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For those copying this template guide - feel free to change any names, details, and functions to best suit your project or organisation.


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Regen Civics Purpose:

Regen Civics builds the tools and provides structure for uniting the various global movements that are all aiming to co-create a diversity of Regenerative Cultures

These slides describe the agreements everyone agrees to when taking on membership in Regen Civics. It is Regen Civics’ governance.

It exists to ensure that every action taken in the name of Regen Civics directly and verifiable contributes to furthering the purpose →

Interpretation of this Game Guide is up to those playing the game. When interpretations are in conflict and a good faith attempt to resolution does not bear fruit, the interpretation of the circles Scribe will be applied. If unavailable, use these fallbacks (in order); Lamp Lighter of the circle, Scribe or LL of the super circle.

Agreement - an agreement all members must honour.

Each slide of this guide will be of one of these types.

Definition - An agreed definition of a term.

* Playing by these agreements is best learned though the handbook and by simply starting to play the game.


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Quick Overview

Click on each to explore…

Patterns of Co-Creation �"How do we co-create?"

Conflict Evolution Processes �"How do we evolve through conflict?"

Initial Circles, Roles, Archetypes and Quests �"How can I contribute to this community? How are contributions” reciprocated?

Membership Criteria �"Who is a member, how, and how do members leave?"

Vision, Values, Purpose �"What are we co-creating?"

Governance Process �"How do we evolve and change? Who makes decisions and how?"


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Overview Video

Watch this video for an orientation into Regen Civics


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We’re co-creating a network of regenerative projects and organisations by:��1. Creating templates/guides to assist regenerative projects and incubate 13 new projects each Season.

2. Forming co-invested alliances of organisations who want to support regenerative projects.

3. Creating a “Regen Index” token for investors and institutions to fund a diversity of coordinated regenerative initiatives

Vision, Values, Purpose �"What are we co-creating?"


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We co-create by:��1. Sharing, learning and growing in our Regen Civics Discord space.

2. Joining weekly sessions and forming/joining new breakout sessions on various topics.

3. Using similar tools so that we can copy/evolve/adapt each-others patterns.

4. Following our Personal Commitments

Patterns of Co-Creation �"How do we co-create?"


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Members are voted in by existing members and active membership lasts 1 season.

1. A representative from each Alliance Organisation (an organisation focused on helping Regenerative Projects in a given capacity).

2. A representative from each Regen Civics Project (from the 13 projects that are selected each Season).

3. 3-7 Seasonal facilitators / Core contributors (holding role assignments).

4. Membership is further defined: Member Duties, Membership and Compensation.

Membership Criteria �"Who is a member, how, and how do members leave?"


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Currently being Co Created in Discord:��

Conflict Evolution Processes �"How do we evolve through conflict?"


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Members earn RVoice (governance tokens) and Regen (alliance token) for contributions to the Alliance as voted in by the members of the Alliance using the DHO.

Explore the Regen Civics DHO for all open Roles, Circles and Quests.

Initial Circles, Roles, Archetypes and Quests �"How can I contribute to this community? How are contributions” reciprocated?





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Representatives from each Project and Alliance hold RVoice (Governance Token) in Regen Civics and participate in governance.

We make decisions as detailed in the following Slides:��1. Regen Civics Voice

2. What Requires a Vote

3. Vote Scope��Explore the ReGen Civics DHO

Governance Process �"How do we evolve and change? Who makes decisions and how?"


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When playing the Game of Regen Civics each member commits to the following patterns.

All members will make a good faith effort to engage with requests from fellow core members and may choose to disregard non members when it does not serve them. Any member may ask fellow members to state from/to which role/quest they are engaging.

Honesty with Empathy If you disagree or don’t understand something - say something. We always try to understand and relate to all perspectives at the table. We engage in a truthful dialog while honoring our own and each others boundaries.

Radical Responsibility We are solely responsible for activating our roles purpose. We commit to embracing conflict as fuel for meaningful change in pursuit of purpose.

Radical Transparency Compensation, roles, commitments - everything is transparent. We commit to being open with our actions and deeds.

Radical Focus We focus on ambitions and objectives around our purpose and then process signals (perspectives) that are sent back to us to act accordingly.


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Anyone with RVOICE is considered a member to Regen Civics.

Anyone with an active role or quest in the Regen Civics DHO is a core member.

Sensing: The duty to process any and all relevant tensions sensed into meaningful change in pursuit of the purpose of your roles.

Processing: The duty to process and take on any work your role is accountable for and (re-)prioritize in accordance with circle strategy and Regen Civics’ purpose.

Transparency: The duty to transparently share all the work you’re engaged in and upon request provide reasonable estimates when deliverables can be expected.

Expectations: The duty capture in governance any implicit expectation of self and others if in service of purpose or transparently declining the expectation.

Role consciousness: The duty to argue every action, decision and vote from one of your roles or quests upon request by another member.

Access: The duty to grant access to all Regen Civics resources your interact with to multiple members.


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When anyone is voted into a role or a quest in the DHO, they become a Regen Civics member and agree to fulfill these duties.

The two processes of becoming a member are described on the right.

Those without an active role or quest are considered passive members that can partake in votes as long as they hold Voice but can’t propose new proposals nor have a right to be included in circle meetings.

Quest contribution

- The current circle members identify a scoped project including expected deliverables.

- The circle votes on the quest outline.

- The circle votes on the person(s) who will do the work.

- The agreed funds are released upon delivery of the deliverables.

Ongoing contribution

- The DHO defines and votes in a set of predefined archetypes and compensation bands available.

- People apply for one or a set of archetypes for a specific circle at a specific commitment level (1-100%) for a maximum of 3 months.

- The relevant circle votes on the assignment. Circle can vote on circle based assignments only if they hold super circle approved budget to do so, else any assignment should be decided in the supercircle.

- People receive the agreed compensation each lunar cycle until the assignment ends or is cancelled through a vote.

- When sick or on holiday, the commitment level should be adjusted to reflect your actual work commitment.


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Roles & circles belong to Regen Civics, not a person or a team.

They are both defined by:�Purpose - Why it exists�Circle - Where it exists

Accountability - What can be expected of it �Domain - What it exclusively controls

Assignment - Person(s) assigned to the role or Lamp Lighting the circle.

�Circles may internally deviate from their container on how they operate, adopting governance changes internally as they deem fit. And changes to their definition always lies within the super circle (e.g. all Circles fall under the “Anchor” Super Circle).





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1. Each circle will by default introduce recurring heartbeats / meetings where each of the following tensions can be processed into meaningful change in pursuit of purpose. The circle may adopt a policy to change this through their current governance process.

2. Each meeting is to be facilitated by an elected Facilitator and scheduled & administered by an elected Scribe.

3. All role/quest fillers of the circle and all LL’s of the sub-circles are invited to these meetings.



Focus: Human System (H)

These meetings are to:

- Explore group dynamics

- Integrate differences

- Increase our capacity to integrate differences

- Increase collective empathetic ability



Focus: Governance (D)

These meetings are to change, update, remove:

- Roles

- Circles

- Domains

- Policies

- Game Guide

Circle governance changes are adopted using the Advice Process.



Focus: Operation (O)

These meetings are to:

- Report circle metrics

- Report strategy progress

- Share relevant updates

- Request information

- Request next actions

- Request outcomes

Any relevant tension sensed by a member is to be added to the agenda and processed.


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For the sake of transparency and cross circle alignment & collaboration each circle is required to publish the following information publicly for all Regen Civics members to see.

Circle Strategy

Each circle must explicitly publish at least one strategy used to better their metrics and thus manifest its purpose. The default format to be used unless explicitly changed is:��Impact 1 even over impact 2

(eg. Quality software even over growth/adoption)

Note: ORK’s, if used, are strategies on a quarterly basis that should align with these overarching strategies.

Circle Outcomes

Each circle must publish the high level outcomes (projects/milestones) they are working on including their regularly updated status (future/active/on hold/%complete) for all Regen Civics members to see.

Note: This does not have to be the same as your collaboration tool.

Circle Metrics

Each circle must explicitly publish at least one metric used to measure how they quantify how well they are manifesting their purpose. This must include the definition of the metric, how often it is updated and the actual data of the metric tracked over time.���“Our Storytelling Circle aims to tell N stories and engage N people each month”��“Our Food Circle aims to fill all bellies of our Village each month and create surplus to sell at our shop”��


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Regen Civics VOICE

Regen Civics Voice (RVOICE) is a token that determines how much weight your vote holds when voting on DHO proposals. It cannot be traded and must be earned through quests, contributions or assignments. It comes with a half-life of 1 year.

This way Regen Civics moves beyond the typical oligarchies and plutocracies (governance by the wealthy) of today’s corporations and even nation states.

By having Voice be earned, the people who are contributing the most (and thus have the most awareness of what the org needs) have the most Voice.

The more value I add the more Voice I get!

I love having a direct Voice, I want to play more!


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Vote Mechanics: 90/30 �90% Unity�30% Quroum��Voting w/ RVOICE only required when:

�Distributing Regen Civics resources;

For Contributions, Quests, Assignments and budgets.

Changing Regen Civics governance;

For adding/editing/removing of a Role, Circle, Domain, Policy and Badge.��Changing the Regen Civics Game Guide;

To change any of the rules laid out in this Regen Civics Game Guide.

Changing the Smart Contracts;

To change any of the Smart Contracts that govern Regen Civics.��NOT day-to-day strategic or work decisions as these are decided within each Circle.

[Circle] Each circle holding assignments and/or quests will require a vote

[Archetype] All archetypes people can apply to require a vote

[Policy/Protocol] Any policy and/or protocol will require a vote

Structural votes

[Assignment] All archetype/member assignments require a vote

[Quest] Any results based quests requires a vote

[Bridge] Any assignment gap can be bridged through a bridge vote

[Expense] Any reimbursement of expenses require a vote

[Investment] Financial investments into Regen Civics require a vote

Activity based votes


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Each vote will be scoped by the outermost circle it affects.

�Vote scope definition

The outermost fractal circle affected by the proposal determines the scope. The anchor circle being the whole organisation.

Who partakes in the vote

Every member holding Voice tokens within the outermost affected circle may partake in the vote.��Local changes

Circles might change their internal voting patterns but can’t locally overrule wider set expectations.

How should we serve our circle purpose?

We use Consent in this Circle for AB&D.

We use Consensus in this Circle for everything.

We use 1 Token 1 Vote in this Circle For AC&D.


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Lamplighters light the way for circles to manifest their purpose.

A lamplighter badge assignment is voted upon and must indicate the circle this badge is held for.

Once voted in, a Lamplighter can be held accountable to all of the here listed accountabilities if not explicitly delegated to another role/process in the respective circle through the governance process in use there.


- Representing the circle’s purpose and accountabilities towards all of Regen Civics and taking project requests into the circle for execution

- Sharing the circles work, progress and wisdom within the super circle

- Surfacing and publish metrics, strategies and priorities for the circle

- Identifying structural and operational gaps in the circle and propose solutions


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A tension is a sensed gap between reality and a perceived reality.

Every Regen Civics member agrees to process each sensed tension in the appropriate Operational (work), Structural (governance) or Human (interpersonal or personal) heartbeat and only bring into Regen Civics if indeed it is related to Regen Civics. Each Circle hosts a specific session for each of these tensions throughout the course of a Season.





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The Seasons Protocol helps us consciously shift and focus our energy throughout the years. It's an evolving protocol intended to support human thrivability as well as a pattern to more effectively coordinate at scale.

Spring - Global - Yang - Out - Expansion

Launch new Crowd-Pooling Campaigns

Summer - Local - Yang - Out - Expansion

Regen Civics Festivals

Fall - Local - Yin - In - Consolidation

Regen Civics life (focusing on the projects themselves) / reflection (start of the in-person incubator programs)

Winter - Global - Yin - In - Consolidation

Govern, decide, redesign, & prepare structures for next season (start of the global incubator program!)

More on Seasons here


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Token Name/Ticker = RCIVICS or REGEN

Tokens are issued as partial compensation for a variety of contributions to Regen Civics. ��Regen Civics conducts token swaps with each Alliance organisation and each of the 13 projects selected each Season. ��In this way, RCIVICS acts as an ‘index token for Regenerative Civics and the transition to regenerative cultures’ owning a share of each project and provides this as a basis for raising institutional funding for systems change.��The attached video explains a working model for the form and function of Regen Token.��Just replace “Hypha” with “Regen Civics” and they MAY act similarly.


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Each vote will be scoped by the outermost circle it affects.

�Vote scope definition

The outermost fractal circle affected by the proposal determines the scope. The anchor circle being the whole organisation.

Who partakes in the vote

Every member holding Voice tokens within the outermost affected circle may partake in the vote.��Local changes

Circles might change their internal voting patterns but can’t locally overrule wider set expectations.

How should we serve our circle purpose?

We use Consent in this Circle for AB&D.

We use Consensus in this Circle for everything.

We use 1 Token 1 Vote in this Circle For AC&D.