRIS-HEP, SCAILFIN, Coffea, hepaccelerate, SciDAC-4, ROOT, CERN OpenLab (Spark), SWAN, REANA, RECAST


  • Increased user-involvement as prototype stage progresses; CMS’s Spark/coffea analysis facility; connect with LCF analysis/visualization facilities

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Appropriate underlying hardware for an analysis Facility undefined, Research vs Program effort, Integration with SSL-like substrate infrastructures

Scope & Activities

  • Covers everything from the end of the production system to the final physics paper: data query, extraction, histogramming, statistical models, and reuse and analysis.
  • Analysis Facilities, Analysis Frameworks (e.g. Coffea), Statistical Models, Analysis Preservation (REANA), RECAST

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Blueprint meeting to understand what an analysis facility would look like
  • A prototype analysis facility capable of doing a “modern” analysis with small numbers of simultaneous users
  • End-to-End Data Challenge

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Reconstruction and Trigger Algorithms



  • Numerous - US program has notable focus on tracking. Other areas include FPGA acceleration for trigger systems as well as algorithms for calorimetry and jet reconstruction.


  • To further enhance collaborative R&D rather than single experiment projects
  • To reduce facility costs by establishing a programming model towards modern hardware

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Some R&D faces tension between Run 3 as testing ground and HPC facility timelines
  • Involving subject matter experts in reengineering to ensure long term sustainability
  • CWP focus areas un(der) covered - Real-time analysis beyond LHCb, and modernizing data quality monitoring

Scope & Activities

  • Reconstruction and trigger algorithms are resource drivers during HL-LHC given large event rate and event complexity increases
  • R&D focuses on reengineering current approaches and taking novel approaches to solve problems (typically via AI)

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Establish scope of accelerator reengineering effort
  • Lower barriers to entry by documenting demonstrators as they are developed
  • Use expert conferences/workshops to increase coherence between efforts�(eg, CTD2020 in April)

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Applications of Machine Learning



  • FastML: ㎲ inference for HLT
  • The ML fast chain: replace expensive traditional detector simulation+reconstruction with GAN simulation+ML pattern reco.

TFlop/event → GFlop/event

  • Model-free semi/weakly/unsupervised new physics searches.


  • Collaboration with math and CS experts towards a NSF AI institute or a DOE AI initiative call

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Not strong connections to the foundational groups in HPC ML community

Scope & Activities

  • Usable tools for large-scale distributed training and optimization
  • Training methodologies that are able to detect rare features in high-dimensional spaces while being robust against systematic effects
  • Tools to quantify systematic effects
  • High-quality generative models satisfying physical constraints and symmetries

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Prepare a white-paper and a slide deck describing to potential collaborators state of the art in ML for HEP (Detector GANs, GNN, model-free searches) with references, curated datasets, etc. Emphasize depth of HEP expertise

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Data Organization, Management and Access



  • IRIS-HEP (ServiceX, IDDS, SkyHook, columnar analysis, XCache). DIANA (compression).
  • DOE-HEP (Rucio)
  • U.S. ATLAS Ops (Rucio, XCache)
  • U.S. CMS Ops (Rucio, XCache)
  • (proposed) CCE IOS.


  • Columnar-based data analysis promises significant improvements in data rates.
    • Essential for using accelerators; potential overlap with ECP.

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Need an agreed-upon facilities model (esp. Integrating caching).
  • Better define metrics to understand when we should transition to new models (e.g., caching).
  • Could use better alignment with SciDAC-4 & CCE plans.

Scope & Activities

  • Organization: Contents of events (AOD vs xAOD vs PHYS-lite), memory layouts (CCE IOS?), data formats (ROOT vs HDF5 vs RNTuple), compression.
  • Management: Policy-based data placement (Rucio) and alternate transfer mechanisms, database-like access (SkyHook).
  • Access: Cache-based access; event delivery (ServiceX, IDDS).

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Prototype to convert NANOAOD/PhysLite into HDF5/Parquet.
  • Formulate R&D topics related to columnar analysis to start discussion with ECP.
  • Develop whitepaper on U.S. LHC storage facilities model for HL-LHC.

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Storage infrastructure and Facilities



  • WLCG QoS group ➜ Data carousel
  • DOE exascale storage round table


  • Can we avoid the 2nd tape copy of RAW data and rely more on transatlantic network?
  • Develop a Facilities R&D program focusing on resource flexibility, "substrate" layer, multi-prem service mesh & orchestration APIs

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Currently the experiments / community define storage hierarchies themselves. Is this what we’re going to do in 5-10 years? Or are the facilities optimizing this for the experiments?

Scope & Activities

  • Storage at facilities and in the network
  • From cold storage and its dynamic use to low latency analysis storage
  • Improve processing at HPCs through object stores?
  • Optimize random access for analysis vs. whole file transformation to save space?
  • Understand storage hierarchy and scale implications of HL-LHC.

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Define APIs to dynamically interact with cold storage; more than “Is this on tape, fetch it for me”.
  • Requirements review, use cases, cost analysis and fundamental definition of our storage workflows
    • Give to facilities and vendors to come up with solutions
    • Prepare DOE exascale storage round table

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Data Transfer and networking infrastructure



  • SAND network analytics, OSG networking area, ESnet FABRIC, SENSE
  • Working group: ESnet, SURFnet, NorduNet, Geant, Internet2, Canarie (Canada) ➜ transatlantic network
  • WLCG working groups: Network Function Virtualization WG, Throughput WG
  • PerfSonar group


  • Help from ESnet to connect HPC centers to distributed data infrastructure of experiments
  • Federated service orchestration across facility edge networks to accelerate innovation & reduce operations costs

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Updating data transfer protocols ➜ coordinate OSG with ESnet studies

Scope & Activities

  • Continue to clarify the bandwidth needs and workflows ➜ ESnet concerned if the workflows are changing dramatically for HL-LHC (bulk vs. streaming)
  • What are the expected deliverables from the infrastructure ➜ know by 2024/2025 so that ESnet can procure for HL-LHC
  • How are sites deploying DTNs? Impact of caching/streaming? Esp. for HPC sites.

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Rename analytics group, change mandate to look back (understand historical network flows) and forward (planning for future flows)
  • Create blueprint to define metrics & requirements and define plan for evolution/innovation

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Workflow and Resource management



  • Data carousel - manage hot, warm, cold data
  • Distributed hyperparameter scans
  • Coscheduling/splitting on CPU and GPU
  • Streaming data, event service


  • Increase in available computing resources
  • Reduction in disk storage usage
  • Reduction in network usage
  • Optimal use of resources for future workflows

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Integration of distributed resources with HPCs
  • Usability of accelerators by HEP applications
  • Running data intensive applications on HPCs

Scope & Activities

  • Workflow and workload management systems must seamlessly and optimally orchestrate among all available resources - grid, HPC, clouds
  • Systems flexible enough to accommodate future workflows on all resources - eg. ML workflows, workflows specific to new architectures, etc
  • Support coscheduling, offloading, edge and streaming services, etc

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • 6 month: develop a list of potential HPC use cases for HEP.
  • 6-12 months: requirements review and survey of industry solutions.
  • 1 year: document on requirements, on work needed, and priorities for workflow and workload management systems.

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Event Processing Frameworks



  • CMSSW(ART) effort at FNAL
  • LBNL effort on Athena
  • LBNL effort on Ray (UCB/Rise Lab)
  • Potential CCE effort on portability libraries (FNAL, LBNL)
  • CERN effort (Attila, SFT effort unclear)
  • Gaudi - traditionally CERN SFT - not clear if there is the required effort here
  • RAL/Edinburgh effort on Athena


  • CCE effort can be kernel, Framework developers, can drive effort on portability libraries
  • We have 4 people on C++ standards committee, our work could drive things more broadly than HEP - get vendors to adopt a single standard for using accelerators

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • R&D Developers feel overly constrained by weight of existing frameworks and software
  • Early choice forced by schedule constrains the field before sufficient R&D is done

Scope & Activities

  • New computing landscape dominated by parallel processing and heterogeneity poses many questions requiring:
    • Language support for heterogeneous computing
    • Data models that are adapted for execution in heterogeneous environments.
    • Scheduling tools
    • Interfaces to other toolkits such as ML toolkits
    • Interaction and interface between frameworks and workload management

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Decide on a programming model that people will use to write an algorithm on an accelerator.
  • Frameworks integrate scheduling with this programming model.

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Physics Generators



  • SciDAC4 (FNAL & ANL)


  • Our community is driving ATLAS and CMS to begin using the same generated events.
  • We must begin setting up the shared infrastructure to enable the experiment’s production system to consume them
  • Pool effort from NSF, DOE, and IRIS-HEP to form Joint US-LHC EvGen team

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Generator authors are not concentrated in the US
  • Authors (physics theorists) motivated by physics publications and are not explicitly part of the LHC community.
  • No European FTE towards generator optimization (e.g., accelerators).

Scope & Activities

  • Improving data and computing scalability of current generators on current HPCs
  • Redesigning underlying algorithm for performance on both CPUs and GPUs
  • Includes existing LO and NLO processes
  • The need for NNLO processes should be better justified by the physics community
  • We are working with ATLAS/CMS to share generated events

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Better requirements modeling:
    • current usage, estimate needed improvements
    • LO vs NLO vs NNLO (from physics groups)
  • Platform independent algorithm development (theorists)
  • In support of shared event generation for LHC experiments: require common defined input configs (from physics groups), data storage, formatting, and indexing.

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  • ECP pilot for Geant (FNAL, OLCF, LBL)
    • Too small for aggressive timeline
    • Needs to focus on GeantX after end of GeantV
  • CERN is resetting its priorities


  • Neutron transport from OLCF (Shift) has a demonstrated solution in a similar problem space
    • Can be used as a basis for GeantX investigations
  • New AI initiatives could be used for fast simulation

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Interactions with CERN and community on Geant are complex
    • CERN seems willing to let the US take the lead on Geant for GPUs
  • Geant4 needs to be fully supported until GeantX is ready
  • Developing a new version of Geant in time for Run 4 will take a significant effort

Scope & Activities

  • Geant
    • Geant4 inefficient on modern hardware
    • GeantV effort recently killed
    • GeantX for GPU-enabled simulation
  • Fast simulation
    • GAN-based approaches not yet matching parameterized models

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • GeantX is a newly-developing effort for GPU-enabled simulation
    • Needs to meet needs of CMS and Atlas in time for Run4
      • Very aggressive
  • Fast simulations need to reach needed accuracy for Run4

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  • CMS is working on geometry and so is ATLAS

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • USLHC experiments have chosen different directions

Scope & Activities

  • USCMS effort to modernize ROOT’s event display infrastructure that leverages industry tools
  • USATLAS work to abstract geometry

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Sustainable geometry infrastructure capable of describing Phase2 detectors

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  • Synergy - HSF


  • A lot - learning more by teaching, transmit knowledge expertise to next generation, share across experiments/fields, contribute at all levels of training pyramid
  • Involve even more female and under-represented participation via outreach, hackathons for broader impact
  • Share/initiate training experience with neutrino/nuclear physics communities

Weaknesses & Gaps

  • Challenge of finding teachers/facilitators
  • Different level of engagement by experiments
  • Optimal time to host training - clash with experiment specific and field specific events - collab meetings/conferences

Scope & Activities

Potential Milestones & Deliverables

  • Blueprint, best practices
  • Standard curriculum - basic carpentries - shell/github/python/plotting
  • Training - C++/ROOT/Geant
  • Suggestion - Integrate with trainings that XSede, OSG, ECP, the LCFs provide
  • Suggestion - Increase frequency of CoDaS-HEP type schools (US based)