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8th Grade Art

Semester 1

Google Classroom-jhuoon3

Roxy Neumann

Room 236

(715)472-2152, ext. 125


  • How do the Elements of Art provide a foundation for creating art?
  • How do I develop techniques using a variety of art media?
  • How does the use of a sketchbook support the development of art skills and foster reflection?

4. How do I problem solve, collaborate, & communicate with others in order to create art?

5. How do cultural, historical, and artistic knowledge influence me as an artist?


  • Listen, follow directions, and work quietly.
  • Respect your teachers, classmates, & artwork.
  • No swearing or inappropriate talk.
  • Hands, feet, and all objects to yourself.
  • Use and store all tools safely.
  • Do not leave the Art room without permission

(see bathroom and locker policy on the back).

  • Clean up after yourself.


This class serves as a quick introduction to some of the art that will be offered in high school. During the four-week course, students will explore a variety of media including drawing, painting, ceramics, metals, and weaving.

essential questions

Share this syllabus with your parents

and let them know what you’ll be

up to this year. Return it with your

parent or guardian’s signature as

well as your own for extra credit.

your signature

your parent/guardian’s signature


Cell phones are to be put away where I can’t see them during class. You are welcome to charge them on my desk, but otherwise I shouldn’t see them at all. Images need to be looked up on your chromebook instead.

Misuse of cellphones will result

in your phone being taken away. Misuse includes texting, snapping, video games, or any other inappropriate use during class time.

1st time: Phone taken away for 1 class.

2nd time: Phone stays in the office until the end of the day.

3rd time: Phone picked up by parents in the office at the end of the day.

4th time: Phone no longer allowed in my classroom.

  • sketchbook (created in class)
  • pencil
  • chromebook

supplies needed

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commonly asked questions

Do I lose points for

late work?

Yes, you will lose some points. In addition, If work is submitted

late, it CANNOT be resubmitted for

full credit. BUT, if you are working hard and have only a partially completed project, submit it anyway! You may get a low grade that day, but can re-submit it for up to full credit. In other words, it’s always better to submit something rather than nothing at all.

I’m not the best artist...

will I struggle?

Artistic skill is learned, not inherited (& science will back me up on this). No one enters a math class expecting to receive an ‘F’ if they don’t understand the next semester’s worth of material. In Art class, you will be graded on your effort and your willingness to work hard to improve your skills--NOT your personal style or skill level.

Grading &


bathroom passes

You will be given 5 bathroom passes and

1 locker pass each trimester. There will be

a clipboard with the passes posted near the door. Please write the date on the

sign out sheet next to your name before you leave my room and take the Art pass with you. You will not be allowed

to use a pass the first 5 minutes, the last 5 minutes, or during instructional time.

food & drinks

Drinks are allowed at your tables, but if you would like to eat, I ask that you wash hands and eat only when you are not handling art materials. Many of the materials we use can be harmful if swallowed, including residue or dust that is left on your hands.

If you are absent, you will have 2 days for each day absent to make up your work. You are responsible for talking to me and asking about what you missed. You are able to check out art supplies or work during lunch to make up missed work or get additional help.







Sketchbook assignments include weekly theme-based prompts, artist sketchnotes, skill building exercises, bootcamps, and preliminary sketches for projects.

The majority of your grade will be based on Artwork. Projects will be evaluated on:

technical components

design process

personal growth

support of work

communication &


final product


absent work

checking out materials

If you need to take art supplies home to work on your assignments, you can check them out on the clipboard posted near the door. When you return them, write the date on the clipboard and put them back where they belong.

I know I can do better...

can I re-submit work?

We learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes, and a willingness to admit we have room to grow is the hallmark of any great artist. If you get a grade back you’re not happy with, don’t stress out - simply consider it a critique or ask for help and then re-submit it!