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Study Skills

for Self-Management

Here starts the lesson!

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Table of Contents!



Goals and Objectives


Test your knowledge

Learn study skills

Understand what you will learn

Test what you have learned

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Click on the link to access the pre-survey.

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Goals and Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to…

  • Implement study skills for self-management
  • Improve your learning environment

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Regulate Emotions

Manage Stress

Control Impulses

Motivate Self

Work Towards Goals


How does self-management relate to study skills?

Meditate or Take a breath

Sleep, Exercise, Take breaks

Turn off your phone. Reduce distraction

Set up a productive workspace strike a power pose

Keep a planner and make flashcards

Self-management can help with these skills

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Study Tips

Check out this video for some great study tips!

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Reflection #1

From the video, list 3 study skills you will use for self-management:

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Set Up Your Ideal Study Space

How can you set up your study space to be more productive?

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Reflection #2

From the video, list 3 tips you will implement to improve your study environment:

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  • Write one term/question on the front and the answer on the back
  • Break down large concepts into multiple cards
  • Say your answers out loud
  • Study your cards in both directions
  • Pro Tip: you can use digital flashcards like Quizlet

Making Flashcards

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FREE Study Resource

Visit paper.co

  • Free live tutoring help
  • Essay feedback
  • Log in with your mytusd credentials

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Recap of Study Skills

  • Take breaks
  • Turn off your phone
  • Set up a productive workspace
  • Keep a planner
  • Test yourself/use flashcards
  • Exercise
  • Eat healthy
  • Talk about the material with a study pal
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Strike a power pose before an exam
  • When testing, answer the questions you know first
  • Pay attention and take notes in class
  • Go back and check your work if you have time left after completing a test

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Come to today’s lunch and learn at 11am to learn more about the free tutoring resource paper.co

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Click on the link to access the post-survey.

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ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors

  • M 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes
    • B-LS 3. Use time-management, organizational and study skills
    • B-LS 4. Apply self-motivation and self direction to learning
    • B-SMS 1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility
    • B-SMS 6. Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning