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CSE331�Lecture 17.1-17.3-18

Generics: overview, methods, subtyping, bounds, and wildcards

Ardi Madadi �Summer 2021(Based on slides by Kevin Zatloukal, Mike Ernst, Dan Grossman, and many others)


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  • This lecture will get into the gritty details of generics

  • In practice:
    • you will constantly need to use generic classes
      • e.g., the collections library
    • but you will rarely need to write generic classes
      • (generic methods are a little more common)
      • unless you are writing a container class, you are probably making a mistake by making it generic

  • We will go through all the details so that you have seen it once

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Pre-generic Collection Use

Checking types were correct was done at run-time.

Hashtable h = new Hashtable();

h.put(“abc”, new Integer(3));


Integer val = (Integer) h.get(“abc”);

No compiler help to ensure type constraints are satisfied

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Alternative: Many, Many Classes

interface ListOfNumbers {

boolean add(Number elt);

Number get(int index);


interface ListOfIntegers {

boolean add(Integer elt);

Integer get(int index);


… and many, many more

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Why we love abstraction

Hide details

    • avoid getting lost in details (readability)
    • permit details to change later on (changeability)

Give a meaningful name to a concept (readability)

Permit reuse in new contexts

    • avoid duplication: error-prone, confusing, less changeable
    • save reimplementation effort

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Varieties of abstraction

Abstraction over computation: procedures (methods)

int x1, y1, x2, y2;

Math.sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1);

Math.sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2);

Abstraction over data: ADTs (classes, interfaces)

Point p1, p2;

Abstraction over types: polymorphism (generics)

Point<Integer>, Point<Double>

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Related abstractions

interface ListOfNumbers {

boolean add(Number elt);

Number get(int index);


interface ListOfIntegers {

boolean add(Integer elt);

Integer get(int index);


… and many, many more

// abstracts over element type

interface List<E> {

boolean add(E n);

E get(int index);


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Lets us use types



List<String> List<List<String>> …

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An analogous parameter

interface ListOfIntegers {

boolean add(Integer elt);

Integer get(int index);


interface List<E> {

boolean add(E n);

E get(int index);


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  • Declares a new variable, called a (formal) parameter
  • Instantiate with any expression of the right type
    • e.g., lst.add(7)
  • Type of add is

Integer -> boolean

  • Declares a new type variable, called a type parameter
  • Instantiate with any (reference) type
    • e.g., List<String>
  • “Type” of List is Type -> Type
    • never just use List (allowed for backward-compatibility only)

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Type variables are types

class NewSet<T> implements Set<T> {

// rep invariant:

// non-null, contains no duplicates

// …

List<T> theRep;

T lastItemInserted;


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Declaring and instantiating generics

class Name<TypeVar1, , TypeVarN> {…}

interface Name<TypeVar1, …, TypeVarN> {…}

    • often one-letter name such as:�T for Type, E for Element,K for Key, V for Value,

To instantiate a generic class/interface, supply type arguments:

Name<Type1, …, TypeN>

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Restricting instantiations by clients

boolean add1(Object elt);

boolean add2(Number elt);

add1(new Date()); // OK

add2(new Date()); // compile-time error

interface List1<E extends Object> {…}

interface List2<E extends Number> {…}

List1<Date> // OK, Date is a subtype of Object

List2<Date> // compile-time error, Date is not a

// subtype of Number�

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Upper bounds

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Revised definition

class Name<TypeVar1 extends Type1,


TypeVarN extends TypeN> {…}

    • (same for interface definitions)
    • (default upper bound is Object)

To instantiate a generic class/interface, supply type arguments:

Name<Type1, …, TypeN>

Compile-time error if type is not a subtype of the upper bound

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Using type variables

Code can perform any operation permitted by the bound

    • because we know all instantiations will be subtypes!
    • an enforced precondition on type instantiations

class Foo1<E extends Object> {

void m(E arg) {

arg.intValue(); // compiler error, E might not� // support intValue



class Foo2<E extends Number> {

void m(E arg) {

arg.intValue(); // OK, since Number and its� // subtypes support intValue



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More examples

public class Graph<N> implements Iterable<N> {

private final Map<N, Set<N>> node2neighbors;

public Graph(Set<N> nodes, Set<Pair<N,N>> edges){



public interface Path<N, P extends Path<N,P>>

extends Iterable<N>, Comparable<Path<?, ?>> {

public Iterator<N> iterator();


(Note: you probably don’t want to use this code in your homework.)

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More bounds

<TypeVar extends SuperType>

    • an upper bound; accepts given supertype or any of its subtypes

<TypeVar extends ClassA & InterfaceB & InterfaceC & …>

    • multiple upper bounds (superclass/interfaces) with &


// tree set works for any comparable type

public class TreeSet<T extends Comparable<T>> {


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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics

  • Now:
    • generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]
    • generics and subtyping
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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Not all generics are for collections

class Utils {

static double sumList(List<Number> lst) {

double result = 0.0;

for (Number n : lst) {

result += n.doubleValue();


return result;


static Number choose(List<Number> lst) {

int i = … // random number < lst.size

return lst.get(i);



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  • Would like to use sumList for any subtype of Number
    • for example, Double or Integer
    • but as we will see, List<Double> is not a subtype of List<Number>

  • Would like to use choose for any element type
    • i.e., any subclass of Object
    • no need to restrict to subclasses of Number
    • want to tell clients more about return type than Object

  • Class Utils is not generic, but the methods should be generic

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Much better

class UtilsGenerified {

static <T extends Number>

double sumList(List<T> lst) {

double result = 0.0;

for (Number n : lst) { // T also works

result += n.doubleValue();


return result;


static <T>

T choose(List<T> lst) {

int i = … // random number < lst.size

return lst.get(i);



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Have to declare type parameter(s)

Have to declare type parameter(s)

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Using generics in methods

  • Instance methods can use type parameters of the class

  • Instance methods can have their own type parameters
    • generic methods

  • Callers to generic methods need not explicitly instantiate the methods’ type parameters
    • compiler just figures it out for you
      • example of type inference

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More examples

<T extends Comparable<T>> T max(Collection<T> c) {

return Collections.max(c);


<T extends Comparable<T>>

void sort(List<T> list) {



(This works but will be even more useful later with more bounds)

<T> void copyTo(List<T> dst, List<T> src) {



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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics
    • generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]

  • Now:
    • generics and subtyping
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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Generics and subtyping

  • Integer can be used wherever Number is expected
    • this is the notion of a subtype
      • (specifically, the Liskov substitutability principle)
    • i.e, Integer satisfies a stronger spec than Number
      • only adds methods and strengthens existing methods

  • Can you safely substitute List<Integer> wherever a List<Number> is used without possibility of error?

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Generics and subtyping

List<Number> numList = new List<Number>();

List<Integer> intList = new List<Integer>();

intList.add(new Integer(3));

-> numList.add(new Integer(3));

numList.add(new Double(3.0));

-> intList.add(new Double(3.0));

Number n = numList.get(0);

-> Number n = intList.get(0);

Integer n = intList.get(0);

-> Integer n = numList.get(0);

Neither type can be substituted for the other legally in all situations!

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Generics and subtyping

List<Number> numList = new List<Number>();

List<Integer> intList = new List<Integer>();

intList.add(new Integer(3));

-> numList.add(new Integer(3)); // okay

numList.add(new Double(3.0));

-> intList.add(new Double(3.0));

Number n = numList.get(0);

-> Number n = intList.get(0);

Integer n = intList.get(0);

-> Integer n = numList.get(0);

Neither type can be substituted for the other legally in all situations!

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Generics and subtyping

List<Number> numList = new List<Number>();

List<Integer> intList = new List<Integer>();

intList.add(new Integer(3));

-> numList.add(new Integer(3)); // okay

numList.add(new Double(3.0));

-> intList.add(new Double(3.0)); // not legal

Number n = numList.get(0);

-> Number n = intList.get(0);

Integer n = intList.get(0);

-> Integer n = numList.get(0);

Neither type can be substituted for the other legally in all situations!

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Generics and subtyping

List<Number> numList = new List<Number>();

List<Integer> intList = new List<Integer>();

intList.add(new Integer(3));

-> numList.add(new Integer(3)); // okay

numList.add(new Double(3.0));

-> intList.add(new Double(3.0)); // not legal

Number n = numList.get(0);

-> Number n = intList.get(0); // okay

Integer n = intList.get(0);

-> Integer n = numList.get(0);

Neither type can be substituted for the other legally in all situations!

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Generics and subtyping

List<Number> numList = new List<Number>();

List<Integer> intList = new List<Integer>();

intList.add(new Integer(3));

-> numList.add(new Integer(3)); // okay

numList.add(new Double(3.0));

-> intList.add(new Double(3.0)); // not legal

Number n = numList.get(0);

-> Number n = intList.get(0); // okay

Integer n = intList.get(0);

-> Integer n = numList.get(0); // illegal

Neither type can be substituted for the other legally in all situations!

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List<Number> and List<Integer>

interface List<T> {

boolean add(T elt);

T get(int index);


So type List<Number> has:

boolean add(Number elt);

Number get(int index);

So type List<Integer> has:

boolean add(Integer elt);

Integer get(int index);

�Java subtyping is invariant with respect to generics

    • Not covariant and not contravariant
    • Neither List<Number> nor List<Integer> subtype of other

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Hard to remember?

If Type2 and Type3 are different,

then Type1<Type2> is not a subtype of Type1<Type3>

Previous example shows why:

    • Observer method prevents “one direction”
    • Mutator/producer method prevents “the other direction”

If our types have only observers or only mutators, then one direction of subtyping would be sound

    • But Java’s type system does not “notice this” so such subtyping is never allowed in Java

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Read-only allows covariance

interface List<T> {

T get(int index);


So type List<Number> has:

Number get(int index);

So type List<Integer> has:

Integer get(int index);

So covariant subtyping would be correct:

    • List<Integer> a subtype of List<Number>

But Java does not analyze interface definitions like this

    • conservatively disallows this subtyping

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Write-only allows contravariance

interface List<T> {

boolean add(T elt);


So type List<Number> has:

boolean add(Number elt);

So type List<Integer> has:

boolean add(Integer elt);

So contravariant subtyping would be correct:

    • List<Number> a subtype of List<Integer>

But Java does not analyze interface definitions like this

    • conservatively disallows this subtyping

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Co- and Contra-variance

interface List<T> {

boolean add(T elt);

T get(int index);


In general, List<T> should be

  • covariant if T only appears as a return value
  • contravariant if T only appears as an argument

Some languages (e.g., Scala and C#) allow this

Java does not:

    • cannot substitute List<T1> for List<T2> unless T1 = T2

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About the parameters

  • So we have seen List<Integer> and List<Number> are not subtype-related

  • There is “as expected” subtyping on the generic types themselves

  • Example: If HeftyBag extends Bag, then
    • HeftyBag<Integer> is a subtype of Bag<Integer>
    • HeftyBag<Number> is a subtype of Bag<Number>
    • HeftyBag<String> is a subtype of Bag<String>

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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics
    • generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]
    • generics and subtyping

  • Now:
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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Best type for addAll

Class AlternateSet<E> {

// Adds all elements in c to this set

// (that are not already present)

void addAll(_______ c);


What is the best type for addAll’s parameter?

    • Allow as many clients as possible…
    • … while allowing correct implementations

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Best type for addAll

Class AlternateSet<E> {

// Adds all elements in c to this set

// (that are not already present)

void addAll(_______ c);


void addAll(Set<E> c);

Too restrictive:

    • does not let clients pass other collections, like List<E>
    • better: use a supertype interface with just what addAll needs

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Best type for addAll

Class AlternateSet<E> {

// Adds all elements in c to this set

// (that are not already present)

void addAll(_______ c);


void addAll(Collection<E> c);

Still too restrictive:

    • cannot pass a List<Integer> to addAll for a Set<Number>
    • that should be okay because addAll implementations only need to read from c, not put elements in it
    • but Java does not allow it
      • this is the invariant-subtyping limitation

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Best type for addAll

Class AlternateSet<E> {

// Adds all elements in c to this set

// (that are not already present)

void addAll(_______ c);


<T extends E> void addAll(Collection<T> c);

The fix: bounded generic type parameter

    • can pass a List<Integer> to addAll for a Set<Number>
    • addAll implementations won’t know what element type T is, but will know it is a subtype of E
      • it cannot add anything to collection c refers to
      • but this is enough to implement addAll

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More verbose first


    • how to use type bounds to write reusable code despite invariant subtyping
    • elegant technique using generic methods
    • general guidelines for making code as reusable as possible
      • (though not always the most important consideration)

Then: Java wildcards

    • essentially provide the same expressiveness
    • less verbose: No need to declare type parameters that would be used only once
    • better style because Java programmers recognize how wildcards are used for common idioms
      • easier to read (?) once you get used to it

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Generic methods get around invariance

You cannot pass List<Integer> to method expecting List<Number>

    • Java subtyping is invariant with respect to type parameters

Get around it by making your method generic:

<T extends Number> double sumList(List<T> nums) {

double s = 0;

for (T t : nums)

s += t.doubleValue();

return s;


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Revisit copy method

Earlier we saw this:

<T> void copyTo(List<T> dst, List<T> src) {

for (T t : src)



Now we can do this (which is more general):

<T1, T2 extends T1> void copyTo(List<T1> dst,

List<T2> src) {

for (T2 t : src)



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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics
    • generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]
    • generics and subtyping
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping

  • Now:
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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[Compare to earlier version]

interface Set<E> {

void addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);


  • More idiomatic (but equally powerful) compared to

<T extends E> void addAll(Collection<T> c);

  • More powerful than void addAll(Collection<E> c);

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Syntax: for a type-parameter instantiation (inside the <…>), can write:

    • ? extends Type, some unspecified subtype of Type
    • ? is shorthand for ? extends Object
    • ? super Type, some unspecified superclass of Type

A wildcard is essentially an anonymous type variable

    • each ? stands for some possibly-different unknown type

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More examples

<T extends Comparable<T>> T max(Collection<T> c);

    • No change because T used more than once

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Syntax: for a type-parameter instantiation (inside the <…>), can write:

    • ? extends Type, some unspecified subtype of Type
    • ? is shorthand for ? extends Object
    • ? super Type, some unspecified superclass of Type

A wildcard is essentially an anonymous type variable

    • each ? stands for some possibly-different unknown type
    • use a wildcard when you would use a type variable only once (no need to give it a name)
      • avoids declaring generic type variables
    • communicates to readers of your code that the type’s “identity” is not needed anywhere else

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More examples

<T> void copyTo(List<? super T> dst, � List<? extends T> src) {

for (T t : src)



Why this works:

    • lower bound of T for where callee puts values
    • upper bound of T for where callee gets values
    • callers get the subtyping they want
      • Example: copy(numberList, integerList)
      • Example: copy(stringList, stringList)

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PECS: Producer Extends, Consumer Super

Should you use extends or super or neither?

    • use ? extends T when you get values (from a producer)
      • no problem if it’s a subtype
      • (the co-variant subtyping case)
    • use ? super T when you put values (into a consumer)
      • no problem if it’s a supertype
      • (the contra-variant subtyping case)�
    • use neither (just T, not ?) if you both get and put
      • can’t be as flexible here

<T> void copyTo(List<? super T> dst, � List<? extends T> src);

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More on lower bounds

  • As we’ve seen, lower-bound ? super T is useful for “consumers”

  • Upper-bound ? extends T could be rewritten without wildcards, but wildcards preferred style where they suffice

  • But lower-bound is only available for wildcards in Java
    • this does not parse:

<T super Foo> void m(Bar<T> x);

    • no good reason for Java not to support such lower bounds except designers decided it wasn’t useful enough to bother
      • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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? versus Object

? indicates a particular but unknown type

void printAll(List<?> lst) {…}

Difference between List<?> and List<Object>:

    • can instantiate ? with any type: Object, String, …
    • List<Object> much more restrictive:
      • e.g., wouldn't take a List<String>

Difference between List<Foo> and List<? extends Foo>:

    • In latter, element type is one unknown subtype of Foo

Example: List<? extends Animal> might store only Giraffes only (no Zebras)

    • Former allows anything that is a subtype of Foo in the same list

Example: List<Animal> could store Giraffes and Zebras

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?

o = lei.get(0);

n = lei.get(0);

i = lei.get(0);

p = lei.get(0);

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?

o = lei.get(0);

n = lei.get(0);

i = lei.get(0);

p = lei.get(0);

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?

o = lei.get(0);

n = lei.get(0);

i = lei.get(0);

p = lei.get(0);






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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? extends NewInteger> lei;

First, which of these is legal?

lei = new ArrayList<Object>();

lei = new ArrayList<Number>();

lei = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lei = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?

o = lei.get(0);

n = lei.get(0);

i = lei.get(0);

p = lei.get(0);






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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?






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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?






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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?






o = lsi.get(0);

n = lsi.get(0);

i = lsi.get(0);

p = lsi.get(0);

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Legal operations on wildcard types

Object o;

Number n;

NewInteger i;

PositiveInteger p;

List<? super NewInteger> lsi;

First, which of these is legal?

lsi = new ArrayList<Object>();

lsi = new ArrayList<Number>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NewInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<PositiveInteger>();

lsi = new ArrayList<NegativeInteger>();

Which of these is legal?






o = lsi.get(0);

n = lsi.get(0);

i = lsi.get(0);

p = lsi.get(0);

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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics�generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]
    • generics and subtyping
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds

  • Now:
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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Java arrays

We know how to use arrays:

    • declare an array holding Type elements: Type[]
    • get an element: x[i]
    • set an element x[i] = e;

Java included the syntax above because it’s common and concise

But can reason about how it should work the same as this:

class Array<T> {

public T get(int i) { … “magic” … }

public T set(T newVal, int i) {… “magic” …}


So: If Type1 is a subtype of Type2, how should �Type1[] and Type2[] be related??

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Java Arrays

  • Given everything we have learned, if Type1 is a subtype of Type2, then Type1[] and Type2[] should be unrelated
    • invariant subtyping for generics
    • because arrays are mutable

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  • Given everything we have learned, if Type1 is a subtype of Type2, then Type1[] and Type2[] should be unrelated
    • invariant subtyping for generics
    • because arrays are mutable

  • But in Java, if Type1 is a subtype of Type2,�then Type1[] is a subtype of Type2[] (covariant subtyping)
    • not true subtyping: the subtype does not support setting an array element to hold a Type2 (spoiler: throws an exception)
    • Java (and C#) made this decision in pre-generics days
      • needed to write reusable sorting routines, etc.
      • also ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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What can happen: the good

Programmers can use this subtyping to “do okay stuff”

void maybeSwap(LibraryHolding[] arr) {

if(arr[17].dueDate() < arr[34].dueDate())

// … swap arr[17] and arr[34]


// client with subtype

Book[] books = …;

maybeSwap(books); // relies on covariant

// array subtyping

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What can happen: the bad

Something in here must go wrong!

void replace17(LibraryHolding[] arr,

LibraryHolding h) {

arr[17] = h;


// client with subtype

Book[] books = …;

LibraryHolding theWall = new CD("Pink Floyd",

"The Wall", …);

replace17(books, theWall);

Book b = books[17]; // would hold a CD

b.getChapters(); // so this would fail

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Java’s choice

  • Java normally guarantees run-time type is a subtype of the compile-time type
    • this was violated for the Book b variable

  • To preserve the guarantee, Java must never get that far:
    • each array “knows” its actual run-time type (e.g., Book [])
    • trying to store a supertype into an index causes ArrayStoreException (at run time)

  • So the body of replace17 would raise an exception
    • even though replace17 is entirely reasonable
      • and fine for plenty of “careful” clients
    • every Java array-update includes this run-time check
      • (array-reads never fail this way – why?)
    • beware careful with array subtyping

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Where are we?

  • Done:
    • basics of generic types for classes and interfaces
    • basics of bounding generics

  • Now:
    • generic methods [not just using type parameters of class]
    • generics and subtyping
    • using bounds for more flexible subtyping
    • using wildcards for more convenient bounds
    • related digression: Java’s array subtyping
    • Java realities: type erasure
      • unchecked casts
      • equals interactions
      • creating generic arrays

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Type erasure

All generic types become type Object once compiled

List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();

at runtime, becomes

List<Object> lst = new ArrayList<Object>();

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Type erasure

All generic types become type Object once compiled

    • gives backward compatibility (a selling point at time of adoption)
    • at run-time, all generic instantiations have the same type

Cannot use instanceof to discover a type parameter

Collection<?> cs = new ArrayList<String>();

if (cs instanceof Collection<String>) { // illegal



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Generics and casting

Casting to generic type results in an important warning

List<?> lg = new ArrayList<String>(); // ok

List<String> ls = (List<String>) lg; // warn

Compiler gives a warning because this is something the runtime system will not check for you

Usually, if you think you need to do this, you're wrong

    • a real need to do this is extremely rare

Object can also be cast to any generic type ☹

public static <T> T badCast(T t, Object o) {

return (T) o; // unchecked warning


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The bottom-line

  • Java guarantees a List<String> variable always holds a (subtype of) the raw type List

  • Java does not guarantee a List<String> variable always has only String elements at run-time
    • will be true if no unchecked cast warnings are shown
    • compiler inserts casts to/from Object for generics
      • if these casts fail, hard-to-debug errors result:�often far from where conceptual mistake occurred

  • So, two reasons not to ignore warnings:
    • You’re violating good style/design/subtyping/generics
    • You’re risking difficult debugging

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Recall equals

class Node {


public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (!(obj instanceof Node)) {

return false;


Node n = (Node) obj;

return this.data().equals(n.data());



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equals for a parameterized class

class Node<E> {


public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (!(obj instanceof Node<E>)) {

return false;


Node<E> n = (Node<E>) obj;

return this.data().equals(n.data());



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Erasure: Type arguments do not exist at runtime

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equals for a parameterized class

class Node<E> {


public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (!(obj instanceof Node<?>)) {

return false;


Node<E> n = (Node<E>) obj;

return this.data().equals(n.data());



CSE 331 Summer 2021

More erasure: At run time, do not know what E is and will not be checked, so don’t indicate otherwise

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equals for a parameterized class

class Node<E> {


public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (!(obj instanceof Node<?>)) {

return false;


Node<?> n = (Node<?>) obj;

return this.data().equals(n.data());



CSE 331 Summer 2021

Works if the type of obj is Node<Elephant> or Node<String> or …



Node<? extends Object>

Leave it to here to “do the right thing” if this and n differ on element type

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Generics and arrays

public class Foo<T> {

private T aField; // ok

private T[] anArray; // ok

public Foo() {

aField = new T(); // compile-time error

anArray = new T[10]; // compile-time error



  • You cannot create objects or arrays of a parameterized type
    • type info is not available at runtime

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Necessary array cast

public class Foo<T> {

private T aField;

private T[] anArray;


public Foo(T param) {

aField = param;

anArray = (T[]) new Object[10];



You can declare variables of type T, accept them as parameters, return them, or create arrays by casting Object[]

    • casting to generic types is not type-safe (hence the warning)
    • Effective Java: use ArrayList instead

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Generics clarify your code

interface Map {

Object put(Object key, Object value);


interface Map<Key,Value> {

Value put(Key key, Value value);


  • Generics always make the client code prettier and safer
  • Generics usually clarify the implementation
    • (but sometimes uglify: wildcards, arrays, instantiation)

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plus casts in client code

→ possibility of run-time errors

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Tips when writing a generic class

  • Think through whether you really need to make it generic
    • if it’s not really a container, most likely a mistake

  • Start by writing a concrete instantiation
    • get it correct (testing, reasoning, etc.)
    • consider writing a second concrete version

  • Generalize it by adding type parameters
    • think about which types are the same or different
    • the compiler will help you find errors

  • It will become easier with practice to write generic from the start

CSE 331 Summer 2021