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Showcase Learning with WeVideo

A PSA project that addresses minimizing and monitoring human impact on the environment.

I can identify ways to reduce human impact on our environment

PE MS-ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.

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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and competition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Artist Statement: I used upbeat music to symbolize the change we can make to our earth and to encourage people to go and clean up the beach and pick up trash. I believe the clips I used in my PSA adds meaning to my 6 word story by showing the amount of plastic in the ocean and showing people with clean water. I put facts about the amount of trash in our ocean to show what people are doing to our oceans. In the end of my PSA a put a clip of a person with water in their hands and water pouring into a cup. I put those clips there there to show that everybody should have clean water and no one should have to worry about having nothing to drink because all of their water is dirty. I believe the clips I chose adds meaning to my PSA by showing how dirty our oceans are so people can really understand that we need to watch our plastic intake..



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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and competition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Artist Statement: I made my art because people don't realize how easy it is to just pick up a piece of trash. When they don't pick up the trash it hurts the ocean and sea life. I started by finding videos of plastic on beaches and in oceans, people picking up the trash, and sea animals in the wild. I then cut those clips down to 2 seconds and added text and audio. I really liked how my video turned out, it gets the point across quickly and easily.



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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and composition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Artist Statement: My music starts off slow and kind of sad as I showed pictures of a factory with a lot of gas coming out of the steamer and showed a cow because we eat cows. Then the music picked up to show that this is the solutions and I show wind mills and solar panels to show that you should use that as a solution. I really like my transitions in my video and if feel like my video was smooth and showed that you shouldn't pollute the earth. People right now are making electric cars and figuring out how to make things without polluting the earth. I will continue riding the bus with a lot of people so that way it is less cars using there gas.



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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and competition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Artist Statement: I used piano music to make the mood of my video calm. It portrayed the message that the environment would be healthier if more people used wind energy instead of fossil fuels for many reasons. The media I chose to put in my video adds meaning to the video because it shows wind mills with captions explaining how they are better than fossil fuels.


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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and composition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Environmental PSA

7th grade students utilized mood and composition to created public service announcements showing how humans impact the environment and provide methods for humans to reduce this impact.

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Environmental PSA

Artist Statement:

People are polluting the water we drink, bathe, and swim in and I just made a short video about it and how its very slowly being fixed.