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Vixen’s cats

For dreamclan

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Age: 20 moons

Gender: Female

Rank: Warrior (or deputy?)

appearence(and wings): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/f8/bc/36f8bcca7c2e44d002e2237e8608c8b5.png

Power: She can control water (freezing it,boiling it, ect )

Looks while using power https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/mweor/images/3/3c/Kryllios.png/revision/latest?cb=20130120170920

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Age: 1 moon old

Gender: F

Rank: rouge kit ( to be found)

appearence(and wings): https://windstoneeditions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/p-460449-large-birdwinged-flap-cat-orange-tabby-703-OT.jpg

Power: She controls the elements? ( i remember you accepted powerful kits before… )

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Age: 1 moon

Gender: M

Rank: rouge kit ( to be found )

appearence(and wings): http://orig12.deviantart.net/3e21/f/2012/319/e/6/winged_cat_design_by_guardianangel33-d5l4zhu.png

Power: He can control the size of things by touching it he can make it smaller or bigger, once your size is changed he is fully in control of you…

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Age: 20 MOONS

Gender: Female

Rank: Warrior

appearence(and wings): http://img05.deviantart.net/1869/i/2014/306/f/a/wing_cat_by_silverfur04-d852h3d.png (while teleporting) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b9/b6/e0/b9b6e091852c6824169955b267eb56ed.jpg (normally)

Power: The ability to teleport (all chesire cat like) and control fire

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Age: 26 moons

Gender: female

Rank: warrior (maybe deputy?)

appearence(and wings): http://pre13.deviantart.net/5b81/th/pre/i/2013/360/c/b/cat_with_wings___at_with_vriska_twerk_it_by_spottedbirdcat23-d6zj98r.png

Power: earth and plants ect

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Age: 15 moons

Gender: male

Rank: young warrior

appearence(and wings): http://orig09.deviantart.net/ccd9/f/2016/005/3/8/timba_the_lava_tiger_by_azany-d9mub89.jpg

Power: Fire/lava (firebreathing, immunity to fire, fireballs, controlling fire, making it appear out of nowhere, that kind of stuff)

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Age: 78 moons

Gender: m

Rank: elder

appearence(and wings): http://www.lifewithcats.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/whitecats2Yaro.jpg wings http://img10.deviantart.net/4552/i/2012/270/b/3/wings_on_fire___white_01_by_thy_darkest_hour-d5g3cgq.png

Power:he has something called vampisim (basically a vampire)

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Age: 7 moons

Gender: f

Rank: apprentice

appearence(and wings): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/01/d4/b3/01d4b3ff7eeddcfecd7b1fa61bfef50b.png

Power: she has the ability to transform into any animal

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Age: 7

Gender: m

Rank: apprentice (could he create nightmare clan )

appearence(and wings): http://img06.deviantart.net/c3d4/i/2010/198/a/a/dark_angel_by_captainmorwen.jpg

Power: He can inflict pain, and sickness on cats, he also has reality warping (make your worst nightmares come to life)

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Age: 7 moons

Gender: male

Rank: medicine cat apprentice

appearence(and wings): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/f9/7d/9ff97d41f5e95a08f2f7589f04cc0b8f--fantasy-drawings-fantasy-art.jpg

Power: speaking to animals (and even though nobody knows it his second power is!!!! Bending plants and aniamls to his will )

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Age: 7 moons

Gender: male

Rank: apprentice

appearence(and wings): http://pre08.deviantart.net/6144/th/pre/i/2014/263/5/4/ziggy_by_riverspirit456-d7zvg57.jpg

Power: he has the ability to possess people/cats, get into their minds there dreams ect. And use it to his will.

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Age: 23 moons Gender: female

Rank: queen (expecting)

appearence(and wings): http://t06.deviantart.net/gv9-ULBr5FrO_58ReszjTZoY51c=/fit-in/150x150/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre00/8851/th/pre/i/2014/002/e/9/winged_cat_by_drakynwyrm-d70ivji.png

Power: she has astral projection and clairvoyance (it means she can learn the history future and secerts of a thing through touching it

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Age: 20 moons

Gender: male

Rank: warrior

appearence(and wings): http://orig01.deviantart.net/b48d/f/2015/096/5/5/star_shadow___ooak_winged_cat_by_hontor-d8op1d5.jpg

Power: he can teleport through space and time he can also predict the future

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Age: 1 moon

Gender: female

Rank: kit

appearence(and wings): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/17/93/41/1793417af729bfe8ba6683feb2df3781--cat-illustrations-cat-art.jpg

Power: she can take away pain and also has super senses

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Whispering flames

Age: nobody knows for sure Gender: female

Rank: rouge

appearence(and wings): http://orig15.deviantart.net/3411/f/2010/135/5/5/a_lantern_and_a_winged_cat_by_noldofinve.jpg

Power: she can make brews and potions, can she be immortal? ( shes not in the clan she is like a person just there… nightmareclan can capture her and force her to heal and fight, since she is immortal, but she hates it and sends messages (in riddle) to dreamclan like the idea?)

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Age: 20 moons

Gender: male

Rank: warrior

appearence(and wings): http://orig04.deviantart.net/29eb/f/2009/109/e/d/winged_tiger_by_invaderumbreon.jpg

Power: dream walking and illisons

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Age: 20

Gender: male

Rank: warrior

appearence(and wings): http://img06.deviantart.net/c23e/i/2014/126/8/d/stars_align_by_finchwing-d7heqxl.png

Power: air/clouds/weather/ flying objects his sister windbounce is very protective of him

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Age:20 moons Gender:female Rank: warrior

appearence(and wings): http://img11.deviantart.net/96de/i/2015/185/6/2/chain_by_riverspirit456-d8zy1bi.png and https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/73/10/f67310218eb1e8792a2e6fa68bc0b22f--warrior-cats-cat-stuff.jpg

Power: Controls the weather she can also control she controls blood (another plus not listed is her blood can heal or posion ) http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_Manipulation

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The end