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Performance Tuning for CPU

Part 3: IPC and friends

Marat Dukhan

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Last week material

Scary pictures are over...

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This week material

...scary movies come into play

A Victorian era scientist and his assistant take a test run in their Iron Mole drilling machine and end up in a strange underground labyrinth ruled by a species of giant telepathic bird and full of prehistoric monsters and cavemen.

Image from Wikipedia Commons

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Assembly 101: Intro

  • Processor can execute only binary code
  • The first programs back in 1950s were written directly in machine codes
  • We still can read, modify, and write machine codes in hex editor, but this soon gets too complicated
  • Assembly is a slightly humanized version of the the machine code
  • Assembly code does not map one-to-one to machine code, but it is close

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Assembly 101: Instructions

  • Assembly instructions are architecture-dependent
    • In this lecture we will only consider x86-64 assembly
  • But still, there are two dialects of x86-64 assembly: Intel syntax, and AT&T syntax
    • In this lecture we will use Intel syntax

Few examples:

  • ADD x, y
    • x = x + y
  • DEC x
    • x = x - 1
  • Note the common features: instructions write to the first argument, and overwrite its input value

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Assembly 101: Registers

You may think of registers as special variables inside the processor core

  • Registers are the fastest kind of memory inside the processor
  • But even more important is that computational instructions work with registers
    • On x86 only one of the instruction arguments can be in memory
  • There is only a fixed number of registers
    • Each register has a name in assembly
    • Register numbers are hard-coded in machine code

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Assembly 101: GP Registers

  • 16 general-purpose registers
  • Each 64-bit wide
    • But the low 32 bits also have names
  • Used for integer computations

Some examples

    • RAX = RAX + RBX
  • ADD RAX, -1
    • RAX = RAX - 1

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Assembly 101: GP Registers

Some more examples

    • EAX = EAX + EBX

Any instruction which overwrites the low part of GP register implicitly zeros the high part

    • Error: arguments must have the same size

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Assembly 101: GP Registers

  • 64-bit general-purpose registers can be used to indirectly access memory
  • MOV EAX, [RBX]
    • Load the 32-bit integer from the address in register RBX into register EAX
    • RAX = *RBX
    • [RBX] means the address in register RBX
  • MOV [R12], RDI
    • Store the 64-bit integer in register RDI to the address in register R12
    • R12 = *RDI

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Assembly 101: GP Registers

Which code is faster?

double f(const double* x, int n) {

double s = 0.0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


double f(const double* x, unsigned int n) {

double s = 0.0;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


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Assembly 101: GP Registers

Which code is faster?

int f(const int* x, int n) {

int s = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


int f(const int*, int):

xor eax, eax

test esi, esi

jle .L2

xor edx, edx


lea ecx, [rdx+1]

imul edx, ecx

sar edx

movsx rdx, edx

add eax, DWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*4]

cmp ecx, esi

mov edx, ecx

jne .L3



int g(const int* x, unsigned int n) {

int s = 0;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


int g(const int* x, unsigned int n):

xor eax, eax

test esi, esi

je .L8

xor edx, edx


lea ecx, [rdx+1]

imul edx, ecx

shr edx

add eax, DWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*4]

cmp ecx, esi

mov edx, ecx

jne .L9



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Assembly 101: GP Registers

Which code is faster?

int f(const int* x, int n) {

int s = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


int f(const int*, int):

xor eax, eax

test esi, esi

jle .L2

xor edx, edx


lea ecx, [rdx+1]

imul edx, ecx

sar edx

movsx rdx, edx

add eax, DWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*4]

cmp ecx, esi

mov edx, ecx

jne .L3



int g(const int* x, unsigned int n) {

int s = 0;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


int g(const int* x, unsigned int n):

xor eax, eax

test esi, esi

je .L8

xor edx, edx


lea ecx, [rdx+1]

imul edx, ecx

shr edx

add eax, DWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*4]

cmp ecx, esi

mov edx, ecx

jne .L9



Sign-extend 32-bit register EDX into 64-bit register RDX

Unsigned extending of 32-bit register EDX into 64-bit register RDX should be here. But the high 32 bits of RDX are already zeroes

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Assembly 101: GP Registers

Which code is faster?

int f(const int* x, int n) {

int s = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


int g(const int* x, unsigned int n) {

int s = 0;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

s += x[i * (i + 1) / 2];


return s;


Further thoughts:

  • Unsigned 32-bit indices are faster than signed
    • Other options to consider: size_t, ptrdiff_t
  • In Java only 32-bit signed ints can be used for indexing

This one!

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Assembly 101: XMM Registers

  • 16 SSE registers
  • Each 128-bit wide
  • Used for floating-point and SIMD computations
    • __m128i, __m128d, __m128 types map to these registers

Some examples

    • XMM0 = XMM0 ^ XMM0 = 0
    • XMM4 = _mm_add_pd(XMM4, XMM9)
    • XMM2 = _mm_load_pd(RCX)

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Assembly 101: XMM Registers

SIMD floating-point instructions operate on vectors of floating-point numbers in an XMM register

    • XMM3 = _mm_add_pd(XMM3, XMM5)

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Assembly 101: XMM Registers

Scalar floating-point instructions operate only on the low floating-point number in an XMM register

    • XMM3 = XMM3 + XMM5
    • XMM3 = _mm_add_sd(XMM3, XMM5)

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Assembly 101: XMM Instructions

Note the common pattern:

  • <OP>PD
    • Packed (SIMD) double-precision
  • <OP>SD
    • Scalar double-precision
  • <OP>PS
    • Packed (SIMD) single-precision
  • <OP>SS
    • Scalar single-precision
  • How about intrinsics? _mm_mul_pd (!)

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Assembly 101: XMM Instructions

void vector_max(const double*, double*, size_t):

cmp rdx, 1

push rbx

movapd xmm0, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]

mov rbx, rsi

jbe .L2

mov rcx, rdx

mov rax, rdi


movupd xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [rax]

sub rcx, 2

add rax, 16

cmp rcx, 1

maxpd xmm0, xmm1

ja .L3

lea rax, [rdx-2]

and edx, 1

shr rax

add rax, 1

sal rax, 4

add rdi, rax


movapd xmm1, xmm0

test rdx, rdx

unpckhpd xmm1, xmm0

maxsd xmm0, xmm1

je .L4

movsd xmm1, QWORD PTR [rdi]

call fmax


movsd QWORD PTR [rbx], xmm0

pop rbx


Is this code vectorized?

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Assembly 101: XMM Instructions

void vector_max(const double*, double*, size_t):

cmp rdx, 1

push rbx

movapd xmm0, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]

mov rbx, rsi

jbe .L2

mov rcx, rdx

mov rax, rdi


movupd xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [rax]

sub rcx, 2

add rax, 16

cmp rcx, 1

maxpd xmm0, xmm1

ja .L3

lea rax, [rdx-2]

and edx, 1

shr rax

add rax, 1

sal rax, 4

add rdi, rax


movapd xmm1, xmm0

test rdx, rdx

unpckhpd xmm1, xmm0

maxsd xmm0, xmm1

je .L4

movsd xmm1, QWORD PTR [rdi]

call fmax


movsd QWORD PTR [rbx], xmm0

pop rbx


Is this code vectorized?



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Assembly 101: RFLAGS Register

Special 64-bit register

  • Keeps the result of compare operations
    • CMP EAX, 10
      • Subtract 10 from EAX
      • Set the flags according to result
        • Set zero flag if result is 0, i.e. EAX == 10
      • Discard the result
    • And lots of other stuff we don't care about
  • Arithmetic operations also change flags
    • SUB RCX, 10
      • Has the same effect on flags as the CMP

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Assembly 101: RFLAGS Register

Some more examples

  • AND EAX, 0x8000000
      • 0x8000000 = 1 << 31
      • Bitwise AND EAX with 0x8000000
      • Set the flags according to result
        • Set zero flag if result is 0, i.e. bit 31 of EAX is 0
    • And lots of other stuff we don't care about
    • Same effect on flags as AND RDX, RDX
      • Sets zero flag if (RDX & RDX) == 0
        • That is, if RDX == 0
    • Unlike AND, the result is discarded

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Assembly 101: Conditional clauses

x86 provides 3 types of conditional instructions

  • Result of operation depends on RFLAGS
    • E.g. do something if Zero flag is (not) set
  • Set instruction
    • Set register to 1 if condition is true, to 0 otherwise
  • Conditional moves
    • CMOVZ RDX, R10
      • If Zero flag is set copy the value in R10 to RDX
  • Conditional jumps
    • JNZ Label
      • If Zero flag is not set continue execution at Label

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Assembly 101: Conditional clauses

Asm code:


Some asm instructions



JNZ .Label

Equivalent C code:

do {

Some C statements


} while (RAX != 0)

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Assembly 101: Stack

Stack as abstract data structure

  • LIFO: Last In - First Out
  • We can only work with the top of the stack
    • PUSH operation adds new element to the top of the stack
    • POP operation removes the top element
  • Most processor architectures have hardware supported stack for every thread

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Assembly 101: Machine Stack

Machine stack components

  • Chunk of memory
    • Stack grows downwards
  • 64-bit general purpose register RSP which hold the address of the stack top
    • SP for stack pointer
  • PUSH and POP instructions
    • PUSH RDI
      • SUB RSP, 8
      • MOV [RSP], RDI
    • POP RAX
      • MOV RAX, [RSP]
      • ADD RSP, 8

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Assembly 101: Functions

  • CALL Label instruction
    • Pushes the address of the next instruction on stack
    • Executes instructions at Label
  • RET instruction
    • Pops the top element from

the machine stack

    • Continues execution of

instructions at the address

in the popped element

  • Stack may also contain:
    • Parameters a for the function
    • Local variables of the function

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Assembly 101: Functions

Function call convention (Linux, Mac OS)

  • Integer parameters for a function a passed in RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9
    • The first parameter in RDI
    • The second in RSI
    • If more than 6 parameters, some of them are passed in machine stack
  • Function returns a value in a register
    • In RAX if the return value is integer
    • In XMM0 if the return value is floating-point

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Assembly 101: Example

double vector_sum(

const double* data,

size_t length)


double sum = 0.0;

for (; length != 0; length -= 1) {

// Load element and add to sum

sum += *data;

// Advance array pointer

data += 1;


return sum;


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Assembly 101: Example

double vector_sum(

const double* data,

size_t length)


double sum = 0.0;

for (; length != 0; length -= 1) {

// Load element and add to sum

sum += *data;

// Advance array pointer

data += 1;


return sum;


double vector_sum(

const double* data,

size_t length):



JE .L2








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Assembly 101


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Microarchitecture 101

What is inside the "Intel inside"?

Images from intel.com and Wikipedia Commons

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Image from adisney.go.com/disneypictures/aliceinwonderland/

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Images from adisney.go.com/disneypictures/aliceinwonderland/ and pressroom-se.intel.com

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs


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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Pipelined
    • Instructions are not executed from entirely in a single cycle
    • Instead execution of an instruction is split into many small stages
      • Each stage is small enough to run in one cycle
    • Consider 3 GHz CPU with 15-stages pipeline
      • If it did not start to execute the new instruction until the previous one has finished, it would be just a 200 MHz CPU

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Pipelined
    • Example: ARM Cortex-A15 pipeline

Image from arm.com

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Superscalar
    • Can run more than one instruction per cycle (IPC)
      • Intel Pentium, Intel Atom: 2 IPC
      • Intel Pentium 4, Intel Pentium M: 3 IPC
      • Intel Core 2 and later: 5 IPC
      • AMD K8, K10: 3 IPC
      • AMD Bulldozer: 4 IPC
      • ARM Cortex-A7, Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9: 2 IPC
      • ARM Cortex-A15, Qualcomm Krait: 3 IPC
      • IBM Power 7: 6 IPC
      • Intel Itanium (Poulson core): 12 IPC (!)
        • But not out-of-order

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Out-of-order
    • Can execute the instructions in a different order than they appear in the program
      • But the program must still operate as if they were executed in order
    • All desktop processors and some mobile processors are capable of out-of-order execution
      • Exceptions: Intel Atom, ARM Cortex-A5/A7/A8
      • Intel Nehalem, the CPU inside Jinx, is capable of out-of-order execution

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Speculative
    • If CPU is unsure about something, it makes a guess, and uses this guess in executing instructions
      • If the guess happens to be wrong, the CPU rolls back all actions which depended on it
    • Branch prediction
      • The processor tries to predict whether the conditional jump will transfer execution to a label
    • Load address prediction
      • If the address used to load data is not yet computed, the processor tries to guess it

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Microarchitecture 101: Intro

Most modern processors are built on pipelined superscalar speculative out-of-order designs

  • Speculative
    • If CPU is unsure about something, it makes a guess, and uses this guess in executing instructions
      • If the guess happens to be wrong, the CPU rolls back all actions which depended on it
      • Rollback is expensive
        • In term of performance: need to recompute all results which depended on the wrong assumption
        • In term of power: energy was used on computing results which are now just trashed
    • How can we help the CPU to make right guesses
      • Yes! Do what the CPU expects you to do ☺

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Microarchitecture 101: OoO

How to execute instructions out of order?

The general approach includes three phases:

  • Decode instructions as they appear in the program
    • Detect dependencies between instructions
      • Attempt to remove false dependencies
  • Once all the inputs of an instruction are ready, we can compute its result
    • And store it in a special buffer
    • And we can compute results in any order (!)
  • In the order the instructions appear in the program take their computed results from the special buffers and update the permanent state of the processor

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Microarchitecture 101: OoO

But the reality is not that simple...

Images from the article www.realworldtech.com/nehalem/ which I advice you to read

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Microarchitecture 101: OoO

But the reality is not that simple...

What if...

  • ...an instruction needs a recently computed value which is not yet written to the permanent state?
    • No problem, it can get it!
  • ...a memory load want a value which was recently kind of stored to memory, but was not written to the permanent state and still resides in some buffer?
    • No problem, it can get it!
  • ...instructions from different loop iterations have their operands ready
    • They can issue in parallel on the same cycle

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Microarchitecture 101: OoO

But the reality is not that simple...

What if...

  • ...we do a function call?
    • No problem, the CPU will predict in advance that the execution will at the function location!
  • ...we do a function call via a pointer?
    • No problem, if the pointer does not change it will have the same performance as usual function call!
  • ...a memory load results in a cache miss?
    • No problem, subsequent independent instructions can continue execution while the cache line is being loaded!

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Microarchitecture 101: Summary

  • "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
  • "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
  • "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
  • "You must be," said the Cat, "otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

Image from adisney.go.com/disneypictures/aliceinwonderland/