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The Crusades

High Middle Ages

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The Crusades

What do you already know?

The Crusades

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The Crusades - A Definition

DEFINITION: A series of Christian military expeditions in the High Middle Ages (between 1096 and 1290)

PURPOSE: They were organized mainly to recapture Palestine and the city of Jerusalem (The Holy Land)

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The Big Ideas - First Crusade

1st Crusade

  • Begins in 1095 with Pope Urban’s speech
  • Divided into two parts - People’s Crusade and the Baron’s Crusade
  • Crusaders capture Jerusalem and a 400 mile strip of land along the Mediterranean Coast

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Big Ideas - Second Crusade

In 1144 CE, one of the new Crusader states (the County of Edessa) is LOST to Muslim forces


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Big Ideas - Second Crusade

Second Crusade attempts to recapture Edessa,


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Saladin Captures Jerusalem

1187 CE - Muslim leader Saladin captures Jerusalem

He had already controlled Egypt and conquers Syria - the Latin kingdom is surrounded and in TROUBLE!


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Big Ideas - Third Crusade

  • (1189-92) - Called the “Kings’ Crusade”

  • Three kings led the crusade in an attempt to recapture Jerusalem… and FAIL

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Three Kings of the Kings’ Crusade

Frederick Barbarossa (German Emperor)

Drowns on the journey and most of his forces turn back


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Three Kings of the Thirds Crusade

Philip II - King of France

Argues with Richard and went home


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Kings of the King’s Crusade

Richard I

(The Lion-Hearted) of England

Think Robin Hood and his “bad” brother who is King John


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Big Ideas - End of the Third Crusade

  • Crusade ends in a TRUCE after many battles
  • Jerusalem is NOT recaptured by this Crusade
  • Crusaders DO capture the city of Acre
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem remains as a thin strip of land along the coast from Jaffa to Acre
  • Unarmed Christian pilgrims given right to visit Jerusalem

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Big Ideas - Fourth Crusade

  • Pope Innocent III preached the Fourth Crusade

  • Venetians supply Crusaders and convince them to attack Zara (a Christian city)

  • Crusaders then attack Constantinople and actually … WIN (Really? Yes, they really do)

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Back to the First Crusade

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First Crusade - More Details

  • Originally called Pilgrims - went on a pilgrimage (not called Crusaders until 100 years after Crusades begin)
  • Pilgrims visited holy relics and/or holy locations as a form of penance (including purgatory)
  • Pilgrims were protected by the Church, not to be assaulted, could not be sued and had right to expect hospitality

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First Crusade - Special Pilgrims

  • Crusades combines the pilgrimage idea with idea of a holy war

  • Crusades - a special pilgrimage because pilgrims were armed and expected to fight a holy war

  • Privilege of martyrdom - immediate salvation promised to those who died

  • Believed they would receive plenary indulgences - escape Purgatory

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Pope Urban II’s Speech

The Crusades begin on November 27, 1095 with Pope Urban II’s speech at the Council of Clermont in France


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Pope Urban’s Speech

Sourcing problems:

Many versions and all written well after 1099


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Why Now? (Why 1095?) - REASON #1

  • Byzantine Emperor Alexius I asks Pope Urban for military support against the Turks

    • Byzantine Empire had stopped acknowledging the Pope’s authority

  • Pope hopes to heal the division between the churches

    • Great Schism of 1054 - papal representative and patriarch of Constantinople had excommunicated each other -

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Byzantine Empire

Alexius I

Anna Comnenus

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Why Now? (Why 1095?) - REASON #2

  • Hopes to direct the violence of nobles/knights away from Europe
  • Peace of God (not to fight/kill certain persons - like monks, peasants or widows, and in certain places - like monasteries and churches
  • Truce of God - (stop fighting on Sundays and holy days)

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An Incredible Response

  • 100,000 nobles and peasants respond to Pope Urban’s speech in unexpected numbers (WAY more than was expected!)

  • Crusaders (Pilgrims) advance toward the Holy Land in TWO WAVES

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First Wave - People’s Crusade

Peter the Hermit inspires thousands to join the crusade to recapture the Holy Land

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People’s Crusade - A Disaster

1. Jews in Germany ordered to convert to Christianity or die


  • Wanted their wealth to pay for their pilgrimage
  • Believed all all unbelievers needed to convert or die (and Jerusalem conquered) to bring about the end of the world

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People’s Crusade - A Disaster

2. Conflicts and battles with Christians in Kingdom of Hungary and Byzantines in the Balkans

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People’s Crusade - A Disaster

3. Constantinople - not prepared for the huge mob of common people that arrive

(This is NOT what Alexios was asking for)

  • Alexius EITHER warns them or encourages them about going to Asia Minor (modern Turkey) - depending on who you believe
  • Either way - Muslim Turks annihilate them in fall of 1096

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1st Crusade


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2nd Wave - The Barons’ Crusade

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The Baron’s Crusade - The Plan

  • August 1096 had been Pope Urban II’s announced departure date

  • Crusaders are to rendezvous in Constantinople where Byzantine forces will join them

  • People’s Crusade had increased distrust on both sides - it had never been part of the plan

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Why did Nobles go on the Crusade?

  • For adventure
  • For economic reasons
  • For feudal reasons - loyalty to a lord
  • For family reasons
  • For religious reasons - plenary indulgences

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Who led the First Crusade?

Lots of people - different bands of knights came from different parts of Europe

  • Pope’s rep. - Bishop Adhemar
  • Raymond, Count of Toulouse - S. French knights

(almost 60 - old - religious motivations)

  • Bohemond - led Norman Italian knight

(brother stole his inheritance - economic reasons)

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Who led the First Crusade?


  • King of France’s brother -Hugh

  • King of England’s brother - Robert, Duke of Normandy

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Various Leaders


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Barons arrive in Constantinople

Alexius insists on

1) Oath of loyalty to Byzantine Empire

2) Promising to give any former Byzantine territory that they capture back to Byzantium

Crusaders say, “NO!” - until Alexius cuts off their food supply, then “O.K., if we have to.”

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Barons in Constantinople

  • Barons leave Constantinople in spring of 1097

  • Byzantine army comes with them, but not Alexius (seen as a BIG coward!)

  • It will be two years before they finally arrive in Jerusalem

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First stop - Nicaea


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Crusaders siege of Nicaea

Alexius’ first goal

was to retake Nicaea

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Alexius makes a Secret Deal

  • Alexius convinces leaders of Nicaea to surrender to him instead of the Crusaders
  • Alexius will NOT let the Crusaders sack the city AND he will be kind to the captives
  • Crusaders are NOT happy
  • Irony - victory leads to even more distrust

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Siege of Antioch

Lasts from October

1097 to June 1098

Crusaders are not

able to surround this

huge city (400 towers)

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Bohemond’s Sneaky Plan

  • Byzantine general leaves claiming that

Crusaders were plotting to kill him

  • Bohemond gets Crusaders to agree to give him the city if he can get them inside the walls
  • Crusaders eventually agree and a bribe gets them in the city
  • Crusaders kill without mercy

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The Holy Lance

  • Once inside the city of Antioch, the Crusaders find themselves under siege by rescue army

  • Alexius does not send forces to rescue them

  • Discovery of the Holy Lance inspires them to attack and defeat the Muslim army

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Peter Bartholomew

Trial by Fire

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On to Jerusalem

  • Crusaders rest for several month

  • Leave Bohemond behind in Antioch and continue to Jerusalem

  • Only 1,200 of 7,000 original knights are left

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Jerusalem and a Priest’s Vision

  • Peter Desiderius - “march around the city barefoot and the city will fall in 9 days.”

  • Falls in 7 days

  • July 15, 1099 - Crusaders enter Jerusalem

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SC3 - Jerusalem

Primary sources of what happens when the Crusaders reach Jerusalem

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