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Unit 1 - Lesson 8

Color Images

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To do: September 9

  • Log into Code.org and be ready to share your black and white images from U1L07 bubble 6
  • Write down 3 key words and definitions (available in Hub) in IN glossary.

Be ready to turn in Unit 1 tests.

Number systems/ASCII quiz tomorrow

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Analog Data: Data with values that change continuously, or smoothly, over time. Some examples of analog data include music, colors of a painting, or position of a sprinter during a race.

Digital Data: Data that changes in a discrete way (separate and distinct) through a finite set of possible values

Unit 1 Lesson 7 - KEY WORDS





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Sampling: A process for creating a digital representation of analog data by measuring the analog data at regular intervals called samples.


Unit 1 Lesson 7 - Wrap Up



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Unit 1 Lesson 7

Prompt: In Challenges A and B, you practiced sampling the same image twice. The second time, we did a more frequent sampling by using smaller squares.

  • What are the pros and cons of sampling �an image more frequently?
  • Complete Code.org lesson 7 bubbles 7,8,9

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Unit 1 Lesson 8 - Warm Up

What is your favorite color?

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Unit 1 Lesson 8 - Warm Up

What is your favorite shade of blue?

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Unit 1 Lesson 8 - Warm Up


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Pixelation Widget: Color

Levels 2-6

Unit 1 Lesson 8 - Activity

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Unit 1 Lesson 8 - Wrap Up


  • Write 3 key words on IN pages 10-11:
    • analog, digital, sampling
    • Take photo of ALL Unit 1 key words and submit to Hub
  • Study for number systems/ASCII quiz