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[Title of Workshop Series]


Then & Now

Raising Healthy �Kids in a �Digital World


Young Kids & Screens: Healthy Development in the Digital Age

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Raising Healthy Kids �in a Digital World

In this workshop, we'll reflect on: �

  • How technology has evolved in our lifetime.
  • The benefits and challenges of raising kids in today's digital age.

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Technology�is here to stay.

"The World Economic Forum estimates that 65% of children today will end up in careers that don't even exist yet."

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Share a memory that you have of an older piece of technology.

How did you use it? With whom?

What benefits do you think this technology had for you?

Did it have any downsides? Cause any conflicts with friends/family?

What new tech has replaced that old tech?

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To watch this video on the Common Sense website, click here.

To watch this video on the Common Sense website, click here.

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Fears/ Challenges

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  • Communicating with loved ones far away
  • New careers
  • Access to information
  • Broadcast yourself
  • Entertainment
  • New learning tools
  • Connection to the world
  • Learn anything online

  • Monitoring use of tech
  • Tech addiction
  • Inappropriate content
  • Online predators
  • Online bullying
  • Violence
  • Dangerous "challenges" and trends
  • Too much access at an early age


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  • Focusing their attention.
  • Working toward goals.
  • Practicing patience and taking turns.
  • Switching gears during transitions.
  • Taking on challenges.
  • Seeing things from another person's perspective.
  • Remembering information.
  • Making connections.
  • Thinking critically.

Early childhood life skills

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