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Resiliency-Focused Adaptation Solutions and Collaboration

Image credit: Waggonner & Ball

Image credit: MEB General Contractors

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The Resiliency Lens

Mission Readiness and Community Sustainability

Capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.

(100 Resilient Cities, Rockefeller Foundation)



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Resilience Factors and Considerations


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Key Everyday Assets With Vulnerability to Climate Change

Installation Mission Preparedness/�Readiness

Reduced Project

Delivery Delays


Environmental Sustainability



& Economic Vitality



Congestion �Reduction

System �Reliability

Image Credit: Joshua Sheppard


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Responds to January 27, 2021 Executive Order (EO) 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”

“There is little about what the Department does to defend the American people that is not affected by climate change”

  • Secretary of Defense Austin, January 2021


Department of Defense Climate Risk Analysis

Source: Department of Defense, Office of the Undersecretary for Policy (Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities). 2021. Department of Defense Climate Risk Analysis. Report Submitted to National Security Council.

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Informed by Up-To-Date Climate Science


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Trends and Projections in Climate Factors

Source: IPCC, 2021. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


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Historical Measured Trends in Climate Change Factors

Trends from Historical Assessment

  • “Each of the last four decades successively warmer than any decade that preceded it since 1850”
  • “Globally averaged precipitation over land has likely increased since 1950, with a faster rate of increase since the 1980s (medium confidence)”
  • “The frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events have increased since the 1950s over most land area for which observational data are sufficient for trend analysis (high confidence)….”

Source: IPCC, 2021. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


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Projected Future Continuing Climate Change Factors

Projections for Selected Factors

  • “Many changes in the climate system become larger in direct relation to increasing global warming”
  • “For example, every additional 0.5oC of global warming causes clearly discernible increases in the intensity and frequency of hot extremes, including heatwaves (very likely), and heavy precipitation (high confidence), as well as agricultural and ecological droughts in some regions (high confidence)”
  • “… precipitation and surface water flows projected to become more variable over most land regions within seasons (high confidence) and from year to year (medium confidence)”

Source: IPCC, 2021. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


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Trends and Projections in Climate Change Factors�CARSWG (also DRSL) and NOAA

Relative Sea Level �Rise Values

Source: CARSWG (Hall et. Al, 2016), also Defense Regional Sea Level online database; USACE Calculator-Sewells Point (USACE 2013, NOAA 2017)


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Department of Defense Climate Adaptation Plan

Source: Department of Defense, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment). 2021. Department of Defense Draft Climate Adaptation Plan. Report Submitted to National Climate Task Force and Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. 1 September 2021.

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  • UFCs implement industry codes and military requirements to provide planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria for all DoD projects
  • Recent updates include:
  • UFC 2-100-01, Installation Master Planning, and UFC 3-201-01, Civil Engineering, include use of DRSL database (September 2020)
      • UFC 2-100-01 also includes:
      • Use of climate projections from reliable sources and scenario planning
      • Installation Energy Plan (IEP) and Installation Climate Resilience Plan (ICRP) as components to Installation Development Plan (IDP)
  • UFC 3-301-01, Structural Engineering, and UFC 3-301-02, Design of Risk Category V Structures, National Strategic Military Assets, incorporate minimum flood elevation, wind speed, and seismic design changes
  • Facilities grandfathered based on standard when they were built or renovated; not economically feasible to update all when standards change


Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)

Source: US Air Force Planning & Programming Presentation | October 2021


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Virginia Military Communities�Planning for Resilience


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Including Climate Change in New Infrastructure

P-095 Replace Submarine Pier 3 �(NNS, Norfolk, VA)

  • The new Pier 3 will be a general-purpose berthing pier, pile supported with concrete deck, 1,330 feet in length by 85 feet in width
  • 800 linear feet of bulkhead CEP-176 will be converted into a new submarine general purpose berthing wharf
  • Pier and wharf are located in the 100-year flood plain. Top of pier �deck and top of wharf deck elevation will satisfy requirements of �UFC 4-152-01 and be a minimum of two feet above the high-water �level of the projected 100-year flood
  • The new Pier 3 and CEP-176 Bulkhead will be raised approximately �5 feet above the existing grade to an elevation of 12.5 NAVD88


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Flood Elevation Considerations – Surge + SLRFor FEMA 100-year RP Stillwater Level


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Access Considerations

  • Pier Section @ Brow EL +13.64 SLWD (+11.0 NAVD88) (S-300A)
  • Pier Section @ Brow EL +16.64 SLWD (+14.0 NAVD88) (S-300B)


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Reducing Mission Impacts from Severe Flood Events

P-653 Dry Dock Flood Protection Improvements (NNSY, Portsmouth, VA)

  • Large MCON project with ECC of $43.7M
  • Design of a perimeter flood wall, with top-of-wall elevation at 106 feet
  • Approximately 5,935 linear feet of cast-in-place reinforced �concrete wall
  • Protection from surge and waves associated with 100-year storm, and it provides freeboard at 500-year stillwater elevation
  • Modifications to existing caissons at Dry Docks 1 and 3 to raise the caissons to match the flood wall elevation


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Reducing Impacts from Chronic Flooding

Lake Hampton and Armistead Avenue (Hampton, VA)

  • Raising a low segment of a critical corridor
  • Using the raise as an opportunity to create �roadside bioswale and terraces to slow �runoff to the lake
  • System stores more�runoff / releases it more slowly
  • Creates public green�space and recreational �opportunity along the lake


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Reducing Impacts from Chronic FloodingBioretention Cells and Pervious Pavement

St. Roch Neighborhood (New Orleans, LA)

Chesterfield Heights (Norfolk, VA)

Image credit: MEB General Contractors


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Reducing Impacts from Chronic ErosionLightning Point Wetland Restoration (Mobile, AL)

  • Restore coastal wetlands, creating a buffer from waves
  • Stabilize with rock breakwaters, mitigating erosion
  • Biomimicry
  • Habitat


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Leveraging DCIP to Benefit Community and MilitaryRadio Island Shoreline and Infrastructure Project (Carteret County, NC)

  • Associated with JEB Little Creek / Fort Story
  • DCIP + NCDEQ Shallow Draft Navigation Funding
  • Beneficial use of 35,000 cubic yards of sand
  • Restoration of 2,775 linear feet of public beach�and protection for Marine Road


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Achieving Multiple Purposes, Benefiting Multiple StakeholdersJLUS concept of collaborative stormwater management (Norfolk, VA)

Source: Norfolk and Virginia Beach Joint Land Use Study (2019). AECOM and partners for Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, Virginia



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Achieving Multiple Purposes, Benefiting Multiple StakeholdersJLUS concept of collaborative stormwater management (Norfolk, VA)

Source: Norfolk and Virginia Beach Joint Land Use Study (2019). AECOM and partners for Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, Virginia



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St. Paul’s Neighborhood Stormwater Resilience Park (Norfolk, VA)

  • Creates public park and green space and park integrated with wetlands and floodplain management
  • Provides spaces for the communities to connect, including multi-use trails
  • Restores open water previously buried in a culvert
  • Provides stormwater runoff treatment needed for the adjacent neighborhood

Managing Water, Creating Community Resilience

Image credit: Waggonner & Ball and Stromberg/Garrigan & Associates


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Managing Water, Creating Community ResilienceStormwater Resilience Park (Norfolk, VA)

Images credit: Waggonner & Ball and Stromberg/Garrigan & Associates

Nature Play and Multi-Use Paths

Maggie Daley Park

Boardwalk in Wetlands

New Orleans City Park Sculpture Garden

Thornton Place Apartments, Seattle

Housing Fronting on Creek


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Concluding Thoughts: Achieving Resilience Through Collaborative Action

  • Managing uncertainty to create “no regret” actions
  • Regional system-focused resiliency assessments
  • Multi-jurisdictional cooperation

Image credit: Waggonner & Ball


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Johnny Martin, PE�Vice President�Senior Coastal/Hydraulic Engineer


(919) 334-7977

Brian Joyner, PE�Senior Coastal Engineer


(757) 271-1063

Lynette Cardoch, PhD, LEED APDirector of Resilience and Adaptation


(786) 725-4189

David Cortinas, PE�CAPT, CEC, USN (ret.)�Vice President


(757) 271-1073